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1 FRIENDS PLUS 9 – UNIT 1: THEN AND NOW Exercise 1: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets. 1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we .................. (build). 2. He .................. (not / be) to Cape Town before 1997. 3. When she went out to play, she .................. (do / already) her homework. 4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum .................. (make) . 5. The doctor took off the plaster that he .................. (put on) six weeks before. 6. The waiter brought a drink that I .................. (not / order). 7. I could not remember the poem we .................. (learn) the week before. 8. The children collected the chestnuts that .................. (fall) from the tree. 9. .................. (he / phone) Sylvie before he went to see her in London? 10. She .................. (not / ride) a horse before that day. 11. David .................. (go) home by the time I arrived. 12. David suddenly realised that he .................. (leave) his laptop on the train. 13. Mum was annoyed because I .................. (not clean) my room. 14. .................. (they / study) English before they went to the USA? 15. We were hungry because we .................. (not eat). Exercise 2: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. They (go) .................home after they (finish) ..................... their work. 2. She said that she (already, see) ......................... Dr. David. 3. By the time I (finish) .................typing the report, all of my co-workers (leave) ............... 4. He told me he (not/eat) .............................. such kind of food before. 5. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/ begin) ........................................ 6. Before she (watch) ....................... TV, she (do) ................... homework. 7. What (he / do) .................before he went to the airport? 8. After they (go) ..........................., I (sit) .................... down and (watch)..............TV. 9. Yesterday, David (go) ....................... to the store before he (go) ..................... home. 10. David (go) ...........................home before we (arrive) .............................. Exercise 3: Rewrite these sentences with the given words or phrases. 1. David had gone home before we arrived. => After................................................................................................. 2. We had lunch then we took a look around the shops. => Before................................................................................................ 3. The light had gone out before we got out of the office. => When................................................................................................. 4. After she had explained everything clearly, we started our work. => By the time ........................................................................................ 5. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home. => Before.............................................................................................. Exercise 4: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets. 1. When Sylvie arrived at the theater, the film ......................(start). 2. He ...................... (live) in Paris before he went to Vietnam. 3. After Sylvie ...................... (eat) the cake, she began to feel sick. 4. If he ...................... (listen) to me, he would have got the job. 5. Sylvie didn’t arrive until I ...................... (leave). 6. After they ...................... (finish) lunch, they went out. 7. The tree was dead because it ...................... (be) arid all summer. 8. I ...................... (meet) him somewhere before. 9. They were late for the flight because they ...................... (forget) their passports. 10. Sylvie told me she ...................... (study) a lot before the exam.
2 Exercise 5: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets. 1. The leaf was yellow because it ...................... (not/rain) all summer. 2. The lamp went off because I ...................... (not/pay) the electricity bill. 3. Sylvie ...................... (not/do) her homework, so she was in trouble. 4. Sylvie ...................... (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant. 5. I couldn’t go into the cinema because I ...................... (not/bring) my tickets. 6. He said that he ...................... (not/visit) the US before. 7. Sylvie and David ...................... (not/meet) before the exam. 8. I ...................... (not/have) lunch when she arrived. 9. Sylvie ...................... (not/use) smartphone before, so I showed her how to use it. 10. Sylvie ...................... (not/study) for the exam, so she was very anxious. Exercise 6: Give the correct form of verbs in brackets. 1. My sister (get) .........................married last month. 2. Sylvie (come) .........................to her grandparents’ house 3 days ago. 3. My computer (be) .........................broken yesterday. 4. He (buy) .........................me a big teddy bear on my birthday last week. 5. My friend (give) .........................me a bar of chocolate when I (be) .........................at school yesterday. 6. My children (not do) .........................their homework last night. 