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________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises UNIT 5: LIFELONG LEARNING PRONUNCIATION I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. discipline B. assignment C. excitement D. advisable 2. A. complete B. effort C. benefit D. aggressive 3. A. value B. travel C. nature D. exact 4. A. product B. funny C. running D. busy 5. A. easy B. leader C. greater D. cheaply II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. request B. invest C. complete D. balance 2. A. salty B. alright C. happen D. grandson 3. A. organize B. follower C. analyze D. Japanese 4. A. passionate B. understand C. satisfy D. digital 5. A. reasonable B. technology C. competitive D. beneficent VOCABULARY I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. discipline passion competitive acquire demand self-disciplined voluntary analysis satisfaction ability aid tutorials 1. The online _______________ helped him understand the complex software much better. 2. After the release of the new smartphone, it quickly became in _______________ among tech enthusiasts. 3. She approached the project with great _______________, and her enthusiasm was clear to everyone. 4. The researchers were able to make significant progress with _______________ from the grant they received. 5. The new sports league is very _______________, with teams from all over the country participating. 6. It took him several months to _______________ the skills needed for the job. 7. To achieve his fitness goals, he had to be extremely _______________ with his workout routine. 8. The community center offers many _______________ positions for those interested in helping others. 9. The _______________ of the survey results showed that most people prefer online shopping. 10. She felt a deep sense of _______________ after completing her first marathon. II. Write the correct form of the given words. 1. She chose teaching as her _______________ because she loves working with children and helping them learn. (PROFESSONAL) 2. The scientist used an _______________ to study the chemical composition of the samples. (ANALYZE) 3. We need to find a way to _______________ all the customer’s requests without compromising quality. (SATISFACTION) 4. The coach’s words helped _______________ the players to perform their best during the final game. (MOTIVATION) 5. The project failed with _______________ in handling important details and missing deadlines. (CARE) 6. The team had a _______________ meeting and completed most of the tasks on their list. (PRODUCE) 7. The local organization is known for its _______________ activities, supporting various causes in the community. (BENEFIT) 8. The _______________ feedback from customers helped improve the product significantly. (CONTINUE) 9. She chose to _______________ participate in the charity event to help those in need. (VOLUNTARY)
________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises 10. The company worked with _______________ to develop their new software application. (TECHNOLOGY) III. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. If you want to join the yoga class, you need to sign __________ at the front desk. 2. We talked __________ our vacation plans during lunch yesterday. 3. Thanks __________ her hard work, she received a promotion at the end of the year. 4. She always makes sure to arrive __________ time for her meetings. 5. He is passionate __________ photography and spends most of his weekends taking pictures. 6. I prefer coffee __________ tea in the morning because it helps me wake up faster. 7. After completing the project, they felt satisfied __________ the results and their hard work. 8. The new job skills are currently __________ demand in the technology industry. 9. Students can benefit __________ additional tutoring to improve their grades. 10. He feels confident __________ his ability to solve complex problems at work. IV. Read the following interview and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Student Life Magazine interviewed Matt, a big fan of lifelong learning. Student Life Magazine: Hi Matt! We’ve heard you’re a big fan of lifelong learning. Can you tell us why it’s important to you? Matt: Absolutely! Lifelong learning keeps me engaged and (1) __________. I believe that acquiring new skills and knowledge is essential for personal growth and career development. Student Life Magazine: That’s great to hear! How do you stay self-disciplined when it comes to learning? Matt: Staying self-disciplined is key. I set specific goals and create a study schedule. I also find that breaking down my learning into (2) __________ chunks helps me stay on track. Student Life Magazine: Do you use any resources to help with your learning? Matt: Yes, I often use (3) __________ and online courses. They are incredibly helpful and make complex topics more understandable. Plus, many of the skills you learn are easily (4) __________ through these resources. Student Life Magazine: Any advice for students who want to start lifelong learning? Matt: Start with something that (5) __________ you, stay self-disciplined, and don’t be afraid to use tutorials and other resources. Happy learning! 1. A. interested B. motivated C. tired D. bored 2. A. easy B. fast C. manageable D. small 3. A. friends B. ideas C. tutorials D. books 4. A. forgettable B. acquirable C. expensive D. usable 5. A. bores B. tires C. interests D. confuses V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Many people stop learning after graduation, and it is usually because they face different challenges as adults. Below are some of the (1) __________ some people think they have, and possible solutions they can use to enjoy lifelong learning. One common issue is the lack of time. Adults often have busy schedules with work and family responsibilities. To overcome this, setting aside even just 15-30 minutes a day for learning can be very effective. Learning should be seen as a (2) __________ activity that fits into your life, rather than a chore.
