Content text G6 Unit 11 Lesson 1.docx
UNIT 11: OUR GREENER WORLD LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED Mini test | Name: | Class: | Score: Put the following words about Tet into these columns. Water falllakeforestcavedesertislandvalleyriver 1. A large area of land where there is almost no water, rains, trees, or plants 2. A large area of water that flows towards the sea 3. A large area of water that is surrounded by land 4. A piece of land that is completely surrounded by water 5. A place where a stream or river falls down from a high place 6. A large area of land that is covered with a lot of trees 7. A low area of land between mountains or hills 8. A large hole in the side of a hill or under the ground Match the word with its meaning. 1. reuse a. to keep something to use in the future 2. reduce b. to give something to someone in exchange for something else 3. recycle c. to use something again 4. save d. to make something start working 5. wrap e. to make something less 6. swap f. to cover something completely in paper 7. turn on g. to make something stop working 8. turn off h. to treat waste materials so that they can be used again Choose the best option to fill in the blank. 11. People should _______ noise. A. reuse B. reduce C. recycle D. All are correct 2. _______ can be recycled. A. Plastic bottles B. Glasses C. Clothes D. A and B are correct 3. My older sister often _______ old envelopes to decorate her room. A. reuses B. reduces C. recycles D. All are correct 4. We shouldn’t use _______ to store food, let’s use bags made of natural materials. A. plastic bottles B. can C. paper bags D. plastic bags 5. Lan always _______ books and clothes with her friends and cousins. A. swaps B. exchanges C. wraps D. A and B are correct 6. You should put used cans and glass bottles into _______. A. garden B. recycling bins C. organic green bins D. All are correct 7. We should use _______ plastic boxes or bottles because they are good for health and safe for the environment. A. reusable B. refillable C. recyclable D. All are correct 8. Soil pollution _______ many bad effects on ecosystems and human life. A. does B. causes C. makes D. All are correct 9. Many plants and animals die because of _______. A. noise pollution B. environment C. deforestation D. A and B are correct 10. The air in this city is _______ by emissions from nearby factories. A. exchanged B. reduced C. polluted D. All are correct 11. The _______ of water pollution is the death of many types of fishes. A. cause B. effect C. reason D. solution 12. Rising sea level can make some cities _______. A. pollute B. exchange C. appear D. disappear