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Venuss Basic Surveying (a) Drawing (b) Cross section (c) Mn Ans.(c) 10. The curvature of the earth is ignorcd in (a) geodetic survey (c) plane survey Ans.(c) Chapter (b) hydrographic surney (d) city survey Overview & Classification of Survey LONG QUESTION ANSWER MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Q1. Define Surveying? Explain the principles af sur- veying Ans.Surveying is the art of delermining the relative psS tionsofobjecis n thecarth sIurlace by measuring hori zonlal distances between thenm. These distances are then 1. The survey in which the curvature of carth is not [SBTE-2017] taken into account is called (a) gcodctic surve (c) planc survey Ans. (c) 2. Which of thec following survey is carricd out to fix- ing of property lines? (a) topographical survey (c) both (a) and (b) Ans. (b) 3. The main principle of surveying is to work from .(a) higher leveltothelower level. (b) lower level to the higher level. (c) part to whole. (d). whiolc to part. Ans.(d) 4. Thec primary division of survey is (a) Based on instrument used (b) Based on nature of ficld survcy (c) Plain & Geodetic surveying (d) Allheabove Ans.(c) 5. Measurement in Geodetic survey is (a) Equal to plain survcy (6) Less than plain survey (c) More than plain survcy (d) Depends upon the situation Ans.(c) 6. For accurate measurement of distances the instru- (b) hydrographic survey (d) city survey plotted on a suitable scale to prepore a map ol the area surveyed. Principles of survecying: The principles of surveying (b) cadastral survey (d) none of these re (a) To work frorn whole to the part (b) To locatc a new station by at lcast tw ineasure- ments from fixed points ol' relerence. Explanation : (a) The purpose of this process of working is lo provent accumulation error. During this proccdure, if there is any of error in the rneasurement of'any linear distance. then it will not affcct the whole work. In the reverse process. minor crrors in measurcment will magnil) and become uncontrollable in the end. (b) Any new station should be fixed by at least 1vo mea- surements from fixcd reference poinus by linear or an- gular or a combination of the two mcasurements. Q2.State thc objective of surveying. STE-2016 Ans.The aiin ofsurvcying is to preparea map to slhow the relative positions of the ohjccts on the surlace of the carth. The map is drawn to some suitable scale. It shows the natural features of a country, suclh as 1owns, vil- lages, roads, railways, rivers, ctc. Maps may also in- clude details of dilferent cngineering works. suclh is ment used roads, railways, irrigation canals ctc. is (b) Tachomcter (d) Planimcter (a) Theodolite (c) Prisnatic Compass Ans.(a) 7. The curvature of the carth is takcn into consider- Q3.What are the uses of Survcying? Ans.Surveying may be used for the following various application. . To prepare a topographical map whiclh slhows tlhe hills. valleys, rivers, viilaye towns, forests, etc. ofa country. To prepare acaastral map showing thhe boundaries of fields. houses and oiher propertics. To prepare and engineering inap which shows the details ofengineeringworks streh as roads. railways. rescrv irs. irrigation canals, etc. To preparea military mapshow ing the road and railway communications with dilerent partsofa country. Suich a map also shows the diiierent suitegie oints inortint ation in. (b) hydrographic survey (d) city survey (a)geodetic survey (C) planc survey Ans.(a) 8. The Scale for a map is given as 1/100000.The scale can be representcd as lem=? (a) 10m (c) 1000m Ans.(c) 9. The object of surveying is to prepare a 2. 3. (b) 100nn (d) 10000in 4. Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group by:- Monu kumar Mishra
