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RyP/P/S/II/2022 Question Booklet No. SET 31^ITT^ Roll No. Subject-PHYSICAL SCIENCES ■fgcft^T (i3.r^ch) Paper II (Optional) chl^-26 Subjeot-Code-26 ^TTTt frH^I 926000009 ^ Candidate should write Iiis/licr Roll No. in the given boxes ■5!^ -^'tsqi/No. of Printed Pages : 42 TI^/Time: 2 "^PJt'/Hours ^ ^ WTT/Total No. of Questions : 100 ■^J^/Total Marks : 200 ■cRt^rrM ^ 1. ^ ^ ^ if ^ t I 3msft ^ ^ ^ 2. Tpg ^narTT if ^ f i tra? wr-yw ( ^ TTft^traff IRT ^ t 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^T^grt 3ft.l^.3nT. f J MOyiyl W 1 "51% "fS^ (^r^cfa ijcRT^rrstf ^ 3it.X3TT.3TiT. ^ ^fptxr xrm if ■3=1% grr tj^ 5^^ (qM<4 % "afe ^ 3ifet>fl "SFTTT "5 "9?^ ^Itt1«hl 9iT 31 fin <»iill-Hie(9) 9^9CT 3T9% 9^ 3T^ 9i^ 1 7. f)99I 991-99 ( 3Tt.'^.3nT, 7^) 9T Pi'JlRd win) XJT 399799) 9fc[fe^'^, 3T^ T9T^ xiT n^f I ^ 8. TTflt T^ 999 979-^lw«*)i ^ fnwfRn ^919 xjt '^, 3T9T9 9)^ 9^ 991 99^-99 ( 3Tt.Xm,3TR. ) XJT Tft 9^ | 9. "9^ (Mt 979 if 79iIT ^ ^ 97 d>t9l(ij9) ^ ^ tit 979 ^ 997 37^ 9)9799 if ^ WTTdT 9199) Hill 9JTX^ I 10. ftBTTt 99ilT 9iT dit^Adt. 9179 ^977 3TTf^ 99 99t9 9(^79 t I 11. 3:05 9^ 9ft^ T79I97 ^ TI99 3Tt.Xr9,3TIT. 77^ 9t^ 9it TTPR ^ 97^^ xtft^TOf 9)^ t5t#9 1 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES This Question Booklet is printed in two languages—^Hindi and English. Examinees can select any one of the two languages according to their convenience. 2. There arc-two papers in the State Eligibility Test. The first question paper (compulso'ry question paper) is General Paper.on Teaching and Research Aptitude. The second question paper is the subject selected by the examinee. Only one combined OMR sheet will be provided for both the question papers: The Second paper of optional subject ;will be given to the examinee at 1 p.m. The code of the second question paper subject selected' by the examinee should be marked in the OMR Sheet. The booklet number of the second question paper has to be marked in the necessary entries. The examinee can start second question paper at 1:05 p.m. There are 100 questions in the second question paper (optional subject). The squcncc of these questions is 51 to 150. In a combined O.M.R. Sheet, the examinee should mark the answers of the second question paper in the part of Second Question Paper. The examinee himself will be responsible for marking the answer in the wrong order. 3. All questions are compulsory. 4. All questions carry equal marks. 2 marks will be given for each correct answer. There is no provisions for Negative Marking. 5. On the cover page the number of pages is indicated in the Question Booklet. The examinee should verify that the requisite number of pages are attached in the Question Booklet, otherwise he/she should ask for another Question Booklet. Read carefully the instructions given on the Answer Sheet (OMR Sheet) supplied and indicate your answers accordin^y. Kindly make necessary entries on the Answer Sheet (OMR Sheet) only at the places indicated and nowhere else. Examinee should do all rough work on the spaces meant for rough work in the pages given in the Question Booklet and nowhere else, not even on the ^swer Sheet (OMR Sheet). If there is any sort of mistake either of printing or of factual nature in any question, then out of the Hindi and English versions of the question, the Hindi version will be treated as standard. 10. Use of any type of calculator, log table etc. is prohibited. 11. Examinees will leave the Examination Hall only after handing over the OMR Sheet to the Invigilator at the end of the examination at 3:05 p.m. S/26/2022/A
1 <'+> <»ji4 vit-'ig (SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK) ;(Hj0003i-n S/26/2022/A
N. 51. ^ X, PH-Mdlch ^ cT^^T Q ^ P M<^iK "t :. ^ -ax/kQ P = -e b ^ ^ t : (A) [mVt"^] (B) [m^L^T^] (Q [m'l^t^] (D) [m^L^T"^] 52. ?, y 13;^* ^ a:, 3; ^3^* z-37^ ^ sT^fer ^{f^. f, cit /+y + jt .'^* ^ ^ t : (A) TM"'[^] (B) ^ n VsJ ■(C) COS -1 ^1 , 2 . (D) COS -I J_^ ^/3J 53. A ^ r, t ^«7T B ^ /•2 i ^ jpH4icrl AB : (A) > max (rj, r2) (B) > max (r|, (C) ^minCA-i, ^2) (D) -/-j x r2 (3)S/26/2022-A 1 51. The pressure P is related to distance x, Boltzmann constant k and temperature Q as : P = b The dimensional formula of 6 is : (A) [m^lV] (B) [m^L^T®] (C) [m'l^t"] (D) [m'lV] 52. If /, j and ^ vectors along x, y and r-axis respectively, the angle between the vector /+y + /t and vector / is : (A) (C) Sin -1 cos -1 r^] .2. 'v 2 (B) (D) Sin -1^1' \s cos -1 53. If rank of matrix A is rj and rank of matrix B is ^2, then the rank of product matrix AB will be : (A) > max (rj, (B) > max (?*j, r-^ (C) < min (rj, (D) = x P.T.O.
54. tTFi f : 1 0 0 0 3 -1 0 ~1 3 (A) 1,3,3 (C) 1, 1, 3 (B) 1,2,4 (D) l,-2, 3 55. 'Sfe ^ t : (A) H„W = (-l)«e--^i^(e-^) ax C-n" 2 d" 2 (B) = (C) = «! dx" (D) ll„(x) = {-ire'' ax 56. ^ "^TTT iHHldRsId "4* ^ ^ t ? (A) Jv-iW"Jv+iW=2j;w (B) xj; (x) - vJy (x) = (x) (C) .vj; (x) + vJy (x) = xJy_i (x) (D) Jv~iW + Jv+lW = 2-J^(x) X 54. The eigen values of the matrix given below are : "1 0 0 0 3 -I (A) 1,3,3 (C) 1, 1, 3 -1 3 (B) 1,2,4 (D) 1, 2, 3 55. The Rodrigue's formula for the Hermite polynomials in : (A) = ax (B) "! dx" (C) R„ix) = t^e-^'j^(e^) dx" (D) H„W = (-l)"e^'^(e-^) ax 56. For Bessel functions, which of the following options in not correct ? (A) J,„iW-J,,^i(x) = 2j;(x) (B) xj; (x) - vJ^, (x) = xJ^^i (x) (C) J:J;W + vJy(i) = xJ^_,(x) (D) ■Jv-iW + Jv+iW = 2-J,(x) X J 1» (3)S/26/2022-A