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RECALLS EXAMINATION 7 NURSING PRACTICE I COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING NOVEMBER 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Review GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This test questionnaire contains 100 test questions 2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalid your answer. 3. AVOID ERASURES. 4. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set. 5. Write the subject title “NURSING PRACTICE I” on the box provided Situation: Quality documentation and reporting are necessary to enhance efficient, individualization patient care. Nurse Tara is assigned to Darren who is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus for 10 years and has not be compliant to his medications and diet. 1. Nurse Tara is aware that a record should contain descriptive, objective observations about what the nurse sees, hears, feels and smells. The following describes what a record ought to be: A. Darren is uncooperative as manifested by his refusal to take a bath B. Darren appears depressed. C. Darren is anxious as manifested by his tossing in bed and disarrayed beddings D. Patient states, “I wish to end my life” 2. When documenting the intake-output of Darren, Nurse Tara should remember that she must use precise measurements to ensure accuracy. Which of the following reflects accuracy? 1.Darren drank an adequate amount of fluid during the shift. 2.Darren’s intake during the shift is 360 ml. 3.Darren’s wound is 3 cm in length. 4.Darren’s wound is large and gaping. A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 3 C. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 4 3. Another guideline for good documentation and reporting that Nurse Tara recalls is about completion. When Nurse Tara administers medications, the following should be included, EXCEPT: A. Any preliminary observations B. Preliminary observations C. Patient’s response D. Nursing measure taken for negative response 4. Nurse Tara is making a discharge plan. The items she needs to document and report should include, EXCEPT: A. Needs for referrals B. Nurses’ observations C. Client’s involvement in the care plan D. Patient’s goals or expected outcomes 5. Nurse Tara is ethically obligated to information about client’s illness and treatment confidential. The person who has the legitimate access to the patient’s record is the . A. Husband B. Primary nurse C. attending doctor D. patient Situation- Nurse Adam is assigned in the out-patient department. He admits Esther, 28 years old, who is complaining of moderate to severe abdominal pain over the right iliac region for the last 2 days. This is accompanied by frequent urination. 6. The FIRST STEP that nurse Adam should do is to ______. A. Percuss the abdomen B. Get the vital signs C. Palpate the right iliac region D. Interview Esther 7. An important added data that Nurse Adam should have if he is thinking of a urinary problem is A. Presence of blood in the urine B. Presence of pain on urination C. When the pain appears whether at the start or end of urination D. Frequency, amount and burning sensation on urination 8. An important added data that nurse Adam should ask Esther, should we consider the presence of a gynecological problem is . A. Date of menarche B. Date of last menstrual period C. Her age and civil status D. Occupation 9. An important added data that Nurse Adam should ask Esther, should we consider the existence of a surgical problem is . A. Fever B. Vomiting C. constipation D. character of pain 10. There are two important laboratory examinations that could validate Nurse Adam’ presumptions on the case which are . A. CBC and stool examination B. Urinalysis and CBC C. Stool and urine examinations D. Urinalysis and vaginal examinations Situation - Nurse Leah has just passed the Nursing Licensure Examination. She needs to refresh herself regarding the law that governs the practice of nursing in the Philippines. 11. By virtue of section 16 of the Philippine Nursing Law, the first step she needs to do after passing the Nursing Licensure Examination is to . A. Take the oath of the profession before the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing B. Apply for the Certificate of Registration/Professional License C. Get an official copy of her board rating from the PRC office D. Apply for a Professional Identification Card 12. Which government body has the power to revoke or suspend Leah’s certificate of registration/professional license, should she commit unprofessional and unethical conduct in the future? A. Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing B. Philippine Nurses Association C. Professional Regulation Commission D. Commission on Higher Education 13. What Nursing Republic Act should Nurse Leah refer too? A. RA 9371 B. RA7164 C. RA 7664 1 | Page
