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1 KHÓA LUYỆN: GIẢI ĐỀ THI 2023-2024 Giáo viên: Cô Trang Anh  TÀI LIỆU VỀ WORD FORM Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. Ex1. Poverty and Social Issues Much of the developing world is caught in a limbo of sorts, battling to (1) ________________ the psychological and physical scars of the near past – of, in many cases, colonial or (2) ________________ rule – while at the same time oddly hesitant about making the changes necessary to safeguard a better future. In many cases, the sums don’t add up; large parts of Africa and Latin America, for example, are resource-rich and (3) ________________ well- positioned to make their mark in the 21st century, but, alas, there is something holding them back. For some, the source of the problem lies very high up indeed; in corrupt and/or unstable governments, which typically rule for the privileged few while the subservient many struggle on in squalor. Others are ravaged by years or even decades of tribal war and (4) ________________, and yet more have simply been the victims of misfortune – the wrath of Mother Nature, for example, which has (5) ________________ drought, famine and, at times, utter devastation on the hapless masses of much of Sub-Saharan Africa over the years. But, whatever about the (6) ________________ causes, the results are as clear as day. A lack of access to education and medical care has left many countries ravaged by diseases by and large under control in the West. Think the AIDS epidemic; that immunity-crippling terminal illness that much of Africa is still struggling to get a handle on. Factors like poor sanitation, malnutrition, poor or a total lack of access to clean water, high rates of violent crime and civil (7) ________________ all play their part and contribute to the disheartening reality on the ground; high infant mortality rates, low life expectancy, ________________, substance abuse, indigence, ________________; the situation for many is dire. Where, in the West, when we talk about poverty, we do so in relative terms, here, poverty is absolute. The poverty line is not drawn to distinguish those who can maintain a good standard of living 1. COME 2. DESPOT 3. OSTENSIBLE 4. CORRUPT 5. LEASH 6. LIE 7. REST 8. JOB 9. NIGHT
2 from those struggling to do so, but rather it (10) ________________ the difference between life and death; the struggle to exist just long enough to welcome in another tomorrow. (Adapted from https://ieltsmaterial.com/) 10. LINE Ex2. Natural disasters Earthquakes are amongst the most destructive natural disasters. They usually strike without any warning and result in a great loss of life and an enormous (1) ________________ of buildings. Additionally, they may cause devastating landslides or create gigantic tidal waves which, in fact, are colossal walls of water smashing into seashores with such force that they are capable of destroying coastal cities. However, the vast majority of fatalities and serious injuries come about when buildings collapse. Most (2) ________________, the earthquake lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so usually there is no time to avert the mortal (3) ________________ once the shaking starts. The savage forces of an earthquake trigger a complex chain reaction in the building's structure when it is shaken, lifted, pushed, or pulled. A building's height, its shape, and construction materials are the most (4) ________________ factors deciding about the survival or collapse of the structure and, consequently, about the life or death of its (5) ________________. ( Adapted from English Advanced Vocabulary and Structure Practice) 1. DEMOLISH 2. FREQUENT 3. SHOT 4. SIGNIFY 5. HABITAT Ex3. Travel Getting away from it all If you’re looking for a destination which is off the (1) ________________ track, then nowhere could be better than the (2) ________________ island of Palawan in the Philippines. It is the (3) ________________ of an archipelago of 1,780 islands and boasts incredibly clear waters, pristine white beaches and wonderfully (4) ________________ fishing villages. Accommodation ranges from five-star luxury hotels to family-run guesthouses and cheap (5) ________________ beach huts where you can do all your own cooking. So even young people who are travelling on a (6) ________________ budget can afford to stay on this (7) ________________ island. (8) ________________ one of the most beautiful destinations in the world, Palawan Island is very different from the tourist traps of the Philippines. You can expect to spend a (9) ________________ week or two in this tropical paradise as the atmosphere is very laid-back and (10) ________________. 1. BEAT 2. FLING 3. LARGE 4. PICTURE 5. CATER 6. SHOES 7. STUN 8. DENY 9. HASSLE 10. COMMERCE
