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Prepared by Uni Bytes / www.unibytes.xyz Don't use our content without permission.
Prepared by Uni Bytes / www.unibytes.xyz Don't use our content without permission. Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: II Subject: C programming 2021 Batch Group B Attempt any SIX questions 2. Define programming technique. Differentiate between top-down and bottom-up approach with suitable example. 3. Define Data Types. Explain different data types available in C Programming. 4. Explain bitwise and conditional operator with example. 5. Write a program to print the following pattern using loop. U UN UNI UNIV UNIVE UNIVER UNIVERS UNIVERSI UNIVERSIT UNIVERSITY 6. Define Array. Write a program to search an element from an array of 10 numbers. 7. Define function Write a program that find xy using function. 8. Define pointer. Write a program to find sum of 10 numbers using pointer. Group C Attempt any TWO questions. 9. What are the characteristics of a good program? Explain types of languages processor. Explain any two system design tools. 10. Define file opening modes. Write a program to delete specific record from a file. 11. Differentiate between structure and Union. Locate a structure named student with members roll no, name, address. Write a program that displays name of only those students whose addressing is Kathmandu Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes
Prepared by Uni Bytes / www.unibytes.xyz Don't use our content without permission. Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: II Subject: C programming 2020 Batch Group B Attempt any SIX questions 2. Write a C program to generate the following output using loop. 10101 0101 101 01 1 3. How will you define pointer? Write a program that illustrate how pointer variable change the value of normal variable. 4. Write a C program to calculate sum of the natural number up to N number using recursive function. 5. Write a C program to calculate following expression: 5x √y 2 + 5. 6. Write a C program to copy contents of student.txt file into another file called info.txt. 7. Why do you use DMA instead of array? Explain DMA with suitable example. 8. Write a C program to generate following output using graphics functions. Group C Attempt any TWO questions. 9. Write a C program to store the player name, runs scored, wickets taken of 20 cricketers using structure along with pointer then arrange the players in order of maximum wickets to minimum wickets they had taken. 10. Write a C program to generate following series using function: Sum = 1 + x 1! + x 2 2! + x 3 3! + ⋯ + x n n! 11. Define SDLC. Explain software process models. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes BCA
Prepared by Uni Bytes / www.unibytes.xyz Don't use our content without permission. Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Semester: II Subject: C programming 2019 Batch Group B Attempt any SIX questions 2. What are keywords? Explain the compiling process of C program. 3. Differentiate between iteration and recursion. 4. Define an array? Write a program to generate the following output using loop. 1 12 123 1234 12345 5. Define operator. Explain any four types of operators available in C? 6. Why function is required in C programming? Write a program to find smallest 7. number from the array using function. 8. Why DMA is used in C language? Write a program to enter age of 20 students and count age between 18 and 25 from the array using DMA functions. 9. Write a C program to generate the following output graphic functions Group C Attempt any TWO questions. 10. What is union? Write a C program to enter bid, title, price, pages of 100 book into structure variable called book and sort them in descending order on the basis of their title with use of pointer. 11. What is the use of data file in C? Write a program to accept 100 numbers from user and store them in odd.txt file (if number is odd) or even.txt (If number is even) then display odd numbers reading from odd.txt file. 12. What do you mean by System design tools? Explain any four design tools with suitable examples. Don’t Forget to Follow Uni Bytes BCA Program

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