Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Digital [ 121 ] INTRODUCTION TO HOW MANY PIGMENTS ARE INVOLVED IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS 1. Oxygen which is liberated during photosynthesis comes from - (1) Carbon dioxide (2) Water (3) Chlorophyll (4) Phosphoglyceric acid 2. In which of the following process, the light energy is converted into chemical energy? (1) Digestive action (2) Respiration (3) Photosynthesis (4) Fermentation 3. During photosynthesis the oxygen in glucose comes from :- (1) Water (2) Carbon di oxide (3) O2 in air (4) Both from water and CO2 4. Name the scientist, who first pointed out by bell jar experiment that plants purify foul air: (1) Willstatter (2) Robert Hooke (3) Priestley (4) Jean Senebier 5. Moll's half leaf experiment explains that :- (1) Carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis (2) Chlorophyll and water are necessary for photosynthesis (3) Light and water are essential for photosynthesis (4) All the above are correct 6. Oxygen during photosynthesis comes from water was proved with the help of O18 experiment by:- (1) Ruben and Kamen (2) Hill (3) Warburg (4) Blackman 7. Name the scientist who pointed out the importance of different wavelengths of light using a green algae and aerobic bacteria :– (1) Priestley (2) Ingen-Housz (3) K.V. Thimann (4) Englemann 8. Photosynthesis is :- (1) Oxidative, exergonic, catabolic (2) Redox-reaction, endergonic, anabolic (3) Reductive, exergonic, anabolic (4) Reductive, endergonic, catabolic 9. The significance of light and chlorophyll in photosynthesis was discovered by :- (1) Priestley (2) Ingenhousz (3) Englemann (4) Blackman 10. Which one of the following pigment does not occur in the chloroplast? (1) Carotene (2) Xanthophyll (3) Chlorophyll 'b' (4) Anthocyanin 11. Chlorophyll contains : (1) Fe (2) Mg (3) K (4) Mn 12. Which pigment is water soluble? (1) Chlorophyll (2) Carotene (3) Anthocyanin (4) Xanthophyll 13. Chlorophyll is present : (1) In the grana of chloroplasts (2) On the surface of chloroplasts (3) Dispersed through out the chloroplasts (4) In the stroma of chloroplasts 14. Which colour of light gives maximum absorption peak by chlorophyll 'a' ? (1) Blue light (2) Green light (3) Violet light (4) Red light 15. The formula of chlorophyll 'a' is : (1) C35H72O5N4Mg (2) C55H70O3N4 Mg (3) C55H72O5N4Mg (4) C51H70O6N4 Mg 16. The number of pigment molecules in photosystem is: (1) 250 - 400 (2) 300 - 900 (3) 500 - 600 (4) 50 -100 17. The main difference between chlorophyll 'a' and 'b' is: (1) Chlorophyll 'a' is a linear chain compound and 'b' is branched chain (2) Chlorophyll 'a' has no Mg+ ion in center of molecule (3) In chlorophyll 'a' there is –CH3 group whereas in 'b' it is –CHO group (4) All of the above Exercise - I
NEET : Biology [ 122 ] Digital 18. Basic common structure of all chlorophyll comprises of :- (1) Cytochrome system (2) Flavoproteins (3) Porphyrin system (4) Plastocyanin 19. What is the by product of bacterial photosynthesis? (1) O2 (2) CO2 (3) S (4) H2S 20. Which of the following chlorophyll is lack of phytol-tail? (1) Chl'a' (2) Chl.'b' (3) Chl.'c' (4) Chl.'e' 21. Universal chlorophyll is :- (1) Chl-'a' (2) Chl 'b' (3) Chl - 'c' (4) Chl - 'e' 22. Which one of the following is precursor of protochlorophyll? (1) Acetyl COA (2) Succinyl COA (3) Oxlaoacetic acid (4) -ketoglutarate 23. Photosynthesis is an oxidation reduction process, the materials that is oxidised is :- (1) CO2 (2) NADP (3) H2O (4) PGA 24. During photosynthesis :- (1) Water is reduced & CO2 is oxidized (2) CO2 is reduced & water is oxidized (3) Both CO2 & water get reduced (4) Both CO2 & water get oxidized 25. Which photosynthetic pigment converts nascent oxygen to molecular oxygen ? (1) Chlorophyll-a (2) Carotenoids (3) Phycobilins (4) Chlorophyll-b 26. Hill reaction occurs in :– (1) High altitude plants only (2) Total darkness (3) Presence of ferricyanide (4) Absence of water 27. