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Adapted and Collected by Springboard English https://www.facebook.com/springboard.vn Page 1 of 12 SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HẢI PHÒNG ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi có 12 trang) KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI THÀNH PHỐ BẢNG A VÀ CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN DỰ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI QUỐC GIA NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024 ĐỀ THI MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 20/9/2023 (Thời gian làm bài 180 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề) Chú ý: - Thí sinh làm bài vào PHIẾU TRẢ LỜI. - Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển. - Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm. I. LISTENING (40 points) HƯỚNG DẪN PHẦN THI NGHE HIỂU  Bài nghe gồm 4 phần; mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau 10 giây; mở đầu và kết thúc mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu.  Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu.  Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh đã có trong đề bài nghe. PART 1: You will hear a talk about the athleticism of animals. For questions 1-5, decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 points) 1. It takes the cheetah just more than 6 seconds to cover a distance of 100m. 2. There is no possibility that the offspring of the cheetah reach their adulthood. 3. The springbok can jump as high as 4 metres without a run-up. 4. In comparison with an Olympic archer, the archer fish can shoot 1.5 metre further. 5. The archer fish carry out their shooting in groups. PART 2: You will hear a talk about populism. For questions 6-10, answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 points) 6. How is the term “populist” generally perceived to be? 7. Besides superior individuals or groups in society, what do populists appeal the masses to attack on? 8. What is required in the process of the formulation and administration of public policy in a democratic society? 9. Instead of using evidence and argument, what do populists revel in? 10. In what way can populism become a real menace to society? PART 3: You will hear an interview with Maria Stefanovich, co-founder of a creativity group which organises workshops for executives. For questions 11-15, choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points) 11. Corporations appreciate mask-making workshops because ______ A. no one wants negative faces at the office. B. unhappy employees won’t come to work. C. they realise how their employees see them. D. their employees change their approach. 12. Companies are turning to creative workshops because they have acknowledged that ______ A. unproductive employees are a financial burden. B. the traditional work environment has its limitations. C. there is an increase in absenteeism. D. employees are working too hard without enjoying it. 13. The employees at the firm “Play” ______ A. change positions frequently to lessen boredom. B. have business cards indicating their jobs. C. dress up like comic book characters. D. do not have stereotyped ideas about their jobs. 14. The companies that show most interest in creative workshops are surprising because ______ A. they usually have creative employees to begin with. B. their employees are the ones who have to present regularly.
Adapted and Collected by Springboard English https://www.facebook.com/springboard.vn Page 2 of 12 C. there are many other exciting workshops they would prefer. D. their employees should be used to being funny. 15. Maria mentions the traditional companies that have held workshops in order to ______ A. boast about the clients her company has helped. B. show that they have a narrow list of clients. C. downplay the serious reputations of the firms. D. point out the diversity of those trying different approaches. PART 4: You will hear an article on Snap’s stock. For questions 16-25, complete the summary by filling the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER taken from the recording. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (20 points) How Snap’s Stock, Once Up 700%, Plummeted in 2022 The value of Snap began to drop in October 2021 due to the changes in Apple privacy policy, which forced apps to ask users whether they want to (16) ______. Advertisers struggled to find the matched audience for their ads and evaluate the effectiveness of their ads. Over 20% drop in stock price came as a result. However, as Snap is just a small company with less revenue to start with, a (17) ______ was given to investors in February by Snap with its first quarterly profit as a public company. But things changed shortly after the Russian invasion. Advertisers in Snap retreated their investments as (18) ______. Not having the older user bases (older people with (19) ______) like Meta, Snap lost its advertisers. The advertising strategy in Snap, which allowed users to buy or sell things at a click, heavily depended on direct response. This brought about more obstacles to Snap when advertisers retrenched their spending. What’s more, (20) ______ of inflation, and labor and supply chain issues also pushed Snap to the edge. To reverse the situation, Snap