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Content text 5b-Dap-an-De-thi-Tieng-Anh-CSP-2024.pdf

BO GrAO DUC VA I)nO'r'no TITU'dNG DAI HQC SUPIIAM HA NOI Tt ciu I - 70: M6i d6p 6n dring dugc 0,1 di6m KV rHr ruYtN sINH Ldp lo TRI,ONG TI.IPT CHTIYEN DAI HoC SIIPHAM NAM 2024 Di cHiNH rHUC Me dd thi: 209 DAP AN vA HU6NG DAN CHAM M6N THI: TIENG ANH (t)anh tho rhi sinh thi vao tip l0 chuytn Tiing Anhl I. I) 11. c 21. c 41. on l. I) 'l'ir ciu 71 - 75: M6i c6u dlng duo-c 0.1 di6m. - -L--l!" , Errors 10 51. D 6l . scrutin 5 t2 l3 cnorgy-storcd f ir ciu 76 - 85: M6i ciu ding dugc 0,1 di6m. 76. George is widely assumed lo have been wrongly accused. 77. Ilis description ofthc incident bore no resemblance to/ relation to whal really happened. 78. I dread my aunt('s) coming to sla! (wilh us). 79.l,cngthy as /though their discussion was / might be, lhe commiltee couldn't make up their mind/ reach any /o decision. 80. It was not utttil he was confronled with the evidence thal he confessed lo lhe crime. 8 I . Pcoplc tronl all walks of life are admitled to this club. 82. 'l hcy havc bccn livingfrom hund to mouth since she lost hcr job. 83.'l'honas makes no secret ofthe fact (that) hc has bccn marricd four times. 84. Should thc need arise, she can rustle zp a dclicious meal in about halfan hour. 85 . ll's common knowledge lhat he always goes baclr on his promises. I,hin vi6t: 1.5 didnr 1 22.1 32. B 42. sornc 52. G 62. undcrpinning 3,C 12. c 13. I) 33, rl 43. which 53. F 63. unabated 14. u 23. t) 4. t] 24. A 44. in 54. n 64. lucidity 5.4 15. B 25. A 35. B 55.11 65. counteracts 6.A r6. c 26. C 36. C 46. than 56. L 66. impcdiment/ impediments 7. A t7. A 27.1) 37. I) 47. made 57. hcalthv 67. course 28. n 38. A 48. ablc 58. acccptance 68. droppcd 29. tl 39. C 49. witlr 59. indispensable 69. acl I0. t) 8. I) 9. (l I8. Il 19. A 20. t) 30. A 40. A 50. lacking 60. relocating 70. apart Corrcctions slncc reducing/ which rcduccs pancls P anc I takcs 3r.c lron.r rcducc spcnds 'l'6ne di6m cia bii thi: t0 di6m 34. D 45. sufler cncrgy-storing

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