Content text Praedial Larceny.pptx
Agricultural Produce (23(3) Summary Offences Act) - In this section “agricultural produce” includes— (a) all root crops, plants, grasses, pulses, vegetables, cereals, fruit and fibres; (b) all planting material, seeds, herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers; (c) all fish and other aquatic life; (d) all agricultural, forest and aquatic products, tools, machinery, equipment and materials; and (e) any other crop, plant, grass, pulse, vegetable, cereal, fruit, fibre, material, seed, herbicide, pesticide, fertiliser, product, tool, machinery, equipment or material used in agricultural production, KEY TERMS
Livestock/Poultry (Sec 2 Summ Off Act)- any bison, buffalo, horse, donkey, mule, ox, bull, cow, steer, heifer, calf, ram, ewe, sheep, lamb, goat, kid, hog, sow, pig or swine; any tool, machinery, equipment or material used in the rearing of animals or in the production of animal products; and any other animal, tool, machinery, equipment or material which the Ministry may, by Order, direct to be included within this definition KEY TERMS
Suspected Person- means any person who has or has had in his possession or under his control in any place any agricultural produce or livestock in the circumstances described in section 8 or in such other circumstances as reasonably cause any constable or authorized person to suspect that the agricultural produce or livestock has been unlawfully obtained KEY TERMS