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Rev 6, 10th January 2022 1 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DIRECTOR GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL CENTRE, OPP SAFDURJUNG AIRPORT, NEW DELHI CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 2 – AIRWORTHINESS SERIES T PART II ISSUE III, 1 ST APRIL 1976 EFFECTIVE: FORTHWITH F. No. 11-690/T-II/2017-AI(2) DGCA-25012(07)/8/2021 Subject: Flight testing of aircraft for which a Certificate of Airworthiness has previously been issued. 1. APPLICABILITY: 1.1 This Civil Aviation Requirements specifies the conditions for the flight testing of aircraft for which a Certificate of Airworthiness has previously been issued. 2. DEFINITIONS: (a) "Approved" means approved by Director General of Civil Aviation. (b) "Flight Test" means the flying of an aircraft, without any passenger on board, for the purpose of ensuring that: (i) the aircraft handling characteristics have not deteriorated with time; (ii) the aircraft performance remains as scheduled; and (iii) aircraft and its equipment function properly. 3. CIRCUMSTANCES NECESSITATING FLIGHT TESTING: 3.1 An aircraft shall be flight tested under the circumstances mentioned below: (a) Subsequent to a major inspection schedule/ as specified by the manufacturer in case of scheduled airlines. Note: Scheduled airlines, which have a system (vide para 7 of this CAR) of meticulous flight monitoring of each revenue flight, for the guidance of their operating crew and also have a flight performance evaluation cell in their engineering organisation acceptable to DGCA, need not subject individual aircraft to test flight for the purpose of issue/ extension of ARC except under the circumstances detailed below

CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 2 – AIRWORTHINESS SERIES T PART II 1 ST APRIL, 1976 Rev 6, 10th January 2022 3 (f) To satisfactorily determine the cause of a defect so as to assess the maintenance required to rectify the defect. 3.2 Notwithstanding the circumstances mentioned in para 3.1 above, DGCA may require any aircraft or any type of aircraft to undergo such flight-testing and at such frequency as considered necessary. 3.3 Operator of an aircraft shall, for each type of aircraft operated by it, specify in its approved Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition / Maintenance Organisation Manual ( CAME / MOM ), the circumstances under which a flight test is to be performed. This shall not only include the circumstances laid down in para 3.1 above, but also any other currently known. Further procedures to be observed by maintenance personnel for the flight testing shall also be included in the exposition/ manual. 3.4 Whenever the performance of an aircraft during the flight test or at other occasions, is adversely commented upon by the flight crew, the same shall be reported to Regional Airworthiness Office promptly, along with the remedial measures envisaged to rectify the situation. 3.5 An appropriately authorized certifying staff issue the Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) as per CAR 145 / CAR M of an aircraft, shall prior to certifying, determine whether or not the circumstances are such that a flight test is necessary. 4. CERTIFICATION BEFORE FLIGHT TEST: 4.1 Before a flight test is made, the documents covering the maintenance repair, modification and inspection shall be completed in all respects and certified in accordance with the approved procedures listed in (CAME/ MOM) and shall be produced before the pilot of the aircraft, if required. 4.2 When the requirements of para 4.1 have been met, and before the test flight, a certificate, to the effect that the aircraft is fit for the flight, shall be issued in duplicate on a proforma, by an authorized certifying staff who is permitted to issue Certificate of Release to Service. One copy shall be delivered to the pilot test flying the aircraft and the other copy shall be retained by the operator. 4.3 The certifying staff who signs the pre test flight certification documents shall also ensure that the document shows the purpose of test flight and the information required to be observed/ recorded during the test flight by the flight crew. The pilot test flying the aircraft shall also be briefed on these aspects. 5. PROCEDURE DURING TEST FLIGHT:
CIVIL AVIATION REQUIREMENTS SECTION 2 – AIRWORTHINESS SERIES T PART II 1 ST APRIL, 1976 Rev 6, 10th January 2022 4 5.1 Operators shall, for each type of aircraft operated by them, provide in an approved routine test flight schedule, the detailed procedure to be followed/ observed while performing the flight test. 5.2 It shall be the responsibility of the operator to keep the test flight schedule, vis-a- vis manufacturer's/ DGCA's requirements, up-to-date. 5.3 As far as practicable, the routine test flight will be conducted at maximum all-up- weight, authorised for the type of aircraft, keeping in view the limitation imposed by the factors like aerodrome altitude/ temperature, runway length etc. 5.4 The routine test flight procedure will at least ensure: - (i) that “all-engine-operating climb performance is within acceptable limits, specified by the manufacturer/ DGCA, while effecting climb at the "best climbing speed". (ii) that the cruise speed at the cruising engine power, is within the range specified; (iii) that the stalling speed has not increased beyond the figure specified by the manufacturer. (iv) that through normal operating range of the aircraft no abnormal vibrations exist; (v) that flight controls operate and respond normally and satisfactorily. Note: - The stalling characteristics of the aircraft if required to be checked, must be checked at a safe altitude. (vi) The radio/ radar equipment functions correctly as installed in the aircraft and the operating range is satisfactory. 6. FLIGHT TEST REPORT: 6.1 A flight test report appropriate to the flight test performed shall be completed by the pilot- in-command or by any other flight crewmember of the aircraft, authorised by the operator. The report shall detail the result of the flight test and record all defects experienced and adjustments made during the flight, besides recording of instruments readings as called for in the report (schedule). 6.2 The pilot-in-command shall be responsible for recording the result of the test flight and for making such comments in writing as considered necessary for a further test flight.

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