continued (21) ______ and employed more staff at (22) ______ during the pandemic, including two new executives. But a (23) ______ was still expected by analysts in this quarter. The Pixy, one initiative launched 4 months earlier, was shut down in August. Numerous insignificant projects were put to a halt. 20% of the staff were laid off. By taking these actions, Snap raised a hope of cutting down the annual costs by (24) ______. Diversifying the networks was Snap’s choice to overcome its difficulties. Snap monetized its businesses such as Spotlight to attract content creators, My Places to offer users more (25) ______ of places, Snapchat Plus to get users access to features for a monthly subscription of 3.99. II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (60 points) PART 1: A. For questions 26-45, choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points) 26. Jeremy is too ______ a gambler to resist placing a bet on the final game. A. instant B. spontaneous C. compulsive D. continuous 27. The princess's nanny's autobiography really gives the ______ on life among the royals. A. show-off B. know-how C. look-out D. low-down 28. My uncle Tom is extremely interested in astronomy, and he seems to ______ a lot of pleasure from observing the stars. A. derive B. possess C. seize D. reach 29. I can accept criticism in general, but John really ______ it too far, so I had no other option but to show my disapproval. A. carried B. pushed C. put D. made 30. When Mrs. Joshua died, several people ______ their claim to the substantial legacy that she left. A. placed B. drew C. assumed D. laid 31. No matter how loudly you shout to Anna, she won’t hear you. She is as deaf as a ______. A. bat B. stump C. post D. tomb 32. Ever since their quarrel in the office, Julie and Christie have been ______ enemies. A. assured B. sworn C. inverse D. guaranteed 33. The student’s excuse wasn’t ______ at all. Nobody in the classroom believed in the far-fetched story he told.
Adapted and Collected by Springboard English https://www.facebook.com/springboard.vn Page 3 of 12 A. credential B. credible C. creditable D. credulous 34. It's not easy to make Jack lose his temper. He is very gentle by ______. A. character B. personality C. reaction D. nature 35. After a lengthy debate, the spokesman announced the board had reached a(n) ______ conclusion. A. unanimous B. uncomplimentary C. uncompromising D. unabashed 36. Alex was ______ on becoming a professional sportsman and he didn’t want to listen to anybody else's advice. A. intent B. eager C. definite D. certain 37. They have to apologize to Robinson since his name was ______ omitted from the list. A. pompously B. snobbishly C. inadvertently D. inalienably 38. George ______ his joy at winning the prize by inviting his friends to a first-class restaurant for dinner. A. appeared B. envisioned C. exposed D. displayed 39. I don’t know what our guests will be wanting to do this weekend. We’ll have to ______. A. play it by ear B. shut our ears to it C. bend our ear about it D. turn a deaf ear to it 40. Until I read the article, it had never ______ my mind that I could start my own business. A. crossed B. followed C. wrapped D. escaped 41. Four miles off the southern coast of Massachusetts ______, a popular summer resort. A. where the island of Martha’s Vineyard lie B. lies the island of Martha’s Vineyard C. the island of Martha’s Vineyard lies there D. does the island of Martha’s Vineyard lie 42. ______, we missed our plane. A. The train is late B. The train being late C. To be late D. The train was late 43. ______, they slept soundly. A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was 44. It’s so cold today that the kids don’t want to get out of bed, ______ go outside. A. rather than B. aside from C. not only D. much less 45. If we have to pay a £2,000 fine, then ______. We’re not going to win a fight with the Tax Office. A. so be it B. be it so C. thus be it D. be it thus B. For questions 46-55, read the following passage and choose the word that best fits each of the blanks. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 points) MUDDINGFIELD POP FESTIVAL Every year, hordes of people in their teens and twenties travel (46) ______ the country and descend on the tranquil village of Muddingfield for a three-day music festival, where they (47) ______ away their time listening to their favorite rock musicians. Attracted by the spectacular rural (48) ______ and an impressive line-up of performing artists, the numbers of pop fans attending has (49) ______ in recent years, leaving narrow country lanes (50) ______ up with traffic and the local police contending with an ever-increasing (51) ______ of complaints and disturbances to deal with. Two years ago, however, things finally came to (52) ______. Whereas in previous years, there had always been ample space at the festival site, in 2006, an estimated crowd of ninety thousand were crammed into three fields and there was a(n) (53) ______ lack of basic facilities such as toilets. Fortunately, it was decided that (54) ______ the scale and evident popularity of the festival, it could not simply be called off. Working together, the local council and the festival organisers drew up a scheme to move the festival to a new location in national parkland on the lower slopes of the Grey Mountains, a mere (55) ______ throw away from Muddingfield Village. In this way, it was eventually possible to alleviate overcrowding while maintaining the essential character of the event. 46. A. over and out B. over and under C. in and out D. up and down 47. A. draw B. pass C. while D. drive 48. A. sitting B. sighting C. setting D. locating 49. A. accelerated B. exploded C. bounded D. outburst 50. A. lined B. burdened C. saturated D. choked 51. A. litany B. diary C. testimony D. pattern 52. A. a power B. a head C. a stretch D. a crunch 53. A. necessary B. anxious C. worried D. serious 54. A. given B. seeing C. provided D. owing 55. A. boulder’s B. rock’s C. stone’s D. pebble’s
