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01. REPRODUCTION IN ORGANISMS 1. Which of the following is propagatedvegetatively? (a) Amoeba (b) Yeast (c) Dalhia (d) None of these 2. Read the following statements (A-E) and answer the question following them. A- Vegetative propagule of chlamydomonas is zoospore. B- Bidding results in unequal cell division. C- Ginger reproduces by rhizome. D- Water hyacinth reproduce vegetatively. E- Sugarcane and Dahlia both are commercially propagated vegetatively. How many of the statements are false? (a) None (b) One (c) Two (d) Three 3. Select the incorrect statement: (a) Algae and fungi commonly perform asexual reproduction (b) Water hyacinth deprives oxygen from water and result in death of fishes (c) Sexual reproduction is a fast process in comparison to asexual reproduction (d) Offspring resulting from sexual reprocution are neither idenitical to parents for identical among themselves. 4. Only sexual mode of reproduction is performed by: (a) Most of animals (b) Most of higher plants (c) Few of animals (d) Most of lower plants 5. Hydra is shown in the diagram. Identity the structure ‘P’: (a) Conidia (b) Bud (c) Zoospore (b) Bulbil 6. In Bamboo species, life span is ...........than 50 years and flowering occurs..... time/s. (a) Less, one (b) More, one (c) Less, many (d) Less, many 7. Which organisms are considered immortal? (a) Birds like parrots (b) Plants like Peepal trees (c) Plants like Mango trees (d) Single celled organisms 8. Select the correct statement about life span of organisms: (a) Life span refers to the time period between attainment of reproduction age and death (b) Life span of peepal trees longer than that of mango tree. (c) Life span of parrot and crow is almost some inspite of difference in their body size (d) Life span is always related with body size 9. If life span or parrot, Mango tree, single celled organism and peepal tree are respectively considered as A,B,C and D then which of the following option is correct? (a) D>B>A>C
(b) B>D>A>C (c) C>B>D>A (d) C>D>B>A 10. In the given diagram an asexual structure is shown. In which of the following organism, the given structure is found? (a) Penicillium (b) Hydra (c) Chlamydomonas (d) Sponge 11. Juvenlie phase in plants in termed as: (a) Vegetative phase (b) Life span (c) Reproductive phase (d) Senescence 12. If A=Juvenile phase, B=senescent phase, C=Reproductive phase, then which sequence is correct? (a) C B A (b) A B C (c) C A B (d) A C B 13. Which of the following ensures the continuity of species? (a) Reproduction (b) Habitat (c) Physiology (d) Anatomy 14. Asexual reproduction is a common mode of reproduction in all of the following except: (a) Amoeba (b) Higher plants (c) Yeast (d) Both (b) and (c) 15. Select the correct statement: (a) Life span of organisms may vary from few days upto two months only (b) Higher plants are considered as immortal (c) “Terror of Bengal” reproduces through offset 16. Offspring resulting from asexual reproduction are .........to parent and...... to each other. (a) Identical, Identical (b) Identical, Non-identical (c) Non-identical, Identical. (d) Non-Identical, Non-identical 17. Select the correct option in which the given type of reproduction occur: Gemmule Formation Bulbil s (a) Hydra Agave (b) Water hyacinth Potato (c) Agave Potato (d) Sponges Agave 18. Mode of vegetative reproduction in ginger is: (a) Rhizome (b) Bulbils (c) Conidia (d) Gemmules 19. Which plant is known as terror of Bengal? (a) Pistia (b) Wolffia (c) Ginger (d) Water hyacinth 20. Match the columns:        
Columns I (organism) Column II (Mode of Reproduction) 1. Penicillium A . Offset 2. Agave B . Bulbils 3. Water hyacinth C . Conidia 4. Hydra D . Buds (a) 1 C, 2 D,3 A, 4 B (b) 1 C, 2 B,3 A, 4 D (c) 1 D, 2 B,3 A, 4 C (d) 1 D, 2 A,3 B, 4 C 21. Unequal cell division is observed during: (a) Budding (b) Binary fission (c) Leaf bud formation (d) Multiple fission 22. Water hyacinth was introduced in India because of its: (a) Medicinal uses (b) Ornamental values (c) Condiment values (d) Edible parts 23. Which parts of water hyacinth are ornamentally important? (a) Flower and roots (b) Fruits and stem (c) Flowers and leaves (d) Stem and leaves 24. ‘A’ is type of vegetative propagule in the given diagram. Identify it correctly with an example of plant propagated by it. A(vegetative propagule) Example of plant (a) Sucker Agave (b) Sucker Mint (c) Offset Dahila (d) Offset Water hyacinth 25. A and B are two types of sexual reproduction as given in diagrams. Select the correct statement. (a) A is common is most of algae (b) B is found in sexually reproducing lower organisms only (c) A is more common than B (d) B is more common in most of algae 26. Neelakuranji flowers once in every: (a) 2 years (b) 3 years (c) 10 years (d) 12 years 27. Out of the following animals, how many show oestrous cycle? [Snake, Tiger, Sheep, Rat, Ape, Monkeys] (a) None (b) One (c) Two (d) Three 28. How many of the following animals are unisexual? [Sponge, Earthworm, cockroach, Leech, Tapeworm] (a) None                
(b) One (c) Two (d) Three 29. Both male and female reproductive structures are present on same plants in: (a) Cucurbits, Coconut (b) Coconut, papaya (c) Cocurbits, Date plam (d) Papaya, Date plam 30. Dioecious condition is observed in plants: (a) Coconut (b) Papaya (c) Cucurbits (d) Both (a) and (c) 31. In diploid organisms, meiocytes are: (a) Haploid (b) Diploid (c) Haploid or diploid (d) Polyploid 32. Seasonal breeders are those animals which have: (a) Oestrous cycle in their reproductive life (b) Menstrual cycle in their reproductive life (c) Reproductive cycles occur during favorable seasons only (d) Reproductive cycles occur throughout the year 33. Which set of animals show oestrous cycle? (a) Rats, Cows, Dogs and Lizards (b) Apes, Cows, Dogs and Sheep (c) Deers, Doge Tigers and Monkeys (d) Rats, Sheeps, Tigers and Cows 34. Diagram A is representing a plant P while diagram B is a bisexual flower of a plant Q. Identify P and Q. P Q (a) Marchantia Chara (b) Sweet potato Marchantia (c) Chara Marchantia (d) Marchantia Sweet potato 35. Neelakuranji flowers during...... month, after every ..... years. (a) May-June, 6 (b) September - October, 6 (c) May-June, 12 (d) September - October, 12 36. If A=Embryogenesis, B= Gametogenesis, C= Transfer of gametes and D= syngamy, than which of the above events will be third to occur in the sequence? (a) B (b) D (c) A (d) C 37. Cow is a......1.... Mammal and it performs ....2.... cycle in reproductive life. 1 2 (a) Primate Oestrous (b) Primate Menstru al (c) Non- primate Oestrous (d) Non- primate Menstru al

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