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Content text Ron Klinger - The Modern Losing Trick Count.pdf

•••••••••••••••• ; BIDDING TO WIN ; ; AT BRIDGE ; • by • • • • _ Ron Klinger • •••••••••••••••• • • • BOOK ONE • ; THE MODERN ; • LOSING TRICK COUNT • • • •••••••••••••••• • • • WEST EAST • • •8763 •A • • vAQJI064 vK983 • • 0 7 0 A8643 tfeAK tfe754 • • Do your methods enable you to find this superb • • grand slam with only 25 HCP? After reading • The Modern Losing Trick Count, you will have • no problems with hands like these. (See page 36.) • • • ••••••••••••••••

Bidding To Win At Bridge by Ron Klinger Book One : The Modern Losing Trick Count Naturally enough, most bridge partnerships are highly dissatisfied with their methods when easy games and comfortable slams go begging. How often have you languished in a partscore when game made easily? How often have you stopped in game only to find that twelve tricks turned out to be routine? How often have you rationalised that "it was unbiddable_" w!llle you wished that you had the means.to diagnose such games and slams? Most players rely too heavily on points and find themselves making adjustment after adjustment to compensate for the common inaccuracies of point count How much easier if one simply counted the tricks themselves! The Losing Trick Count does just that and its application is not only more accurate than point count, it is also simpler. The reader will be most pleasantly surprised to learn how easy it all is and how quickly and regularly better results will be obtained -at the table where it matters. The really good news is that you can utilise the Losing Trick Count to measure the potential of your own hand and the playing strength of the partnership hands even though your partner may have never heard of this method. The Modern Losing Trick Count explains and illustrates this method and covers all the standard bidding situations where it can be used as well as modem developments which can also be enhanced by its incorporation. Significant improvements to the basic method have also been included to make this technique viable at the highest levels of competition. The plentiful examples and quizzes allow the reader to confirm the progress made. The Modern Bridge Series The Modern Losing Trick Count is part of the Modern Bridge Series which is aimed at providing readers with the best in current thinking and practice in the world of bridge. Discarding methods that are outmoded and inefficient, the Series presents modem techniques designed to help the reader win more and more often. The Modern Losing Trick Count is the the first of a series of books on superior bidding techniques. Later books will cover The Power System, modem conventions, and defences against opponents' conventions and interference.
Other books by Ron Klinger Published by Modern Bridge Publications: BRIDGE BASICS An introduction to good bridge BRIDGE MADE EASY Published by Victor Gol/ancz Ltd (UK) : PLAYING TO WIN AT BRIDGE / BASIC BRIDGE : A Guide to Good Acol Bidding & Play WINNING BRIDGE-TRICK BY TRICK v BRIDGE WITHOUT ERROR j, WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS BRIDGE IMPROVE YOUR BRIDGE MEMORY v Published by D. W. Thorpe Pty. Ltd (Melbourne): HOW TO PLAY CONTRACT BRIDGE CUE BIDDING TO SLAMS ,; Published by Castle Books : FINGERTIP BRIDGE FINDER Published by Century Hutchinson Australia Pty. Ltd. : THE BRIDGE PLAYER WHO LAUGHED Other Leaming Aids by Ron Klinger Pamphlet on OPENING LEADS Pamphlet on DOUBLES ' Flipper on BASIC BRIDGE In conjunction with Richard Bnghtling: Flipper on STANDARD BRIDGE Flipper on THE ACOL SYSTEM Flipper on MODERN DUPLICATE METHODS Flipper on MODERN FIVE-CARD MAJORS (All these learning aids are produced by and available from Modem Bridge Publications.) /

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