D. RA 9173 14. Since she needs to work in a hospital to get hospital experience, which part of the Nursing Law should Leah focus for her safe practice as a novice nurse? A. Scope of Nursing Practice B. Nursing Research C. Nursing Education D. Nursing Personal System 15. When Leah eventually gets employed in the hospital, she will initially be required to utilize which of the following in rendering care to her clients? A. Traditional and innovative approaches B. Therapeutic use of self C. Health teachings D. Nursing process Situation- Ben, 15 years old, has been complaining of sleep disturbance for the past 3 weeks. He related that he feels weak and has no vigor in doing his school work. He is brought to hospital for specialization. 16. As his attending nurse, what will be the best question to ask in order to find out Ben’s cause of sleep disturbance? A. “Could you tell me what you feel about school work?” B. “Is there something or anyone who is bothering you in school?” C. “Could you share with me any major problems that you have encountered in school?” D. “What is bothering you in school?” 17. The nursing diagnosis appropriate for Ben is _____. A. Insomnia B. Sleep deprivation related to problems in school C. Disturbed sleep pattern related to school problem D. Readiness for enhanced sleep 18. In order to help Ben go to sleep, what simple and inexpensive nursing intervention can the nurse provide considering the type of room Ben is confined in? A. Room should be well ventilated B. Light should be dimmed at specific time C. Putting on the air conditioning unit D. Putting on dark-colored curtains 19. If Ben cannot sleep immediately, which of the following can be provided by the nurse? A. A glass of warm milk B. A bedside story C. a sleeping pill D. a warm bed bath 20. In terms of nursing care, the BEST help that the nurse can do is to . A. Avoid giving round the clock medications B. Refrain from clutter at the nurse’s station C. Omit vital sign tasking during the sleeping time of Alex D. Tone down nurse’s voice Situation- Simon, 66 years old, a foreigner, was admitted to the hospital due to high fever for five days. His temperature on admission was 37.5 ‘C with flushed and warm to touch skin. Nurse Celine, who is his attending nurse, gave him a cool sponge bath. 21. Cool sponge bath is an independent intervention of nurse Celine aimed at . A. Alleviating discomforts of client Simon B. Generalizing full sponge bath care to client Jimmy get hospital admission policy C. Diverting the temperature of client Simon D. Normalizing the vital signs of client Simon 22. The independent nursing intervention to reduce temperature of client Simon include which of the following? Select all that apply. 1. Monitor temperature regularly 2. Offer only cold drinking water frequently 3. Provide tepid sponge bath 4. Administer Paracetamol every 4 hours 5. Encourage wearing loose cotton clothing 6. Cover with thick blankets to stimulate sweating A. 1, 3, 5 B. 1, 5, 6 C. 2, 4, 6 D. 2, 3, 4 23. Client Simon wishes to know his present temperature in Farenheit. Nurse Celine’s answer is which of the following? A. 102.2F B. 101.3F C. 100.4F D. 99.5F 24. Client Simon complains of severe chilly sensation. What regulatory function of the hypothalamus describes his reaction? A. heat production B. heat promotion C. heat adaptation D. heat conversation 25. After client Simon’s body temperature stabilized to normal, he began to complain of feeling hot and finds difficulty of adjusting to the climate two days after. What is the APPROPRIATE answer to Nurse Celine? A. “Foreigners cannot adjust to hot temperatures” B. “People from cold regions have less brown adipocytes” C. “Those who lived in cold places have lower metabolic rate than those who live in tropical region” D. “People from cold regions have more brown adipocytes” 26. Nurse Celine develops patient safety goals. What nursing goal is APPROPRIATE for safety environment? Select all that apply. 1. Reduce the risk for patient harm resulting from falls 2. Create a clean, orderly environment of patient 3. Prevent high concentration drug errors 4. Develop clean and simple signage for directions A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 2, 3 & 4 D. 3 & 4 27. Nurse Celine should prevent or reduce infectious agents PRIMARILY through the following practices. Select all that apply. 1. Clean the room with antiseptic solutions 2. Proper garbage disposal 3. Mandatory hand washing upon entry to hospital 4. Improve safety administration of medicines A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 2, 3 & 4 C. 1 & 3 D. 1 & 4 28. Nurse Celine must comply with the policies of health care facilities regarding isolation precautions. The BASIC precaution in the hospital is _______________________. A. posting of signs of silence B. limited visitors who are within the patient’s age C. private room placement D. strict utilization of personal things 29. Nurse Celine includes air-borne precautions in addition to Standard Precautions to be observed at all times. These include, EXCEPT _______. A. positioning and draping of patients B. hand washing techniques C. wearing of masks and gloves D. limited patient transport 30. To protect spreading infection from one patient to another, Nurse Celine must not forget to wash her hands _________. A. before and after making rounds and endorsement of all clients B. before and after performing procedures and in between patient care C. twice before and after all the procedures are done to all the clients D. apply alcohol before and after performing procedures to all patients Situation - Client Arvie, 33 years old, is known for his asthma attacks. His asthma attacks commonly occur at the change of climate in his hometown. He was just wearing a “sando” {sleeveless shirt} and short pants when he was admitted to the hospital. 31. What will be Nurse Chard’s PRIORITY INTERVENTION? A. Put him near the electric fan to assist him in breathing B. Ask him what triggered his attack this time 2 | Page