Venus Basic Surveying 2 for the defence of a country. S. location ofany point or thc absolute location and dire tion of any linc on the surfacc of the earth astronomical survey is used. (3) Marine survey: It dcals with bodics of water for pur- pose of navigation, water supply ctc. It is also called as hydrographhic survey. To prepare a contour map to determine the capacity of a reservoir and to find the best possible routes for roads, railways, etc. 6. To prepare a gcological map showing areas including underground resources. 7. To prepare an archaeological map including places where ancient relics exist. Q6.Explain the classification of surveying bascd on the instrumcnts. [SBTE-2015] Q4.\What arc the types of survcying? Ans.Classification based on instruments uscd: An altcr- native classification may be based upon the instruments or methods cmployed, the chieftypes being : (i) Chain survey (iii) Traverse survcy (v) Taclheomctric survey (vii) Photogramimctric survey (viii) Acrial survey OR Q4.State the primary divisions of surveying.Describe it in brief. ISBTE-2018] Ans.Thcre are two typcs of survcying (1) Planc survey : In plane surveying. the cfTect of curva- ture of carth is not considered. The surfacc of the earth (ii) Theodolite survey (iv)Triangulation survey (vi) Plane table survey is taken as plane. The lines connecting any two points are considered as straight lines and thc angles of poly- gon are plane angles. planc surveys arre carried out for sImall areas. Thc degrcc of accuracy is comparatively low. It involves plain trigonometry. The extent of sur- veys up to 260 km* are considered as plane surveys. Plane survey cab be carricd by any agency concerncd. (2) Geodetic Survey: In geodetic surveying, the curva- ture of cartlh is taken into consideration as the surveys extent for large distances and arcas. It is carricd out for locating distant control points and for surveying largee areas i.c. beyond 260 It is generally, perforned by Government agencies.In India, it is done by Great Trigonometrical Survey ( G.TS) department. It is car- ried out vith a ligh degrcc of precision or accuracy to obtain data concerning the size and shape ofearth or to locate the positions ofwedely distant points, i.c. control points for further detailed surveys. Thcodolite survey : The Theodolite is the most pre cise instrument designed for the measurement of hori zontal and vertical angles and has wide applicability in surveying such as laying off horizontalangles, locating points on linc. prolonging survcy lincs, cstab!ishing gracdes. determining difTerence in elevation, setting out curves ctc. A transit theodolite (or simply transit") is one is which the line of sight can bc reversed by revolving the telescopethrough 180° in the vertical planc. The non-transit theodolites are either plain thcodolites or Y-thcodolites in which the telescope cannot be transited. The trasit is mainly used and non-transit theodolites have now be- come obsolete. Traversc surveying: Traversing is that type ofsurvey in which a numbcr of connected survey lines form the framework and the directions and lengths of the survey lines arc measured with thc help of an angle (or direc- tion) measuring instrument and a tape (or chain) respec- tively. When the lines form a circuit which ends at the starting point, it is known as a closed traverse. If the circuit ends elsewlhere, it is said to be an open traverse. The closed traverse is suitabte for locating the bound- aries of lakes, woods ctc., and for the survey of large areas. The open traverse is suitable for surveying a large narrow stripof landas required for a road or canal or the coast line. Q5.Classify surveying based upon the nature of the ficld survey. Ans.Classification based on the Nature of Ficld: (1) Land surveying: (i)Topographical surveys are made to determine the natu- ral features of country, such as rivers, lakes, hills etc. and artificial features such as roads, railway, canals, towns and villages. (ii) Cadastral surveys are plotted on larger scale than to- pographical surveys to determine additional details, such as boundaries of ficlds, houses and other properties. (iii) Engineering surveys arc carried out for the determi- nation of quantities or to collect data for designing of engineering works, such as roads, reservoirs, water - supply and sewage disposal. This can be also called as. City surveying. Plane table surveying: Plane labling is a yraphical method of survey in whiclh the field observations and plotting procecd simultaneously. It is mcans ofmakinga manustript map in the field while the ground can be seen by the topographer and without intermediatc steps of recording and transcribing field notes. It can be used to tie topcgraphy by existing control and to carry its own control systems by triangulation or traverse and by lines (2) Astronomical surveying: To determine the absolute Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group by:- Monu kumar Mishra
