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Content text SAR FOR TRAINEE_Bachelor of Science Programme in Information and Communication Technology (International Programme)

AUN-QA Self-Assessment Report Bachelor of Science Program in Information and Communication Technology (International Program) Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Mahidol University For September 2023 15th AUN-QA Tier 2 Training Only
AUN-QA Self-Assessment Report of B.Sc. in ICT, Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University i Table of Contents Executive Summary.............................................................................. 1 PART I: Introduction............................................................................ 2 PART II: AUN-QA Criteria at the Program Level 1. CATEGORY 1: Expected Learning Outcomes............................................... 7 2. CATEGORY 2: Program Structure and Content............................................ 18 3. CATEGORY 3: Teaching and Learning Approach......................................... 27 4. CATEGORY 4: Student Assessment........................................................... 31 5. CATEGORY 5: Academic Staff............................................................... 36 6. CATEGORY 6: Student Support Services ................................................... 43 7. CATEGORY 7: Facilities and Infrastructure............................................... 51 8. CATEGORY 8: Output and Outcomes..................................................... 56 PART III: Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis 1. Strengths and Weaknesses...................................................................... 62 2. Self-Assessment at the Program Level......................................................... 64 PART IV: Appendices Appendix 1-1 MUICT-TQF2.................................................................. A1 Appendix 2-1 Mycourses system............................................................. A3 Appendix 2-2 Mapping between Specialization Courses and Careers............... A7 Appendix 2-3 Curriculum Mapping between each Course of Study to the program PLOs and SLOs ................................................................ A15 Appendix 2-4 Study plan....................................................................... A21 Appendix 2-5 Examples of MUICT-TQF3.................................................. A25 Appendix 2-6 The pre-requisite mapping .................................................. A27 Appendix 3-1 Examples of Memorandum of understanding (MoU)..................... A29 Appendix 4-1 An example of the assessment rubrics...................................... A31 Appendix 4-2 An example of CLO-based evaluation result .............................. A37 Appendix 4-3 General Request Form......................................................... A39 Appendix 5-1 Academic and support staff seminar and training......................... A41 Appendix 6-1 Performance agreement form................................................ A51 Appendix 6-2 The rubrics score for English communication skill....................... A57 Appendix 6-3 The preparatory program structure.......................................... A59 Appendix 6-4 Credit transfer policy......................................................... A63 Appendix 8-1 The list of conferences....................................................... A67 For 15th AUN-QA Tier 2 Training Only
AUN-QA Self-Assessment Report of B.Sc. in ICT, Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University ii List of Tables Table 1: Mahidol University Information 2 Table 2: Vision, Mission, Core Values and Corporate Culture of ICT Mahidol 3 Table 1-1: The improvement of PLOs of the ICT program from academic year 2012 to 2023 7 Table 1-2: The current ICT Program Learning Outcomes developed in 2023 (PLOs and SLOs) with the corresponding level of Bloom’s taxonomy 9 Table 1-3: Alignment mapping between the ICT program learning outcomes and Mahidol University Graduates Attributes (MUGA) 10 Table 1-4: CLOs of Compulsory Courses in Accordance with Study Plan Mapping with PLOs 11 Table 1-5: ICT learning outcomes and generic and subject-specific learning outcomes 12 Table 1-6: Alignment mapping between subject generic and specific skills of ICT Curriculum structure and the ICT program learning outcomes 13 Table 1-7: Feedback and comments collected from stakeholders mapped with the ICT program learning outcomes 14 Table 1-8: Example of the mapping of PLOs and CLOs of ITCS 223 Web Development (2023) 15 Table 1-9: Contribution of second year courses applied weight of each category 16 Table 1-10: The self-assessment of how the program learning outcomes achieved 16 Table 2-1: General Information of the Program Specification 19 Table 2-2: Communication Channel of the Program and Course Specifications to the Stakeholders 20 Table 2-3: Program learning outcomes vs Teaching methods and Assessment methods 21 Table 2-4: Example of Alignment of CLOs of ITCS213 (ver.2023) to PLOs and SLOs 24 Table 3-1: Mapping between CLOs and teaching and evaluation methods in ITCS223 (ver.2023) 28 Table 3-2: Example of Marking Rubric for a project presentation in ITCS223 (ver.2023) 28 Table 3-3: The number of extra-curricular activities per semester for each year of study 30 Table 4-1: Students’ Learning Assessment 32 Table 4-2: Weekly content and assessment for ITCS 337 Human Computer Interaction (ver.2018) 33 Table 5-1: Manpower of Academic Staff from 2018-2022 36 Table 5-2: Academic Staff and their FTEs 37 Table 5-3: Staff-to-Student Ratio 37 Table 5-4: Types and Number of Research Publications 38 Table 5-5: The number of publications per instructor over the years 39 Table 5-6: Research Funds in 2018 – 2022 39 Table 5-7: Citations in Peer-Reviewed Journal/Refereed Journals [2018-2022] 39 Table 5-8: Percentage of academic staff and support staff that have been trained both domestic and abroad 41 Table 6-1: Student Entrance Statistics 44 Table 6-2: Number of Scholarship Supports for Students 45 Table 6-3: Distribution of GPA of ICT Students in Academic Year 2018 – 2022 46 Table 6-4: Number of Students who won Awards (National/Global) 47 Table 6-5: Number of Students Attending Internship Programs local and aboard 48 Table 6-6: Number of students who attended extra-curricular activities 48 Table 6-7: Number of Support Staff with certified degree qualifications 49 Table 7-1: Computer Laboratories used for Education and Research Activities 51 Table 8-1: Dropout rates, pass rates and average time to graduate statistics 56 Table 8-2: Results of the graduate study and employment survey 1 year after graduation 57 Table 8-3: Student research activities 58 Table 8-4: Students’ Satisfaction on courses and instructors 59 Table 8-5: Students’ Satisfaction towards Learning Facilities in 2017-2019 and 2020-2022 59 Table 8-6: Employers’ Satisfaction towards bachelor’s degree Graduates 61 For 15th AUN-QA Tier 2 Training Only
AUN-QA Self-Assessment Report of B.Sc. in ICT, Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University iii List of Figures Figure 1: ICT-CCDP2: ICT Curriculum Competency Development Provision Model 2 5 Figure 1-1: Improvement of program learning outcome in years 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018 and the current program learning outcomes (ELOs and SLOs) in year 2023 9 Figure 1-2: CLO Contribution Weights 16 Figure 2-1: ICT Program Learning Path 18 Figure 2-2: The curriculum structure of ICT program version 2018 and version 2023 21 Figure 2-3: ICT Program structure aligned with ICT-CCDP2 for competency development 23 Figure 2-4: Study plan and pre-requisite for ICT Program 25 Figure 2-5: ICT-Curriculum Design and Development System 2 (ICT-CDDS2) ................................26 Figure 4-1: Student Assessment Process 31 Figure 5-1: ICT-HRC4C: ICT-HR Competency for Capability Framework 38 Figure 5-2: Percentage of Research published in Top Journal Percentiles 39 Figure 5-3: Field-weighted impact factor 39 Figure 5-4: ICT-WFEN or ICT Workforce Environment Model 42 Figure 8-1: PLOs and SLOs achieved by graduates in the academic year 2021 and 2022 58 Figure 8-2: Graduates’ self-evaluation of program learning outcome achievements in the academic year 2021 59 For 15th AUN-QA Tier 2 Training Only

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