C. Place him in a comfortable environment D. Put him near the nurse’s station so that he could be assessed often 32. What particular important vital sign should Nurse Chard monitor and report to the physician? A. Respiratory rate B. blood pressure C. Cardiac rate D. Pulse rate 33. Client Arvie knows that he will be given decongestant through inhalation. What will be the instruction of Nurse Chard? That he should breathe and that the nozzle of the NEBULIZER should be MAINLY near his _____________. A. Nose only B. Face C. Mouth only D. Nose and mouth 34. Respiratory function is altered in clients with asthmatic attack. Which of the following is the cause of this alteration that Nurse Chard should understand in order for him to make a good nursing care plan? A. Narrowing of the upper air passages B. Increased airway resistance C. Inadequate surfactant reaction D. Paradoxical movements of the chest wall 35. An important health teaching that Nurse Chard must give before client Arvie’s discharge is ________. A. To avoid “sando” and shorts, if the weather is cold B. to use attire he is presently wearing only during summer time C. to watch out for climate change and unnecessary exposure to elements of the environment that trigger his asthma attacks D. to be careful always because constant asthma attacks can trigger complication and death Situation - Aurora underwent mastectomy of her right breast. After surgery, she was instructed to have range of motion exercises 36. What is the main purpose of this type of exercise for Aurora? It is to ________________. A. prevent pain on the site of operation B. prevent contracture deformity of the muscle of the right arm and chest C. improve general circulation D. improve breathing 37. The isotonic exercise such as Range of Motion exercises are those that are initiated by the ________. A. patient B. physician C. nurse D. relatives of the patient 38. Aurora needs some physical activity after operation MAINLY to improve healing of which parts of the body? Select all that apply. 1. Skeletal 2. Integumentary 3. Respiratory 4. Muscular A. 1 only B. 4 only C. 1 and 4 D. 2 and 3 39. A good example of isotonic exercise for Aurora’s arm are the following, EXCEPT ___________ A. combing the hair B. brushing teeth C. dressing up D. closing and opening hand 40. When doing a range of motion exercise, it is important for the nurse to observe Aurora’s ________. A. Temperature B. Color of the skin C. Blood pressure D. Respiratory rate Situation- One of the thrusts of management is to encourage more nurses to do research in order to contribute to the improvement of the nursing practice in their work setting. A group of nurses decided to conduct a study entitled, “Effects of Zumba as a form of exercise in promoting wellness among the health providers in the hospital setting.” 41. Which of the following is the independent variable in this study? A. Exercise B. health care providers C. zumba D. wellness 42. Which is the dependent variable? A. health provider B. wellness C. Exercise D. effects 43. The research design of the study is ____________ A. quasi-experimental B. experimental C. qualitative D. descriptive 44. In the cause-and-effect relationship, which is the independent variable? A. Population B. Effect C. Relationship D. Cause 45. Which of the following is the appropriate operational definition of wellness? Wellness is the state of well-being of the participants in Zumba on their ____________ A. social stability B. spiritual growth C. physical health D. mental balance SITUATION -Some teachers in an elementary school reported that a high proportion of children’s packed lunches contain hotdog or ‘tocino’, sweetened drinks and potato chips. School Nurse Victoria plans to conduct health education classes among parents on “How to make healthy lunches and why it is important” 46. For this activity, Nurse Victoria considers using the behavior change approach to encourage parents to adopt healthy behaviors that will lead to improve health. This approach is popular because of the following reasons. Select all that apply. 1. Views health as property of individuals 2. Sees people as having the capacity to change their lifestyle 3. Assumes that if people do not act on their health, they suffer the consequences 4. Does not consider the social and environmental factors in which people live A. 1, 2, 3 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 2 47. Nurse Victoria finally plans to conduct parent’s classes using the educational approach. This approach is intended to _____. Select all that apply. 1. Provide information 2. Develop the necessary skills 3. Provide change to a particular direction 4. Help people make an impulsive choice A. 1 and 2 B. 1, 2, and 3 C. 2, 3, and 4 D. 2 and 3 48. To start the health education class and to get the parent’s active participation, which of the following is the BEST question to ask? A. “Did you cook your child’s lunch today?” B. “Who among you have kids who are underweight?” C. “Can you explain the “Plate Method”?” D. “What food do you usually prepare to your kids lunch?” 49. The educational approach to health education states that learning involves three aspects. Which of the following is NOT included? A. Cognitive B. Affective C. Psychomotor D. Behavioral 3 | Page
