Content text LLB Part 1 Sociology Full Book.pdf
3 3 Course Contents 1. Defining Sociology a) What is Sociology, its nature and scope b) Sociology and other social sciences c) Origin and development of Sociology d) Sociological Perspective I. Structure Functionalism II. Social Conflict III. Symbolic Interactionism IV. Feminism 2. Culture a) Defining Culture b) Types of Culture c) Terminologies of Culture d) Elements of Culture e) Relation between Culture, Crime and Law 3. Socialization a) Socialization and its importance from law perspective b) Agents of Socialization c) Socialization through life course d) Socialization and Crime e) Theories of Socialization and Criminal Behavior I. C.H Cooley II. George Herbert Meads III. Sigmund Freud IV. Kohlberg V. Erick Erickson
4 4 4. Social Interaction and Social Structure a) Defining Social Interaction b) Status, status set, Master Status, Achieved and Ascribed Status c) Role, Role set, Role Conflict, Role Strain, Role Exit d) Theories of Social Interaction i. Social Construction of Reality ii. Ethno Methodology iii. Dramaturgical Analysis e) Differential association and Differential Reinforcement in relation with Conforming and Deviant behavior 5. Deviance and Social Control a) Deviance, Labeling Crime and Social Control b) Factors behind Deviancy c) Types of Crime d) Types of Criminals e) Community Based Correction, Probation, Parole f) Juvenile Delinquency g) Anomie and Strain theories 6. Social Stratification, social Inequalities and social Mobility a) Social Stratification and its characteristics b) System of Stratification c) Dimensions of Stratifications d) Social Mobility e) Poverty, Poverty line, Absolute and Relative Poverty f) Stratification, Deviancy and Crime 7. Social Institutions a) Definition, Types, Functions, Transitions and Feature of i. Family