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PHYSICS 1. A clock hung on a wall has marks instead of numbers on its dial. On the opposite wall there is a mirror, and the image of the clock in the mirror if read, indicates the time as 8 : 20. What is the time in the clock- (A) 3 : 40 (B) 4 : 40 (C) 5 : 20 (D) 4 : 20 2. A plane mirror is approaching you at a speed of 10cm/sec. You can see your image in it. At what speed will your image approach you (A) 10 cm/sec (B) 5cm/sec (C) 20cm/sec (D) 15cm/sec 3. Which of the following can form erect, virtual, diminished image? (A) plane mirror (B) concave mirror (C) convex mirror (D) none of these 4. A ray of light is incident normally on one of the faces of a prism apex angle 30o and refractive index 2 . The angle of deviation of the ray is: (A) 15° (B) 22.5° (C) 0° (D) 12.5° 5. A biconvex lens with equal radii of curvature has refractive index 1.6 and focal length 10 cm. Its radius of curvature will be: (A) 20 cm (B) 16 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 12 cm 6. A simple microscope has a focal length of 5 cm. The magnification at the least distance of distinct vision is- (A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 6 7. A person with a defective sight is using a lens having a power of +2D. The lens he is using is (A) concave lens with f = 0.5 m (B) convex lens with f = 2.0 m (C) concave lens with f = 0.2 m (D) convex lens with f = 0.5 m 8. In a compound microscope, the intermediate image is - (A) virtual, erect and magnified (B) real, erect and magnified (C) real, inverted and magnified (D) virtual, erect and reduced 9. A camera objective has an aperture diameter d. If the aperture is reduced to diameter d/2, the exposure time under identical conditions of light should be made – (A) √2 fold (B) 2 fold (C) 2√2 fold d(D) 4 fold 10. A telescope has focal length of objective and eye-piece as 200 cm and 5 cm. What is the magnification of telescope ? (A) 40 (B) 80 (C) 50 (D) 101 11. Monochromatic light is that light in which (A) Single wavelength is present (B) Various wavelengths are present (C) Red and violet light is present (D) Yellow and red light is present 12. If the two slit in young’s experiment have width ratio 1:4. Deduce the ratio of intensity at maxima and minima in the interference pattern. (A) 9 : 1 (B) 3 : 1 (C) 9 : 2 (D) 10 : 3 13. The critical angle for total internal reflection for a substance is 45°. The polarizing angle for this substance is (tan 54°44′ = √2) (A) 46°16′ (B) 54°44′ (C) 46°44′ (C) 54°16′ 14. Two coherent monochromatic light beams of intensities I and 4I are superposed; the maximum and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beam are : (A) 5I and I (B) 5I and 3I (C) 9I and I (D) 9 and 3I PW – AITS_NT-17
15. In Young's double slit experiment, the phase difference between the light waves reaching third bright fringe from the central fringe will be [ = 6000 A0 ]:- (A) Zero (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6 16. In a Young’s double slit experiment the intensity at a point  where the corresponding path difference is one sixth of the wavelength of light used. If 0 denotes the maximum intensity, the ratio 0   is equal to (A) 1 4 (B) 1 2 (C) 3 2 (D) 3 4 17. The work functions of tungsten and sodium are 5.06 eV and 2.53 eV respectively. If the threshold wavelength for sodium is 5896 Å, then the threshold wavelength for the tungsten will be (A) 11792 Å (B) 5896 Å (C) 4312 Å (D) 2948 Å 18. Which one of the following graphs in figure shows the variation of photoelectric current (I) with voltage (V) between the electrodes in a photoelectric cell? (A) (B) (C) (D) 19. The ratio of deBroglie wavelengths of a proton and an alpha particle of same energy is (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 0.25 20. Which one of the series