50. Since your participants are adult parents, which of the following are appropriate strategies? Select all that apply. 1. Role playing 2. Group sharing 3. Demonstration 4. Return demonstration A. 2 and 3 B. 2 and 4 C. 1, 2, 4 D. 1, 2, 3 SITUATION - Safety in any health agency is a must. Nurse Amy wants this to maintain in her unit. 51. The nursing process facilitates an understanding of the scope of challenges inherent in nursing care of clients at risk for ___________ EXCEPT: A. Infection B. Suicide C. Restraint D. Injury 52. The clients at risk require re-assessment of their status on ____________. A. shift basis B. daily basis C. as necessary basis D. injury 53. When a patient is placed in a bed rest, the nurse must watch which part of the body most? A. Liver B. Head C. Legs D. skin 54. The Nursing Practice Standards which Nurse Amy must let her staff follow includes, EXCEPT ___________. A. use a multidisciplinary approval to enhance client safety as indicated B. implement emergency measures during fires and disasters C. risk elements should not be modified D. use infection control practices that prevent or control transmission of the pathogens SITUATION - Applying therapeutic communication skills is vital in the nurse-client relationship. 55. Which of the following is the BEST SEQUENCE of communication techniques to use during an assessment interview? Begin with ____________. A. giving a broad opening and move to asking focused questions B. Giving information and move to asking focused questions C. Asking focused questions and close-ended questions D. providing information and proceed to stating observations 56. You are caring for Malou, sixteen years old, suffering from acute leukemia. You want to actively listen to her concerns and understand her meanings. You know that active listening is used to _______. A. Treat patient’s medical problems B. Recognize the issue that is most important to the client C. Help the patient become dependent to the nurse in addressing his concerns D. Make conclusions regarding client’s perception 57. You ask your newly admitted patient, “What can we do to help you?” You know that this open-ended question will _____________. A. result in specific information from the patient B. allow patient to elaborate on his response C. allow patient to briefly answer question D. put the patient at ease 58. As you listen to a patient, you need to provide feedback that is __________. A. behavior-focused and evaluative B. well-timed and general C. general and content-focused D. well-timed and content-focused 59. Which of the following statements is TRUE in relation to the use of humor? A. Humor should focus on the client’s humanity B. Humor is used to build rapport C. Constant use of humor can be healing D. Laughter increases neurotransmitters SITUATION -Mr. BC is confines in the ICU in a provincial hospital for some complications of his type II diabetes. He is edematous and complained of severe chest pain. His vital signs are: BP160/98, temperature 37.2C; PR- 90 bpm; RR- 30 bpm 60. The order of the physician is for immediate intubation. For the priority equipment, supplies and material to be used for the procedure, the nurse should collaborate with the _________. A. operating room B. central supply unit C. anesthesia department D. emergency department 61. Morning care had to be done by the ________ A. nursing student B. all the options C. staff nurse D. nursing aide 62. In as much as you have not been trained in initiating Intravenous infusion, who among the following cannot also do it? A. charge nurse B. staff nurse C. nursing aide D. physician 63. Turning Mr. BC every two hours would be difficult if you do it alone. In order to keep the patient safe, the most number of nurse who can team up with you will be ____________ A. Four B. One C. Two D. Three 64. If Mr. BC would be for dialysis and you need to bring him to the dialysis unit, who among the following, could be the best to help you wheel him to the area? A ______________. A. institutional worker B. member of the family C. physician D. nurse aide SITUATION- Thea, 15 years old, and a high-school student, visited the clinic because she suspects that she is pregnant. Her pregnancy is confirmed by the school physician. Thea requested nurse Zenaida not to tell her parents about her being pregnant. She also expressed desire to terminate her pregnancy. 65. Which of the following ethical concepts apply to patient Thea’s case? A. Bioethics B. Deontology C. Teleology D. Intuitionism 66. Nurse Zenaida should be guided by the steps in helping Thea make an ethical decision. Sequence the steps below. 1. Gather data 2. Make decision 3. Identify and clarify the ethical problem 4. Act and assess the outcomes of decisions 5. Identify options or alternatives A. 3, 1, 5, 2 & 4 B. 1, 5, 2, 4 & 3 C. 1, 3, 5, 2 & 4 D. 2, 4, 1, 3 & 5 67. The INITIAL advice of nurse Zenaida to patient Thea is which of the following? A. Thea will inform her teacher about her condition and to request the teacher to tell her parents. B. Thea will request the doctor to inform the parents C. Thea will choose a significant other close to the parents to be the one to relay about her pregnancy D. Advise her that as a minor, her parents should be duly informed about her pregnancy 68. Thea analyzed the advice of Nurse Zenaida and realized the value of life and family. This attitude of realization is termed as _____________ 4 | Page

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