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LITTLE BIG LOVE (By ElRelator) By ElRelator
LITTLE BIG LOVE (By ElRelator) LITTLE BIG LOVE CHAPTER 1 The strongest kind of love usually happens between those who are extremely similar and extremely different at the same time. Opposites attract, soulmates attract, and there’s no contradiction in these two statements. Ben and Natalie had many things in common, they both lived a hard childhood, being different from everyone else; but the differences between them were also quite remarkable. NATALIE was a very pretty girl, she was nice and friendly to those who deserved it; but she always had problems to fit in (literally). When everyone gets out of your way as you walk, you feel alone, specially if they do it out of fear. As she kept growing up, she became a beautiful young woman and suddenly all the guys felt attracted to her amazing body, but none of them wanted to know how she felt inside, because non of them understood how it feels being so different. They just saw her as if she wasn’t from this planet; they considered her extremely hot and fascinating; but also dangerous and intimidating. BEN was a handsome guy, he was smart and nice too; but his few friends outgrown him (literally) in elementary school, and soon he felt completely isolated. Nobody respected him and nobody took him seriously. He was constantly bullied by all kind of jerks, specially by his brother. Bullies saw him as an easy target, and with him they had the chance they wanted to feel “tough” by picking on a weak defenseless guy. Girls weren’t interested in him at all; most of them didn’t even consider him a real man, but a baby. The world was scary and hostile to him, and every morning he woke up knowing that he would be exposed to all kind of abuses. They were both perfect examples of the revolutionary biological changes that were taking place all over the world. A few years ago, a very strange phenomenon started spreading around the planet. Scientists called it "the Size Anomally" and it affected aproximately 1 of every 100.000 boys. When those boys hit puberty they just stopped growing and shrank back to a height of aproximately 3 ft tall. In the begining it only affected men, so they were usually called "micro-males" More recently, the Size Anomaly started affecting some young girls too, but it had the opposite effect on them. Aproximately 1 of every 100.000 teenage girls started growing amazingly tall, even reaching 12 ft. Unlike the micro-males, who were extremely weak and fragile, those young giantesses didn't seem to suffer any negative effect, they were in fact way healthier than average people, and they had superhuman strength. That’s why they called them "macro-females". This is the story of how a micro-male and a macro-female met for the first time. And, as you can imagine, it's a love story.

LITTLE BIG LOVE (By ElRelator) - I don’t care about what’s fair, dwarf! Do as I say if you don’t want me to kick your ass! - B...But... Why are you so mean to me?! - Because you are a fucking little pansy. I’m the MAN of the house, and you are just the tiny bitch who works for me! Do you want me to break you like a small twig or what?!

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