7. (You / live) .........................here five years ago? 8. They (watch) .........................TV late at night yesterday. 9. (Your friend / be) .........................at your house last weekend? 10. They (not be) .........................excited about the film last night. Exercise 7: Choose the best option 1. They ............the bus yesterday. A. don’t catch B. weren’t catch C. didn’t catch D. not catch 2. My sister ..............home late last night. A. comes B. come C. came D. was come 3. My father ..............tired when I .......................home. A. was – got B. is – get C. was – getted D. were – got 4. What ................you ...............two days ago? A. do – do B. did – did C. do – did D. did – do 5. Where ...............your family ...............on the summer holiday last year? A. do – go B. does – go C. did – go D. did – went Exercise 8: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets. 1. It was warm, so I .....................off my coat. (take) 2. The film wasn't very good. I ........................it much. (not / enjoy) 3. I knew Sylvie was busy, so I ...........................her. (not / disturb) 4. We were very tired, so we ...........................the party early. (leave) 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ...........................well. (not / sleep) 6. The window was open and a bird ...........................into the room. (fly) 7. The hotel wasn't very expensive. It ...................... much to stay there. (not / cost) 8. I was in a hurry, so I ...............time to phone you. (not / have) 9. It was hard carrying the bags. They ...........................very heavy. (be) Exercise 9: Give the correct form of each verb in brackets. 1. I (eat) ....................dinner late yesterday. 2. My neighbor (buy) .................... a new car last week. 3. They (go) ....................to Italy on their last summer holiday. 4. My family and I (see) ....................a comedy movie last night. 5. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) ....................my hand. 6. What time (you / get up) ....................this morning? 7. The Wright brothers (fly) ....................the first airplane in 1903. 8. I think I (hear) ....................a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
3 9. When I was ten years old, I (break) ....................my arm. It really (hurt) .................... 10. The police (catch) ....................all three of the bank robbers last week. Exercise 10: Choose the best option 1. The robbers (left/ had left) the bank when the policemen (finally arrived/ had finally arrived). 2. When the rain (started/ had started), the Sylvie (finished/ had finished) planting trees. 3. By the time Sylvie (went/ had gone) into the store, she (got/ had got) soaked. 4. Sylvie (saw/ had seen) this castle before she (came/ had come) again last Sunday. 5. Mr. David (didn’t speak/ hadn’t spoken) any Chinese before he (moved/ had moved) to Peking. 6. Sylvie (got / had got) fainted by the time the ambulance (reached/ had reached) the hospital. 7. When my mother (brought/ had brought) me an apple, I (finished/ had finished) my homework. 8. Mrs. Sylvie (refused/ had refused) to drive the car because she (had/ had had) a terrible accident on the highway about a year ago. 9. I (didn’t think/ hadn’t thought) of having a new house before I (saw/ had seen) that ad on TV. 10. My uncle (didn’t try/ hadn’t tried) Italian food before he (went/ had gone) to that restaurant. Exercise 11: Give the correct form of each verb in brackets. 1. I (walk) ...................down the street when it began to rain. 2. At this time last year, I (attend) ...................an English course. 3. David (stand) ...................under the tree when he heard an explosion. 4. The boy fell and hurt himself while he (ride) ................... a bicycle. 5. When we met them last year, they (live) ................... in Santiago. 6. The tourist lost his camera while he (walk) ...................around the city. 7. The lorry (go) ...................very fast when it hit our car. 8. While I (study) ...................in my room, my roommates (have) ................... a party in the other room. 9. Sylvie and I (dance) ................... the house when the telephone rang. 10. We (sit) ................... in the café when they saw us. Exercise 12: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets. 1. I lost my keys when I ............................(walk) home. 2. It was raining while we .......................(have) dinner. 3. I saw the department stores when I ........................ (sit) on the bus. 4. Her phone rang while she ........................ (talk) to her new boss. 5. My friends ........................ (drive) to work when they heard the news on the radio. 6. He ........................ (ride) his bicycle when the cat ran across the road. 7. We couldn’t go to the beach yesterday because it ........................ (rain) 8. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining and the birds ........................ (sing) in the trees. 9. The tourist lost his camera while he ........................ (walk) around the city. 10. The lorry ........................ (go) very fast when it hit our car. 11. I ........................ (walk) down the street when it began to rain. 12. At this time last year, I ........................ (attend) an English course. 13. David ........................ (stand) under the tree when he heard an explosion. 14. While I ........................ (study) in my room, my roommates ........................ (have) a party in the other room. 15. Sylvie and I ........................ (dance) the house when the telephone rang. Exercise 13: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets. 1. My friend David ...................off the ladder while he ...................the ceiling of his room. (FALL, PAINT) 2. We ...................the house in 2003. At that time it ...................£ 150,000. (BUY, COST) 3. Dad ...................interested in buying a new car. (NOT BE) 4. My sister ...................for me at the airport terminal when I ................... (WAIT, ARRIVE) 5. A few nights ago, I ...................a book when suddenly I ...................a noise outside and a few teenagers ...................loud music. (READ, HEAR, PLAY) 6. The fire ...................when the first firefighters ...................at the scene. (STILL BURN, ARRIVE) 7. My brother ...................for a job when he ...................across an interesting ad in the newspaper. (LOOK, COME)
4 8. I ...................someone call my name. I ...................around and ...................my dad standing at the back of the queue. I ...................so surprised. (HEAR, TURN, SEE, BE) 9. My sister ...................a bright summer dress when I ...................her at the performance. (WEAR, SEE) 10. I ...................preparing dinner at 4.pm and I ...................still at it when my wife ...................home. (START, BE, COME) 11. Our housekeeper ...................the vase. As she ...................up the pieces, she ...................her middle finger. (BREAK, PICK, CUT) 12. We suddenly ...................that we ...................in the wrong direction. (REALISE, DRIVE) 13. She ...................a great skier when she was young. (BE) 14. I ...................an old friend in town while I ...................the shopping. (MEET, DO) 15. While the children ...................with others my husband and I ...................to have a cup of coffee. (PLAY, DECIDE) Exercise 14: Give the correct form of each verb in the brackets. 1. Yesterday evening David ...................... (have) a bath when the phone ...................... (ring). He got out of the bath and ...................... (answer) the phone. 2. I ...................... (see) David in the park. He ...................... (sit) on the grass and ...................... (read) a book. 3. While I ...................... (walk) in the garden, I ...................... (hurt) my back. 4. David ...................... (burn) his hand when he ...................... (cook) the dinner. 5. David ...................... (fall) off the ladder while he ...................... (paint) the ceiling. 6. Last night, I ...................... (read) in the bed when suddenly I ...................... (hear) a scream. 7. (you, watch) .......................television when I phoned you? 8. Sylvie ...................... (wait) for me when I ...................... (arrive). 9. I ...................... (not/drive) very fast when the accident ...................... (happen). 10. I ...................... (break) a plate last night. I ...................... (do) the washing-up when it ...................... (slip) out of my hand. Exercise 15: Fill in each blank with a suitable word below: wristband / souvenir / necklace / attic / dweller / sunglasses / artist / fact / singer / cupboard 1. (A / An) ........... is a piece of jewellery consisting of a chain, string of beads, etc. worn around the neck. 2. ............ are a pair of glasses with dark glass in them that you wear to protect your eyes from bright light from the sun. 3. The ........... is the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof, often used for storing things. 4. (A / An) .......... is a narrow piece of material worn around the wrist, as a decoration, to take in sweat during exercise, or to show support for something. 5. (A / An) ........... is a person who sings, or whose job is singing, especially in public. 6. (A / An) ............ is a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings. 7. (A / An) ........... is a thing that you buy and/or keep to remind yourself of a place, an occasion or a holiday; something that you bring back for other people when you have been on holiday. 8. (A / An) ............ is a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing dishes, food, clothes, etc. 9. (A / An) ............ is a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved. 10. (A / An) ............ is a person or an animal that lives in the particular place that is mentioned. Exercise 16: Choose the best option 1. .......... is a thing that is owned by somebody. A. Property B. Necklace C. Wristband D. Luck 2. Police have issued a ............ of the gunman. A. experience B. fact C. description D. service 3. Sylvie described science as the greatest .......... in the world. A. childhood B. adventure C. illness D. advent 4. .......... shows that this strategy does not always work. A. Economy B. Need C. Infrastructure D. Experience 5. With any ........., we'll be home before dark. A. argument B. scene C. luck D. adventure

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