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Michael Swan & Catherine Walter Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced A grammar practice book for advanced students of English @ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
pu bl isher's acknowled gements The authors and publisher are grateful to those who have given permission to reproduce the following extracts and adaptations of copyright material: p32 Extract from'Wildlife Expedition Cruising FAQs' from www.oceansworldwide.co.u k. Reproduced by kind permission. p39 Extract from'How not to have a summer of discontent'by Sarah Vine, 26 )uly 2010, The Timel Reproduced by permission of Nl Syndication. p63 Excerpt from Under MilkWood by Dylan Thomas, copyright a 1952 Dylan Thomas. Reprinted by permission of David Higham Associates and New Directions Publishing Corp. p253 Extract from'Errors & Omissions: Another distinctively British usage gets lost on its way across the Atlantic'by Guy Keleny, 28 August 2010,The Independent. Reproduced by permission. p276 Extract from As Others Hear Us by E M Delafield o E M Delafield. Reproduced by permission of PFD www.pfd.co.uk on behalf of the Estate of E M Delafield. Sources: p277 www.expatax.nl lllustrations by: Peter Lawrence/Oxford Desi g ners a nd I I I ustrators: pp: 15,95,25; Ed Mclachlan: pp 118,127,141, 188; Phillip Scramm/Meiklejohn lllustration agency: pp 1 1 (communicator), 12, 128, 1 91, 199 The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce photographs: Alamy lmages pp22 (red shoes/RTimages),22 (plasma TV/Judith Collins),22 (Ferrari Fiorano 599 GTB/Oleksiy Ma ksymen ko), 21 6 (files/ Caro), 23 1 (South Africa n mask/ Stock Connection Blue), 274 (semi-detached house/ Nikreates); Bridgeman Art Library Ltd pp129 (Head of Statue of Man, Sodano, Sandro (b.1966)/Private Collection/o Special Photographers Archive), 143 (Roman woman, from floor of a house (mosaic), Roman, (3rd century AD)ly'olubilis, Morocco/Hannah Armstrong), 231 (Viking Runestone, from Tjanguide, Alskog, Gottland (stone) by Swedish School/Ancient Art and Architecture Collection Ltd.); British Museum lmages p231 (Sumerian Seal);Corbis pp32 (whale tailly'ivian Kereki), 77 (elephant/ Paul Souders), 77 (brown bear/JamiTarris), 77 (dolphin/ Jeffrey Rotman), 77 (sperm whale/Denis Scott), 1 12 (Michael Jordan/Neal Preston), 172 (Strawberry and creamAVinkelmann, Bernhard/the food passionates); Getty lmages pp22 (headphones/Business Wire), 37 (cave painting/Robert Frerck/Stone); Nature Picture Library pp77 (leafcutter ant/Stephen Dalton), 77 (froglKimTaylor); Philip Hargraves p22 (charger); OUP pp77 (cheetah/ Corbis/Digital Stock), 87 (Jefferson Memorial/Photodisc), iv 184 (businessman/Stockbyte), 184 (lingerie and pearls/ Photodisc), 216 (drill/Melba Photo Agency), 216 (pliers/ lngram), 216 (wrench/Dennis Kitchen Studio, lnc.); Photolibrary p22 (bike/imagebroker RF); Science Photo Library pp77 (peregrine falcon/Jim Zipp), gO (Portrait in oils of Sir lsaac Newton); Wikimedia Commons p231 (Photo of Kokopelli petroglyph, Embudo, NM USA/E|nar Einarsson Kvaran). Sourced cartoons: CartoonStock: p250 ('l miss the good old days...') Private Eye: p1 13 (Aren't you supposed to take...?'/ Husband) Punch Cartoon Library: pp14 ('You have a 9o...'/ Donegan); 16 ('The dog's being impossible again!/ Haldane);27 ('Things are looking badl/lan);27 ('l'm selling this...'/Anton); 38 ('l'm sorry...'/Darling); 57 ('Pembroke, have you...'/Barsotti); 57 ('When did you last feed...'/ Haldane); 87 (All the exits...'/Duncan); 94 ('l'm thinking of leaving...'/Mike Williams); 109 ('Excuse me, but would you mind...?'/Honeysett); 1 10 ('l'm sorry to bother you...'/ Noel Ford); 1 1 0 ('Didn't we have some children. . .'/Ffolkes); '123 ('lf you don't mind...'/Clive Collins); 199 ('Gerald, I don't think...'/Ffolkes); 199 ('l would be happy...'); 240 ('l'm sorry, but as your account...'/Heath); 249 ('Well, wherever he is. . .'/Graha m);269 ('Frankly Walla ce. . !);269 ('Mind you, this is a tough area. . .'/Noel Ford); 288 ('You sold my what to who?'/Noel Ford); The New Yorker Collection/ www.cartoonbank.com pp: 26 ('Hes swearing...'/Pat Brynes); 29 ('Do these shoes...?'/ Cotham); 6 1 ('l ca n see. . .'/Drucke r); 64 (' I wonder. . .'/BEK); 109 ('The problem with you...'/y'ictoria Roberts); 1 1 ('We have lots of information technology...'/5 Harris); 207 ('We can't say new...'/Tuohy); 233 ('How to rob...'/Farley Katz); 269 ('lt sort of makes...'/S Gross); The Spectator: pp 6 ('Don't you ever switch off...'/Paul Wood); 1 1 ('Toast training school'/Linden); 14 ('How romantic...');43 ('l've wired his electric chair'/Husband); 43 ('Mrs Dunne is here...'/Husband); 48 ('That s an excellent idea...'/Moulson);57 ('My baggage has gone to Helll/ GeoffThompson); 1 10 ('Before you turned up...'/Austin; 1 13 ('No nurse...'/Nicholas);124 ('No, kickboxing is down the hall...'/Nick Downes); 207 ('Listen, I'll call you back...'/ Baker);223 ('How to eat while readingl/S Harris); The Tessa Sayle Agency: p.1 0 ('Do come out Rover. . .'/ Ronald Searle); NewWoman: p 2 ('l've spent...'/Cole) Every effort has been made to trace the owners of the copyright material used in this book, but we should be pleased to hear from any copyright holder whom we have been unable to contact.

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