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) represents the following range of wavelength :- (1) 400–700 nm (2) 500–600 nm (3) 450–950 nm (4) 340–450 nm 28. Which one of the following categories of organisms do not evolve oxygen during photosynthesis ? (1) Red algae (2) Photosynthetic bacteria (3) C4–plants with Kranz anatomy (4) Blue green algae 29. The site for dark reaction of photosynthesis is: (1) Stroma (2) Grana (3) Intergrana (4) Mitochondria WHAT IS LIGHT REACTION AND THE ELECTRON TRANSPORT 30. Discovery of Emerson effect has shown the existence of :– (1) Two distinct photosystems (2) Light and dark reactions of photosynthesis (3) Photophosphorylation (4) Photorespiration 31. Wavelength of light responsible for Emerson's enhancement effect :– (1) only 680 nm (2) only 680 nm (3) infra red wavelength (4) Both 680 nm and 680 nm 32. The process of photo-phosphorylation take place in :- (1) Chloroplast (2) Ribosomes (3) Mitochondria (4) Cell-wall 33. In pigment system -I, reaction centre is :- (1) P-600 (2) P-680 (3) P-700 (4) P-720 34. Which of the following is the site of photolysis of water ? (1) Stroma of chloroplast (2) Cristae of chloroplast (3) Ribosome of chloroplast (4) Lumen surface of thylakoid membrane 35. The first step in photosynthesis is :- (1) Joining of three carbon atoms to from glucose (2) Formation of ATP (3) Ionization of water (4) Excitement of an electron of chlorophyll by a photon of light.
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Digital [ 123 ] 36. The product of light reaction is :- (1) ATP & NADPH(H+) (2) NADPH(H+) & glucose (3) Only ATP (4) O2 & glucose 37. Which one of the following concerns with photophosphorylation ? (1) ADP + AMP light energy ATP (2) ADP + Inorganic PO4 ATP (3) ADP + Inorganic PO4 ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ ATP (4) AMP + Inorganic PO4 ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ ATP 38. During photochemical reaction of photosynthesis– (1) liberation of O2 takes place (2) Formation of ATP and NADPH2 take place (3) Liberation of O2, formation of ATP, and NADPH2 takes place (4) Assimilation of CO2 takes place 39. Which of the following is excited molecule during photosynthesis ? (1) Chlorophyll (2) Oxygen (3) Carbondioxide (4) Water 40. During splitting of H2O, H+ is ultimately captured by :- (1) Chlorophyll (2) NADP (3) O2 (4) Cytochrome 41. At the time of splitting of H2O, which initially captures the electron :- (1) Chlorophyll (2) NADP (3) OH– (4) Cytochrome 42. In cyclic photophosphorylation which one of the following is formed ? (1) NADP & ATP (2) ATP (3) NADH + H+ and O2 (4) NADPH + H+, ATP and O2 43. Photooxidation of water in photosynthesis is associated with :- (1) Cytochrome b6 (2) Pigment system–I (3) Pigment system–II (4) Plastocyanin 44. During ATP synthesis electron pass through:- (1) Water (2) Cytochromes (3) O2 (4) CO2 45. Which pigment system immediately donates e – for the reduction of NADP ? (1) PS II (2) PS I (3) CO2 (4) Plastoquinone 46. Which element are presents in OEC (Oxygen evolving complex) ? (1) Mn++ (2) Cl– (3) Ca++ (4) All WHERE ARE THE ATP AND NADPH USED 47. The path of CO2 in the dark reactions of photosynthesis was sucessfully traced by the use of the :– (1) O2 18 (2) C14O2 (3) P32 (4) X - rays 48. Which of the following protein is most abundant on the earth? (1) Catalase (2) RuBisCO (3) Amylase (4) Pepsin 49. The function of ATP in photosynthesis is the transfer of energy from the :- (1) Dark reaction to the light reaction (2) Light reaction to the dark reaction (3) Chloroplasts to mitochondria (4) Mitochondria to chloroplasts 50. In photosynthesis, hydrogen is transferred from the light reactions to dark reactions by:– (1) NAD (2) DNA (3) ATP (4) NADP 51. NADPH(H+) is also called :- (1) Real power (2) Oxidising agent (3) Power house of energy (4) Reducing power 52. Fixation of 1 CO2 requires :– (1) 6NADPH(H+) & 3ATP (2) 2NADPH(H+) & 3ATP (3) 4NADPH(H+) & 3ATP (4) 5NADPH(H+) & 3ATP
NEET : Biology [ 124 ] Digital 53. Connecting link between light phase and dark phase of photosynthesis, is :- (1) Only ATP (2) Only NADPH(H+) (3) Only NADH + H+ (4) ATP & NADPH(H+) 54. In photosynthesis CO2 combines with :- (1) RUBP (2) ATP (3) ADP (4) PGA 55. During the dark reactions of photosynthesis:– (1) Water splits (2) CO2 is reduced to organic compounds (3) Chlorophyll is activated (4) Stable C6-sugar is broken into three carbon sugars 56. The enzyme that fixes atmospheric CO2 in C4 plants is :– (1) PEP carboxylase (2) Hexokinase (3) RUBP oxygenase (4) Hydrogenase 57. During photosynthesis when PGA is changed into phosphoglyceraldehyde which of the following reaction occur ? (1) Oxidation (2) Reduction (3) Electrolysis (4) Hydrolysis 58. Carbon refixation in C4 plants occurs in chloroplasts of :– (1) Palisade tissue (2) Spongy Mesophyll (3) Bundle sheath cells (4) Gaurd cells 59. Tropical plants like sugarcane show high efficiency of CO2 fixation because of :– (1) Calvin cycle (2) Hatch - Slack cycle (3) Cyclic photophosphorylation (4) TCA Cycle 60. "Kranz" type of anatomy is found in :– (1) C4 plant (2) C3 plant (3) Succulent plants (4) All of the above 61. Which of the following is C-4 plants ? (1) Maize (2) Atriplex (3) Sugarcane (4) All of the above 62. Which pair is wrong ? (1) C3 plant – maize (2) Calvin cycle – PGA (3) Hatch and Slack cycle – Maize (4) C4-plant – Kranz Anatomy 63. C4 plants are found among :- (1) Only gramineae family (2) Only monocots (3) Only dicots (4) Monocots as well as dicots 64. In case of C4 pathway, the first step is :- (1) CO2 combines with RUBP (2) CO2 combines with PGA (3) CO2 combines with PEP (4) CO2 combines with PGAL 65. In dark reaction, first reaction is the :- (1) Carboxylation (2) Decarboxylation (3) Dehydrogenation (4) Deamination 66. Number of ATP molecules required for regeneration phase of RUBP during synthesis of 1 glucose molecule :- (1) 6 (2) 12 (3) 18 (4) 30 67. Isotopes employed to study the process of photosynthesis reaction. (1) S35 and P32 (2) C14 and O18 (3) N14 and Co60 (4) N14 and O18 68. Chloroplast is present in bundle sheath cells of :- (1) C3 – plants (2) C4 – plants (3) CAM plants (4) Photorespiring plants 69. CO2 is accepted by RUBP in C4 plants in :- (1) Mesophyll cells (2) Bundle sheath cells (3) Stomatal gaurd cells (4) Epidermal cells 70. Bundle sheath chloroplasts of C4 plant are : (1) Large & agranal (2) Large & granal (3) Small & agranal (4) Small & granal