of hydrogen spectrum is in the visible region ? (A) Lyman series (B) Balmer series (C) paschen series (D) Bracket series 21. The radius of first Bohr orbit is 0.5Å, then radius of fourth Bohr orbit will be : (A) 0.03 Å (B) 0.12 Å (C) 2.0 Å (D) 8.0 Å 22. The graph between the square root of the frequency of a specific line of characteristic spectrum of X-rays and the atomic number of the target will be (A) (B) (C) (D) 23. A particle having a de Broglie wavelength of 1.0 Å is associated with a momentum of (given h = 6.6 × 10–34 Js) (A) 6.6 × 10–26 kg m/s (B) 6.6 × 10–25 kg m/s (C) 6.6 × 10–24 kg m/s (D) 6.6 × 10–22 kg m/s 24. Electrons ejected from the surface of a metal, when light of certain frequency is incident on it, are stopped fully by a retarding potential of 3 volts. Photo electric effect in this metallic surface begins at a frequency 6 × 1014 s –1 . The frequency of the incident light in s–1 is [h = 6 × 10–34J-sec; charge on the electron = 1.6 × 10– 19C] (A) 7.5 × 1013 (B) 13.5 × 1013 (C) 14 × 1014 (D) 7.5 × 1015 25. The mass number of a nucleus is (A) always less than its atomic number (B) always more than its atomic number (C) equal to its atomic number (D) sometimes more than and sometimes equal to its atomic number 26. The stable nucleus that has a radius 1/3 that of Os189 is – (A) 3Li7 (B) 2He4 (C) 5B 10 (D) 6C 12 27. Two protons are kept at a separation of 50Å. Fn is the nuclear force and Fe is the electrostatic force between them, then (A) Fn >> Fe (B) Fn = Fe (C) Fn << Fe (D) Fn = 2Fe Z  Z  Z  Z 
28. The energy of the reaction Li7 + p ⎯→ 2 He4 is (the binding energy per nucleon in Li7 and He4 nuclei are 5.60 and 7.06 MeV respectively.) (A) 17.3 MeV (B) 1.73 MeV (C) 1.46 MeV (D) depends on binding energy of proton 29. The specific activity (per gm) of radium is nearly (A) 1 Bq (B) 1 Ci (C) 3.7 × 1010 Ci (D) 1 mCi 30. 10 grams of 57Co kept in an open container decays –particle with a half-life of 270 days. The weight of the material inside the container after 540 days will be very nearly – (A) 10 g (B) 7.5 g (C) 5 g (D) 2.5 g 31. Choose the statement which is true. (A) The energy released per unit mass is more in fission than in fusion (B) The energy released per atom is more in fusion than in fission. (C) The energy released per unit mass is more in fusion and that per atom is more in fission. (D) Both fission and fusion produce same amount of energy per atom as well as per unit mass. 32. A N-type semiconductor is (A) Negatively charged (B) Positively charged (C) Neutral (D) None of these 33. The forbidden energy gap is Ge is 0.72 eV. Given, hc = 12400 eV-Å. The maximum wavelength of radiation that will generate electron hole-pair is : (A) 172220 Å (B) 172.2Å (C) 17222Å (D) 1722 Å 34. A diode connected to an external resistance and an e.m.f. 4.5V. Assuming that the barrier potential developed in diode is 0.5V. What will be the value of current in the circuit in milliampere? (A) 40 m A (B) 4 m A (C) 0.4 mA (D) 400mA 35. An ideal P–N junction diode shown in figure below then find out current through the circuit? (A) Zero (B) 10mA (C) 20 mA (D) 50 m A 36. The current flowing through the Zener diode in fig. is – (A) 20 mA (B) 25 mA (C) 15 mA (D) 5 mA 37. A p - n junction diode has breakdown voltage of 28V. If applied external voltage in reverse bias is 40V the current through it is (A) Zero (B) infinite (C) 10A (D) 15 A 38. For a common emmiter circuit if IC IE = 0.98 then current gain for common emitter circuit will be : (A) 49 (B) 98 (C) 4.9 (D) 25.5 39. In an n-p-n transistor circuit, the collector current is 20 mA. If 90% of emitted electron reach the collector (A) the emitter current will be 18 mA (B) emitter current will be 22 mA (C) base current will be 5 mA (D) base current will be 1 mA

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