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Week: Period: Date of teaching: LESSON PLAN (Based on Official Letter No. 2345/BGDDT-GDTH dated June 07, 2021 of the MOET) UNIT 5: MY FUTURE JOB Lesson 1 - Period 1 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledge and skills - understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about jobs and someone’s future job; - use the words firefighter, reporter, gardener and writer and the sentence patterns What would you like to be in the future? and I’d like to be a ________. to ask and answer questions about someone’s future job; - use What would you like to be in the future? – I’d like to be a ____. in a freer context. 2. Competences - Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about someone’s future jobs correctly and fluently. - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks. - Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and speaking tasks. 3. Attributes - Show their love and interest in a certain job in the future. II. MATERIALS - Pupil’s book: Page 34 - Audio tracks 45, 46 - Teacher’s guide: Pages 75, 76, 77 - Website hoclieu.vn - Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 5) - Computer, projector, … III. PROCEDURES 1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To revise the previous lesson by playing a game. b. Content - Let’s play the Quiz game. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can say the jobs correctly based on the given cues. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Play the Quiz game. - Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by playing the Quiz game. - Divide the class into teams. - T reads the quizzes. - The faster team can give the - Listen to the teacher’s instructions. - Listen and raise your hands to get the chance to answer.
answer. - T adds points to the team. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ performance and pronunciation - Assessment tools: Observation 2. ACTIVITY 1: EXPLORATION (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s future job. b. Content - Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s future job. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. (Track 45) Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b, and identify the characters and other details. Draw pupils’ attention to the thought bubble and let them guess the job that Linh is thinking about. Step 2: Ask pupils to focus on Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen to the entire conversation several times. Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b. Step 4: Invite a few pairs to stand up, listen and repeat the sentences in the recording. Check their pronunciation, provide corrections and offer feedback where necessary. Step 5: Direct pupils’ attention to the question What would you like to be in the future? and the answer I’d like to be a doctor. - Pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters in the pictures. - Pupils look at Picture a and listen to the recording. - Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat individually and/ or in chorus sentence by sentence. - Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording. - Pupils pay attention to the question and the answer. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. – Context a: Linh and Bill in Linh’s living room. A photo of Linh’s parents on the wall Linh: That’s my father. Bill: What’s his job? Linh: He’s a doctor. Bill: Cool! – Context b: Linh and Bill talking about future jobs. Link thinking of being a doctor in the future Bill: What would you like to be in the future? Linh: I’d like to be a doctor, too.
Explain that this is about someone’s future job. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ answers and pronunciation - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 3. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION (10 minutes) a. Objectives - To correctly say the words firefighter, reporter, gardener and writer and use sentence patterns What would you like to be in the future? – I’d like to be a _______ . to ask and answer questions about someone’s future job. b. Content - Activity 2. Listen, point and say. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly say the given words and use sentence patterns What would you like to be in the future? and I’d like to be a _______. to ask and answer questions about someone’s future job. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 2. Listen, point and say. (Track 46) Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the word firefighter. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Have the class repeat the words a few times. Step 2: Point at the question pattern What would you like to be in the future? Read it aloud and have pupils repeat it several times. Repeat the procedure with the answer pattern I’d like to be a _______. Step 3: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording What would you like to be in the future? – I’d like to be a firefighter. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Step 4: Divide the class into two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Picture a until they feel confident. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Step 5: Put pupils in pairs and have pairs practise asking and answering questions using the - Pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the word. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures. Pupils repeat the words a few times. - Pupils listen and repeat after the recording. Pupils look at Picture a and listen and repeat after the recording. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures. - Pupils work in two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Picture a until they feel confident. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with other three pictures. - Pupils work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question, using speech bubbles and Pictures a, b, c and d. - Pairs of pupils point at the – Picture and word cues: a. a firefighter saving a person from a fire and the word firefighter underneath b. a reporter reporting the news in the street and the word reporter underneath c. a gardener working in a garden and the word gardener underneath d. a writer working at his desk and the word writer underneath – Speech bubbles: What would you like to be in the future? I’d like to be a . Audio script: a. firefighter b. reporter c. gardener d. writer a. A: What would you like to be in the future? B: I’d like to be a firefighter. b. A: What would you like to be in the future? B: I’d like to be a reporter. c. A: What would you like to be in the future? B: I’d like to be a gardener.

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