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Content text 7. P2C7 (Physical Optics)_With Solve_Ridoy 28.11.24.pdf

2 ........................................................................................................................................  Physics 2nd Paper Chapter-7 8. wb‡Pi †Kvb Zwor Pz¤^Kxq wewKi‡Yi K¤úv1⁄4 me‡P‡q Kg? [DU 16-17] Mvgv Ae‡jvwnZ AwZ‡e ̧bx G·-†i DËi: Ae‡jvwnZ e ̈vL ̈v: K¤úv‡1⁄4i μg Abymv‡i, Ae‡jvwnZ  AwZ‡e ̧bx  G·-†i  Mvgv| 9. GKwU cvZjv wd‡j¥i Dci GKeY©x Av‡jv Dj¤^fv‡e AvcwZZ n‡jv| hw` wd‡j¥i †fZi Av‡jvi Zi1⁄2‣`N© ̈  nq, Z‡e me©wb¤œ KZ cyiæ‡Z¡i Rb ̈ cÖwZdwjZ Av‡jv me‡P‡q †ewk D3⁄4¡j n‡e? [DU 15-16]  8 3 4  4  2 DËi:  4 e ̈vL ̈v: x c_ cv_©K ̈ = 2x wd‡j¥i wb¤œZ‡j Av‡jv cÖwZdwjZ nIqvq `kv cv_©K ̈ nq  †iwWqvb| c_ cv_©K ̈, x + x = 2x  m‡e©v”P D3⁄4¡jZvi Rb ̈, 2x =  2    x =  4 10. ci ̄úi †_‡K s `~i‡Z¡ Aew ̄’Z `yBwU mgvšÍivj wPo‡K GKeY©x Av‡jv Øviv Av‡jvwKZ K‡i wPo †_‡K D `~i‡Z¡ Aew ̄’Z c`©vq e ̈wZPvi cwÆ cvIqv †Mj| aiv hvK, †Wvivi cÖ ̄’ x, hw` S Ges D Dfq‡K wØ ̧Y Kiv nq Z‡e †Wvivi cÖ‡ ̄’i gvb Kx n‡e?[DU 13-14] x 2 x 2x 4x DËi: x e ̈vL ̈v: cÖ_g †ÿ‡Î, x = D 2a cieZ©x‡Z, x = D 2a  x =   2D 2  2a  x = x weMZ mv‡j GST-G Avmv cÖkœvejx 1. aŸsmvZ¥K e ̈wZPv‡ii Rb ̈ c_ cv_©K ̈ KZ n‡e? [GST 23-24] n 2 (2n + 1)  2 (n + 1)  2 n DËi: (2n + 1)  2 2. †Kv‡bv wP‡ii cÖ ̄’ 3 × 10–4 cm| †h Av‡jv w`‡q Zv‡K Av‡jvwKZ Kiv n‡”Q Zvi Zi1⁄2‣`N© ̈ 6000 A  | †K›`axq Pi‡gi Dfq cv‡k cÖ_gμg Aeg ̧‡jvi ga ̈eZ©x †K.wYK `~iZ¡ KZ? [GST 23-24] sin–1 (0.2) 2 sin–1 (0.2) sin–1 (0.5) 2 sin–1 (0.5) DËi: 2 sin–1 (0.2) e ̈vL ̈v: d sin = n  sin = n d = 1  6000  10–10 3  10–6   = sin–1 (0.2)  †K.wYK `~iZ¡ = 2 = 2 sin–1 (0.2) 3. nxi‡Ki c„ôZ‡j GKwU Av‡jvK iwk¥ 60 †Kv‡Y AvcwZZ n‡q 12 †Kv‡Y cÖwZm„Z nj| nxi‡Ki mgeZ©b †KvY KZ wWwMÖ? [GST 23-24] 76.5 67.9 56 47 DËi: 76.5 e ̈vL ̈v:  = tan  sin (i) sin (r) = tan   = tan–1     sin60 sin12   = 76.5 4. `ywU mym1⁄2Z Drm †_‡K  •`‡N© ̈i `ywU Zi1⁄2 mg`kvq †ei nq| GKwU we›`y‡Z †hLv‡b Zi1⁄2 `ywU wgwjZ nq †mLv‡b Zv‡`i `kv cv_©K ̈ 90| Zi1⁄2 `ywUi AwZμvšÍ c_ cv_©K ̈ ZLb KZ? [GST 23-24; DU 22-23; CU 22-23] 2   2  4 DËi:  4 e ̈vL ̈v: c_ cv_©K ̈ =  2  `kv cv_©K ̈ =  2   2 =  4

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