3 (Adapted from Reactivate your grammar & vocabulary) Ex4. Health and medicine Cancer Risks Lung cancer kills more people in one year than all (1) ________________ and accidental deaths combined. This statistic is shocking, but the good news is that people are now well- informed about the risks connected to lung cancer. They know that their risk of contracting this terrible disease decreases if they either stop smoking or do not smoke at all. (2) ________________, the same cannot be said about other types of cancer. Many people are not aware that their everyday behavior can lead to the development of different forms of cancer. Instead of foods that are good for them, people often eat (3) ________________ foods, such as hamburgers, French fries, and pizza. These popular foods contain large amounts of saturated fat, which is one of the worst kinds of fat. Although light and (4) ________________ products are constantly being introduced to the consumer market, many people still buy foods that contain fat because they often taste better. People do not eat as many fresh vegetables and fresh fruits as they used to. Instead, they now eat a lot more (5) ________________ foods that do not contain natural fiber. Many people today are overweight, and being overweight has been connected to some kinds of cancer. Since television sets are now a standard piece of furniture in most living rooms, people spend more time sitting down and (6) ________________ eating snacks than they did in the past. Finally, health officials are (7) ________________ concerned by the astounding rise in the cases of skin cancer. Many societies value a tanned (8) ________________, so on weekends, people tend to flock to the beach or swimming pools and lie in the sun. Cancer has been around since the earliest days of humans (9) ________________ but only recently has the public been made aware of some of the risk factors involved. (10) ________________ campaigns can be seen everywhere on billboards, in television commercials, on the radio, and in newsprint. If proper diets, exercise, and sunscreens received the same level of attention, the number of cancer cases could be reduced. (Adapted from Great Writing 4) 1. CRIME 2. FORTUNE 3. HEALTH 4. FAT 5. PROCESS 6. MIND 7. GRAVE 8. COMPLEX 9. EXIST 10. SMOKE Ex5. Memory and the Hippocampus The Mysteries of Memory Loss Many people claim to have a bad memory, and it's true that we have trouble at times remembering where we put our house keys or recalling the names of people we've recently
4 met. But there are those who suffer more serious memory problems, including memory loss over time or memory loss due to injury, disease, or (1) ________________ of surgery. The brain only has a limited number of cells, and neuroscientists—doctor experts who study the brain—had theories in the past about how these cells might (2) ________________ run out. Further (3) ________________ suggests that memory loss may be significantly impacted by injury to the hippocampal region, a part of the brain thought to be crucial for information recall. Research on individuals with brain damage in this region reveals that although they are still able to recollect pre-damaged memories, they are unable to remember recent information. Furthermore, age-related (4) ________________ like Alzheimer's and other issues involving both short- and long-term memory loss are (5) ________________ linked to potential hippocampal damage. In recent years, the exploration of the hippocampus and memory has been greatly facilitated by two (6) ________________ patients. These individuals, known simply as EP and HM, both encountered memory (7) ________________ subsequent to the damage of this particular cerebral area. HM suffered a head injury as a child and later (8) ________________ experimental brain surgery to remove most of his hippocampus. In contrast, EP developed a condition that caused his hippocampal tissue to mostly disappear. Although neither of the men can create new memories at this time, they can recall certain things from before their traumas. For instance, (9) ________________ of how many times you may have met before, EP and HM will always believe it's their first time meeting you, even though they are both likely to remember things from their (10) ________________ or lessons they learned in school. (Adapted from Active Skills for Reading 3) 1. COMPLICATE 2. EVENT 3. EVIDENT 4. ILL 5. INCREASE 6. ORDINARY 7. IMPAIR 8. GO 9. REGARD 10. CHILD Ex6. Modern media and Blogging Blogging in the modern-day Personal narratives of everyday occurrences were common in the early blogs. Very soon, however, many types emerged including critical news (1) ________________, often well- informed and (2) ________________ expressed. With many millions of bloggers now writing on almost every (3) ________________ subject each day, the traditional media cannot afford to ignore them or treat them with (4) ________________. Their ubiquity means they have become increasingly influential, as can be seen in the number of ‘official’ news stories that are (5) ________________ or called into question by bloggers, and also the numerous stories – initiated through blogs. 1. COMMENT 2. ELOQUENCE 3. CONCEIVE 4. RESPECT 5. CREDIT 6. CORPORATE

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