Adapted and Collected by Springboard English https://www.facebook.com/springboard.vn Page 4 of 12 PART 2: A. For questions 56-60, give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each of the following sentences. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 points) 56. They had a guard at the door to ensure that nobody (GATE) ______ the party. 57. The woman complained (CEASE) ______ about her husband’s smoking habit. 58. The management and the union asked a completely (INTEREST) ______ party to mediate between them. 59. According to the government figures, the (PONDER) ______ of jobs in the next century will be in service-related fields, such as health and business. 60. I lingered in San Francisco (DAMAGE) ______ myself after the hardships of the cruise, spending money, regretting it, continually promising departure for the morrow. B. For questions 61-70, give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points) The idea of a Black Out night is not unique to Tambo & Bones. In 2019, Jeremy O Harris, a young playwright, came up with the idea for his (61. POLAR) ______ three-act epic Slave Play, a show about race and power dynamics in (62. RACE) ______ relationships. For the 2022 London run of Harris’s next work, Daddy, the Black Out night returned, and has been a continued part of plays on both sides of the Atlantic ever since. “Over the last few years, a number of playwrights and directors in the US and the UK have created private and safe spaces for black (63. THEATRE) ______ to experience productions that explore complex, nuanced race-related issues,” Tambo & Bones director Matthew Xia explained on the Stratford East website. “I felt that with a play like Tambo & Bones, which (64. PICK) ______ the complexity of black performance in relation to the white gaze, it was imperative that we create such a space.” The growing popularity of Black Out nights speaks to the benefit some audiences get from the experience. Though there are continued moves forward for greater levels of diversity and a more (65. INCLUDE) ______ atmosphere in theatre, it has been a white-centred medium for generations. For a show that directly tackles matters that are directly relevant to black people, a specific moment for that intended audience to appreciate the work in a protected space makes sense. (66. MARGIN) ______ people need to have environments to experience art together, free from the fear of potential microaggressions or ignorant (67. UNDERSTAND) ______. The concept would apply just as well to a play about male violence against women advertising for a women-only audience, or a play about transphobia only inviting trans people to attend. But for some, this progressive initiative is flattened into a (68. SIMPLE) ______ matter of unnecessary outrage and (69. WHATABOUT) ______. During Good Morning Britain’s debate about the topic, co-host Richard Madeley offered a take from a viewer who wondered what the response would be if a theatre would express the desire for only white people to attend. Of course, this hypothetical scenario ignores the fact of the general (70. WHITE) ______ of theatre that already exists. A 2022 report by Arts Council England found that 93 per cent of audience members at theatres that received their funding were white. There’s no need to imagine what an all-white theatre audience might look like; often, it’s already the case. PART 3: For questions 71-75, think of ONE word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 0 is an example. (10 points) 0. The police have ______ two men with robbery and they will appear in court tomorrow. When he realized how late it was, George ______ out of the house and ran down the road to catch the bus. The hotel agreed that it was their mistake and said that I wouldn't be ______ for the phone calls that appeared on my bill. Answer: charged 71. If you’re looking for a bargain, the sports shop in town has got a special ______ on tennis rackets at the moment. Zack came in for a good ______ of criticism after the team’s failure to win the cup, but he seemed unaffected by it. The television company has a lucrative ______ with a soft-drinks manufacturer which will sponsor the series. 72. Their experiences contrast ______ with those of other children. She moved ______ across the room to block his exist. Her ears are ______ attuned to her baby’s cry. 73. As a bank employee, Grace is used to ______ large amounts of cash on a daily basis. The staff at the car-hire desk only seemed capable of ______ one client at a time, so a long queue had formed.

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