Venus Basic Surveying 3 oflevels. Plane Survey Geodetic Survey Q7.Classify Curvature effeet of earth's Curvature cfkcct »f carh's surveying based on the surface and the area of survcyed? Ans.Classication based on the surface and the arca sur- surface 18 Considercd._ The lines connccting twoThe lines connecting wo points are [SBTE-2012] surtacc is not considered. stations are tations or po1nts considercd as straiglht lnc. r veyed: (1) Land survey: Land surveys are donc for objects on the surface of the earth. It can be subdivided into: considered as curved nes parallel o the carth's curved surtace. (a) Topographic survey: This is for depicting the (hills, val- leys, mountains, rivers, etc) and manmade features (roads. houscs, scttlements...) on the surfacc of the Degree of comparat ivclylowv_ 1xtcnt of survey upto afca1xtent of survey is beyond of accuncy 1 1egree ot ccuracy is very high. 26) carth. spherica rigonomeiry. Icncu also trigonomerric:d involves plane Ir involves (b) Cadastral survey is used to determining property bound- aries including those of clds, houses, plots of land, etc. (c) Engineering survey is used to acquire tlhe required data for the planning, design and Exccution of cngincering projects ike roads, bridges, canals, danms, railwayys, buildings,etc. (d) City surveys: The surveys involving the construction and development of towns including roads, drainage, water supply, sewage street nelwork, etc, are generally referred to as city survey. (2) Marine or Hydrographic Survey: Those are surveys of large water bodies for navigation, tidal monitoring. the construction of harbours ctc. (3) Astronomical Survey: Astronomical survey uses the observations of the heavenly bodies (sun, moon, stars etc) to fix the absolute locations of places on the sur- face of the carth. ingonometry called 1S survey lt ean be caricd by anyIt is to be caried only lby agency Conccmed. spccitic gency like G.T.S. department in India. Q10.Definc Scalc PWhat are the diffcrent types of scale in surveying? Ans.Scales:Scale is the fixed ratio that every distance on the plan bcars with corresponding distance on the ground. The different types of scale are as follows: (a) Plain scale: Plain scale is one on which it is possible to measure two dimensions only such as units and lengths and diameters, miles and furlongs etc. (b) Diagonal scale: On a diagonal scale it is possible to measure three dinnensions such as meters, decimeters and centimetres, units tenth and hundreds, yards, fect and inches. (c) The Vernicr: (i) Direct vernier: It is constructed (n-1) divisions of the main scale is cqual to n division of the vernier.ln direct vernier, vernier šcale moves in same direction of main Q8.Classify survcying based upon the purpose ? Ans.The classification ofsurveyingbased on purpose: ) Engincering survey (i) Control Survey: Control survey uses gcodetic meth ods to establish widely spaced vertical and horizontal control points. (iii) Geological Survey: Geological suryey is used to deter mine the structure and arrangement of rock strata. Gen- erally, it enables to know the composition ofthe earth. (iv) Military or Defence Survey is carried out to map places ofmilitary and strategic importance. (iv) Archeological survey is carried out to discover and map ancient/relies ofantiquity. scale. Least count = where, s =value of one smallest division of main scale n number of divisionon the vérnicer vvalue ofone snallést division of vernier also nv = (n-1) s (ii) Retrograde vernier: It is so constructed that (n + 1) division of main scale is equal to n division of vernier.ln retrograde vernier, vernier scale moves in opposile di- rection of main scale. Q9.Diffcrentiate between plain surveying and geodetic surveying (SBTE-2013] (d) Shrunkscale:Shrunk scale= original scale x shrinkage factor. Ans. Shrunk length Shrinkage factor= Actual length Q11.State the mcaning of represcntative fraction? Ans.The scale is expresscd as a friction whose numerator Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group Diploma Discussion Group by:- Monu kumar Mishra