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Tiết thứ 2 UNIT 1: HOBBIES Lesson 1: Getting started My favourite hobby Class Date of teaching Attendence 7A ..../09/2022 7B ..../09/2022 7C ..../09/2022 I. OBJECTIVES:* By the end of this unit, students will be able to: - use the words related to hobbies and verbs of liking and disliking to talk about different hobbies; - pronounce the sounds  /ə/ and /3:/ correctly. - use present simple tense; - talk about likes and dislikes; - read for specific information about hobby; - talk about the benefits of hobbies; - listen for specific information about one's hobbies; - write a paragraph about one’s hobby. 1. Knowledge: To introduce topic of the lesson Hobbies. An overview about the topic Hobbies. To practice listening and reading. + Vocabulary: Use the words related to the topic Hobbies. unusual (adj); creativity (n); dollhouse (n); cardboard (n); glue (n); making models, horse riding, upstairs, amazing.... + Language: - Review Present simple tenses + Pronunciation: Pronouncing the sounds /ə/ and /3:/ correctly; 2. Competence: a) General competencies: - By the end of the lesson students will be able to know the form and use the present simple tense. - Develop communication skills and creativity. - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork. - Actively join in class activities. b) Specific competencies: - Group work and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence. - Ability of using Present Simple Tense, some popular verbs of liking. - Sts can introduce themselves or one another fluently 3. Qualities: - Love talking about their hobbies. Having benefits of their hobbies in daily life. Ss have the good attitude to working in groups, individual work, pair work, cooperative learning. II. PREPARATIONS Teacher: Grade 7 text book, laptop, TV, pictures and realia, Computer connected to the Internet. Sach mem.vn Students: Text books, pencils, pics, blank papers, realia,….
III. PROCEDURE ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (3’- GW/PW/IW) 1. Aim: - To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the lesson; - To give T and Ss a chance to introduce their hobbies. - To lead into the unit 2. Content: - Have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new class. 3. Products: - Interest and concentration of Sts on the class activities. - Introducing themselves to make more new friends. 4. Implementation: - Teacher instructs - Sts do as required TEACHER AND STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Step 1: Task delivering T may introduce some warm-up activities to create an active atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson... - T asks Ss about what they like doing for pleasure in their free time. Step 2: Task performance - Ss answer the question individually. - Ask Ss to guess what the conversation might be about. Before open their books, T asks Ss what they like doing for pleasure in their free time. Summarise Ss’s answers and ask them what these activities called. Elicit the word “Hobbies”. Step 3: Report and discussion - T sets the context for the listening and reading text: - Write the title on the board My favorite hobby. Step 4: Judgement - Let Ss open their books and start the lesson. - Ask Ss to guess what the conversation might be about. Chatting. What do you like doing in your free time? Do you like collecting dolls? Do you like collecting glass bottles? Do you enjoy mountain climbing? ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (15'- PW/IW) 1. Aim: - To set the context for the introductory conversation; to provide Ss with vocabulary. - To introduce the topic of the unit, the vocabulary, the sounds, and the grammar points to be learnt. - To help Ss well-prepared for the listening and reading tasks. 2. Content: - Learn some new words in context. Read the conversation and find out new words. 3. Products:
- Practice reading the conversation Knowing more new words. Understanding the conversation; topic of the lesson, grammar points... 4. Implementation: - Teacher instructs - Sts do as required Step 1: Task delivering - Teacher introduces the vocabulary. + Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, rcalia, translation.) Step 2: Task performance - Have Ss say the words in the text that they think are related to the topic My hobbies. - Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary by pictures. Step 3: Report and discussion - Quickly write the words on one part of the board. - Teacher checks students’ understanding with the “Rub out and remember” technique. Step 4: Judgement - Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback. Teacher reveals that these four words will appear in the reading text and asks students to open their textbook to discover further. * Vocabulary - unusual (adj) - creativity (n) - dollhouse (n) - cardboard (n) - glue (n) - making models - upstairs - amazing - horse riding Activity 1. Listen and read P 8 Step 1: Task delivering Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 8-9 and answer the questions below: - Can you guess who they are? - What can you see in the pictures? - What hobby do they have? - T introduces the two characters: Trang and Ann. Explain they are friends. Quickly write Ss' answers to Questions 2 - 4 on the board. Step 2: Task performance - Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and read along. Have Ss underline the words that are related to the topic of the unit while they are listening and reading. Step 3: Report and discussion - Invite some pairs of Ss to read the conversation aloud. - Teacher checks Ss’ prediction. Step 4: Judgement - Have Ss say the words in the text that they think are related to the topic My 1. Listen and read P 8
hobbies. - Quickly write the words on one part of the board. Comment on Ss'answers. Activity 2. Write True (T) or False (F). P 9 Step 1: Task delivering - Teacher tells Ss to read the conversation again and work independently to find the answers. Remind Ss to underline the information and correct the false statements. Step 2: Task performance - Ss work independently to find the answers. Step 3: Report and discussion - Teacher has Ss compare the answers in pairs before checking with the whole class. - Ss share their answers with a partner before discussing as a class. Ss may read the conversation again to confirm their answers before giving T the answers. Step 4: Judgement - Teacher checks the answers as a class and gives feedback. 2. Write True (T) or False (F). Ex2 P 9 1. F (She made it herself.) 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F (Her lesson starts at 8 a.m.) Activity 3. Write the words and phrases from under the pictures (Ex 3, P 9 ) Step 1: Task delivering - T asks Ss to name the pictures. Step 2: Task performance - T has Ss work individually to match the words and phrases in the box with the pictures. Have them compare their answers with a partner. Then ask for Ss’ answers. Quickly write their answers on the board without confirming the correct answers. Step 3: Report and discussion - T has Ss listen to the recording, check their answers, and repeat the words / phrases. Ask Ss to look at the answers on the board and say if they are right or wrong. Confirm the correct answers. Step 4: Judgement - Teacher checks the answers as a class and gives feedback. 3. Write the words and phrases from under the pictures (Ex 3, P 9 ) Answer keys: 1. making models 2. riding a horse 3. collecting coins 4. gardening 5. building dollhouses 6. collecting teddy bears Activity 4. Work in pairs. Write the hobbies from 3 in the suitable columns (Ex 4, P. 9 ) Step 1: Task delivering - Have Ss work in pairs and complete the table. 4. Work in pairs. Write the hobbies from 3 in the suitable columns (Ex 4, P. 9 ) + doing things: riding a horse, gardening (others: travelling, skiing, doing yoga, etc.)

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