Content text Capitol Complex Traffic Regulations.pdf
CHAPTER 1 APPLICABILITY AND ENFORCEMENT § 1.1. AUTHORITY Pursuant to 2 U.S.C § 1969, the Capitol Police Board has exclusive charge and control over the regulation and movement of all vehicular and pedestrian traffic on Capitol Grounds. This includes the authority to promulgate and enforce regulations; to impound vehicles; and to impose speed limitations. § 1.2. PURPOSE These regulations are set forth in order to: provide for the safety of all persons on Capitol Grounds; to prevent destruction or damage to Capitol Grounds; to preserve healthy and sanitary surroundings; and, to maintain Capitol Grounds in an attractive and intact condition for the enjoyment of all visitors. § 1.3. OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC REGULATIONS §1.3.10. REQUIRED COMPLIANCE WITH TRAFFIC REGULATIONS It is unlawful for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required by these regulations. §1.3.20. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH A LAWFUL ORDER No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or directions of any police officer or other individual vested by law with the authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic. This subsection shall apply to pedestrians and to operators of any type of vehicle referenced in these regulations. § 1.4. APPLICABILITY §1.4.10. GENERAL The provisions of these regulations shall apply to any operator of any motorized vehicle operating on Capitol Grounds, except where otherwise indicated. §1.4.20. EXEMPTIONS FOR AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES AND VEHICLES The provisions of these regulations that restrict activities performed by authorized Congressional employees or other law enforcement bodies within the scope of their official duty may be overridden and exempted by United States Capitol Police officers where applicable. §1.4.30. PRESUMPTION OF OWNERSHIP When applicable, the owner of a vehicle shall be presumed to be the operator when any violations of these regulations may occur, unless he or she proves to the contrary. §1.4.40. WAIVER The United States Capitol Police is authorized to waive any restriction or
CHAPTER 2 TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNALS, SYMBOLS AND DEVICES § 2.1. PLACEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES The United States Capitol Police shall place and maintain traffic control devices upon all streets, highways, and driveways within Capitol Grounds to: (a) Indicate and carry out the provisions of these regulations; (b) To regulate, warn, and to guide traffic; and, (c) To establish official parking spaces and areas as the United States Capitol Police deems necessary. § 2.2. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL No person or authority shall place or maintain any traffic control device upon any street or highway within the Capitol complex except by permission of the United States Capitol Police. § 2.3. OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNALS OR DEVICES The driver of any vehicle shall obey the instructions of any official traffic control device placed in accordance with these regulations unless an exception is granted by the United States Capitol Police. § 2.4. INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES No person shall alter, deface, injure, knock down, remove, or attempt to do any of these acts to an official traffic control device without lawful authority to do so. § 2.5. UNAUTHORIZED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, MARKINGS AND SIGNS No person shall place, maintain, or display upon or in view of any highway any unauthorized sign, signal, marking, or device which: (a) Purports to be, is an imitation of, or resembles an official traffic control device; (b) Attempts to direct the movement of traffic; or (c) Interferes with the effectiveness of any official traffic control device or hides it from view.