________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises Another challenge is motivation. Developing a growth mindset can help. This means believing that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. With a growth mindset, learning becomes a rewarding and (3) __________ journey. Lastly, many adults struggle with the type of learning materials available. Visual learners, for example, may find it difficult to stay engaged with text-heavy materials. Using (4) __________ aids, like videos, infographics, and interactive tutorials, can make learning more interesting and easier to understand. By (5) __________ these challenges, lifelong learning can become an enjoyable and fulfilling part of adult life. 1. A. advantages B. difficulties C. opportunities D. benefits 2. A. optional B. forced C. voluntary D. required 3. A. ending B. limited C. short D. ongoing 4. A. written B. audio C. visual D. oral 5. A. avoiding B. ignoring C. addressing D. forgetting VI. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Lifelong learning is the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout a person's life. It is not limited to formal education but includes voluntary and self-motivated learning activities for personal or professional development. One major benefit of lifelong learning is personal growth. It helps individuals stay curious, engaged, and open-minded. Learning new things can boost confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment. For example, learning a new language or picking up a hobby like painting or playing an instrument can be very rewarding. Professionally, lifelong learning is crucial. The job market is constantly changing, and new skills are always in demand. By continuously learning, people can stay competitive and adaptable. Online courses, workshops, and seminars are great ways to acquire new skills. Many of these resources are flexible, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace. Additionally, lifelong learning can improve social connections. Joining clubs, attending classes, or participating in community activities can help people meet others with similar interests. This can lead to new friendships and a stronger sense of community. Overall, lifelong learning enriches life in many ways. It keeps the mind active, enhances personal and professional skills, and fosters social connections. Embracing a growth mindset and staying curious can make lifelong learning an enjoyable and integral part of life. 1. The word “voluntary” in paragraph 1 is opposite in meaning to __________. A. optional B. forced C. self-motivated D. personal 2. The word “boost” in paragraph 2 is opposite in meaning to __________. A. increase B. enhance C. decrease D. improve 3. The word “crucial” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________. A. unimportant B. essential C. optional D. trivial 4. The word “flexible” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________. A. rigid B. stiff C. adaptable D. strict 5. The word “enriches” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to __________. A. impoverishes B. depletes C. improves D. diminishes VII. Read the following interview and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises Interviewer: Today we're talking with Sarah, a successful student. Sarah, what's the right attitude for learning? Sarah: I think being positive and curious is really important. When you're interested in what you're learning, it's much easier to stay motivated. Interviewer: How do you stay motivated when things get difficult? Sarah: I try to remember why I started learning in the first place. Also, I break big tasks into smaller ones. This makes them feel less overwhelming. Interviewer: What do you do when you face a problem you can't solve? Sarah: First, I take a deep breath and try to stay calm. Then, I think about the problem step by step. If I still can't figure it out, I ask for help from my teachers or classmates. Interviewer: Any advice for students who are struggling? Sarah: Don't give up! Everyone struggles sometimes. It's normal to make mistakes – that's how we learn. Also, find a study method that works for you. Some people like to study alone, others in groups. Interviewer: Thank you, Sarah. Any final thoughts? Sarah: Remember to celebrate your progress, even small wins. It helps you stay positive and keeps you going. 1. The word “positive” in the interview is opposite in meaning to __________. A. optimistic B. curious C. negative D. motivated 2. The word “overwhelming” in the interview is opposite in meaning to __________. A. manageable B. exciting C. difficult D. challenging 3. The word “calm” in the interview is closest in meaning to __________. A. quiet B. relaxed C. angry D. nervous 4. The word “struggling” in the interview is closest in meaning to __________. A. succeeding B. failing C. improving D. trying 5. The word “celebrate” in the interview is closest in meaning to _________. A. ignore B. complain C. recognize D. avoid GRAMMAR I. Fill in each blank with a suitable conjunction from the box. and if before after while so that but because although or 1. You can choose to eat dinner at home, _______________ you can go out to a restaurant. 2. He studied hard for the exam, _______________ he passed with a high score. 3. They arrived at the airport _______________ they realized they had forgotten their tickets. 4. She went to the store, _______________ she bought some fresh vegetables. 5. I wanted to go to the park, _______________ it started raining heavily. 6. _______________ it rains tomorrow, we will have to cancel the outdoor picnic. 7. _______________ you leave the house, make sure you have your keys and wallet. 8. _______________ she has completed her assignments, she will go out with her friends. 9. He practiced every day _______________ he could improve his skills. 10. _______________ she was tired, she finished her work before the deadline. II. Combine the sentences using the conjunctions in the box. and if before so that but because 1. Maria wants to travel the world. She doesn't have enough savings.

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