Content text 116 - Electromagnetic Theory BRM.pdf
PHELECTROMAGNETICSTHEORY Just because it’s tough, you won’t do it? “Rising up, straight to the top Have the guts, got the glory Went the distance; now I am not gonna stop Just a man and his will to survive” Eye of the tiger, Rocky
Electromagnetics Theory BRM © ProGATE Coaching by IIT/IISc GATE Toppers A 2 Electromagnetics
Electromagnetics Theory BRM © ProGATE Coaching by IIT/IISc GATE Toppers A 3 Index Electrostatics electric charges and Coulomb’s law Electric field and electric dipole Electric potential Gauss law EM wave propagation Maxwells equations brief background Representation of Maxwell’s equations Derivation of Intrinsic impedance o Intrinsic impedence in low loss,lossy mediums Skin depth Continuity equation Polarization,reflection,refraction o Linear,circular,elliptical polarizations o Reflective/refractive indices Poynting’s Theorem Boundary conditions Waveguides EM Wave propogation in rectangular wave guides o TE wave equations o TM wave equations o Cutoff frequency derivation for TE and TM waves o Group velocity and phase velocity o Intrinsic impedence of TE andTMwaves o Power equations in wave guide EM wave propogation in rectangular wave guide o TE wave equations o TM wave equations o Cutoff frequency derivation for TE and TM waves o Group velocity andphase velocity o Intrinsic impedence o Power equations Transmission lines Loaded transmission line o Reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient o VSWR(Voltage standing wave ratio) o Input impedance of loaded transmission line Input impedence of Shorted load and open load transmission line and behavior λ/2, λ/4 transmission line Scattering parameters S-Matrix and it’s properties
Electromagnetics Theory BRM © ProGATE Coaching by IIT/IISc GATE Toppers A 4 Two-port reciprocal and non-reciprocal network Four-port networks o Magic-TEE o Directional coupler Antennas Antenna parameters Fields of antenna Radiation resistance o Hertizian dipole o λ/2 dipole λ/4 monopole o Folded dipole Antenna patterns Question and Answer from GATE