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Unit 3: Sustainable health 3A. Vocabulary • Parts of the body I. Match the words below with the definitions 1 - 8. There are two words that you do not need. ribs liver muscles lungs brain stomach heart spine blood skin 1. The __________ sends blood around your body. 2. The __________ is where food goes after you’ve eaten it. 3. __________ is a red liquid that travels through your body. 4. The __________ controls your thoughts, feelings and movements. 5. The __________ is your backbone. 6. The __________ are bones which go round your chest and protect the organs. 7. The __________ are used for breathing. 8. The __________ cleans your blood. II. Complete the sentences with the words below. wrist necks leg eyelid eye 1. Have you been fighting? You’ve got a black __________. 2. Kevin can’t write because he’s sprained his __________. 3. The teacher didn’t bat a(n) __________ when one of the students left the room. 4. We kept quiet in the meeting because we didn’t want to stick our __________ out. 5. You can believe anything my uncle says because he’s always pulling your __________ III. Complete the text with appropriate words. Intensive exercise is beneficial to our health. It increases our 1 __________ rate, which improves our blood 2 __________. Our 3 __________ quickens, which means that we take in more oxygen through the many air passages leading to our 4 __________. Another positive aspect of exercising is that our 5 __________ produces sweat, which is a way out body releases toxins. • Treatments IV. Complete the sentences with the words below. X - ray painkillers cream antibiotics dressing medicine bandage 1. The plant was used in traditional __________ for the treatment of stomach problems. 2. You’re having flu, and your doctor may prescribe a course of __________. 3. Phong bumped his head again while snorkelling and now has a big __________ 4. The __________ showed that her leg was not broken. 5. The doctor gave me some __________ to put on my rash. 6. The nurse came to change his __________.
7. Take strong __________ and see your doctor for further treatment if it doesn’t settle down. • Accidents and injuries V. Match photos 1 - 8 with the words below. ankle elbow finger knee neck shoulder toe wrist 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ VI. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using the key phrases. 0. elbow? (bruise) 3. finger? (break) 1. toe? (cut) 4. knee? (injure) 2. shoulder? (burn) 5. ankle? (sprain) Model: What’s wrong with your elbow? Are you OK? - No, I think I've bruised it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VII. Complete the sentences with the words below. ankle knee black eye yourself bone nosebleed head wrist 1. To avoid having a(n) __________, try not to blow your nose too hard. 2. His __________ was sprained, and he couldn’t lift the bag. 3. I hope you haven’t broken a(n) __________. 4. Susan fell off her bike and bruised her __________. 5. When you cook with oil, take care not to burn __________. 6. I fell and banged my __________ on the pavement. 7. Ann slipped on the stairs and twisted her __________. 8. He had a fight at school, and came home with a(n) __________. VIII. Choose the best answers. 1. I can’t really talk today. I’ve got a bad __________.
A. shoulder B. throat C. head 2. He fell over on the hill and twisted his __________. A. ankle B. hand C. leg 3. I pulled a __________ while I was playing football this afternoon. A. finger B. leg C. muscle 4. I’ve never broken a __________ in my body. A. muscle B. vein C. bone 5. She went home because she had a __________ ache. A. skin B. stomach C. waist IX. Complete the sentences with the symptoms below. blocked up dizzy itchy rash sore stiff swollen temperature 1. If a part of your body is __________, it has got bigger. 2. If you’re __________, you feel as if you might fall over. 3. If a part of your body is __________, you can’t move it easily. 4. If you’ve got a __________, your body is hotter than usual. 5. If a part of your body is __________, you want to scratch it. 6. If you’ve got a __________ nose, you can’t breathe through it. 7. If you’ve got a __________, an area of skin is red. 8. If part of your body is __________, that part hurts. X. Choose the correct word. 1. I fell and hurt my thumb / ankle and now I can’t walk. 2. I can hardly speak - my neck / throat really hurts. 3. Tom fell on his face in the playground and cut his toe / chin. 4. Dad fell off his horse and hurt his shoulder / forehead. He can’t move his arm very well. 5. Bill is always falling over and hurting his throat / knees. 6. Mary can’t play the piano because she has injured her finger / toe. 7. My brother’s broken his thumb / throat, so he can’t play tennis today. 8. I didn’t see the shelf and I walked straight into it. I’ve cut my forehead / elbow. 9. I have to go to the dentist because I have stomachache / toothache. 10. I have a bad chin / cough - but the medicine tastes disgusting. 11. She had a pain in her chest / cough and so she went to hospital. 12. I have to stay in bed for a week to rest my cold / back. XI. Complete the text with the words given below. ache earache fever flu headache temperature toothache throat Last year I had a Maths test and I hadn’t studied, so I didn’t want to go to school. I told my mum that my mouth was hurting. ‘Mum, I’ve got 1 __________. I don’t think I can go to school.’ She said, ‘Get up and have your breakfast.’ I put my hands over my ears. ‘Mum, I’ve
got really bad 2 __________ too.’ ‘Eat your breakfast,’ she said. ‘You might feel better after breakfast.’ But I didn’t eat anything. ‘My arms and legs 3 __________, Mum, and my 4 __________ is sore. I’ve got a 5 __________.’ I held my head in my hands as I spoke. ‘I think I’ve got 6 __________, Mum. I feel awful. I don’t think I can go to school today.’ She said, ‘Hmm, OK, let’s go to the doctor’s.’ So we went to the doctor’s. He examined me and took my 7 __________. Then he said to my mum. ‘Tom has a really high 8 __________. His temperature is 39°C Give him this medicine and make sure that he stays in bed for a week. No computers, no books, and no TV. Just rest.’ I didn’t understand - I mean, I wasn’t really ill. • Adjectives to describe feelings XII. Complete the sentences with the adjectives below. surprised cross proud depressed anxious ashamed afraid disgusted envious nervous 1. There was a(n) __________ moment when the plane suddenly dropped. 2. A lot of people are __________ of snakes, but actually some are harmless. 3. Paul always gets __________ whenever __________ he has to give a presentation. 4. Everyone cries sometimes - it’s nothing to be __________ of. 5. She was __________ that the __________ magazine had agreed to publish one of her stories. 6. I see people who have opportunities I don’t have, and I get __________. 7. She was __________ that no one was there to greet her. 8. I was __________ at the thought of all the hard work ahead. 9. She was __________ at being interrupted. 10. He ate noisily and greedily. I tried hard not to be __________ by his manners. 3B. Grammar • Speculating and predicting I. Complete the sentences with must or can’t. 1. She isn’t answering the door. She __________ be at home. 2. Look at all those football trophies. She __________ be a really good player. 3. He has a strong Chinese accent. He __________ be from China. 4. You’ve just had lunch. You __________ be hungry. 5. They haven’t had a drink all afternoon. They __________ be thirsty. 6. He lives in a big house. He __________ be rich. 7. Nobody is buying her cakes. They __________ taste very nice. 8. She’s got a lot of books. She __________ love reading. II. Choose the correct modal verbs to complete the sentences. 1. Phong and Nick __________ be in the same class, but I’m not sure. A. can’t B. must C. could 2. That __________ be Jane in the shop. She’s on holiday.

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