Content text SSAC-353 Probable Ans By Agriwala Kida™.pdf
SEMESTER END EXAMINATION (B. Sc. Agriculture) SEMESTER: V Course No. - SSAC 353 (2+1) Title: Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management Note: 1) Below given questions are most asked questions for semester end theory exam before. 2) Given questions are collected from previous year question papers. 3) All Questions are collected by: Team@agricos official Explain in detail stages of product life cycle. a) What is Green manuring state advantages and disadvantages of green manuring also explain decomposition of green manure in soil 1) b) Define Bulky organic manure explain the trench method of a FYM preparation 2) a) What is organic recycling and Enlist the sources of organic matter and give composition of organic matter. b) Define Complex fertilizer right characteristics and advantages of complex fertilizer 3) a) Define Fertilizer and classify nitrogen fertilizer with examples. b) Classify Phosphatic fertilizers with examples 4) a) Define micro nutrient fertilizer list chelating compound b) Discuss about losses during handling and storage of fertilizers. 5) a) State the Arnon's criteria for nutrient essentiality. b) Define soil fertility evaluation state the different approaches for soil fertility evaluation. 6) a) State plant usable form of nutrient Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu along with critical level in soil. Describe in detail nitrogen fixation in soil. b) Define INM state the components of INM with suitable examples and enlist its advantages. 7) ) State objectives of soil testing. S b) Write in brief about reaction of micronutrients in soil. 8) a) List different approaches for plant analysis and explain DRIS in detail. b) Define composting and explain Indore method of composting. 9) a) Write down effects of sewage water on soil and plants. b) List methods of nutrient application explain in short broadcasting. For more such questions click here: @AGRICOS OFFICIAL TELEGRAM CHANNEL Follow us on Instagram: @AGRICOS OFFICIAL HMD
10) a) State factors affecting nutrient use efficiency for availability of potassium. b) Explain in detail different forms of Nitrogen in soil. 11) Write Short notes: a) Factors affecting process of composting b)Biofertilizers, c) Sewage & Sludge, A d) CN ratio, e) Top Dressing, fPotassiumfixation, FFICIAL gVermicomposting, h) Analytical method of NPK & Micro-nutrient application, GR HMD
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