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Content text AtoZ Note of Curriculum 5th Sem.pdf

BICT Blogs www.bictblogs.blogspot.com Prepared by : Chandra Mishra(Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus, Subject Instructor) 1 | P a g e Unit 1: Introduction to Curriculum (5) 1.1. Curriculum as subject 1.2. Curriculum as courses of study and syllabus 1.3. Curriculum as experiences 1.4. Curriculum as objectives 1.5. Curriculum as plan of learning. Concept of curriculum Meaning of curriculum 1. Etymological meaning of curriculum: The word "curriculum" comes from Latin word "curricula" Which stands for race-course itself – a place of deeds or a series of deeds. Or Latin word "currere" which means run way. As such, curriculum is regarded as a track along which the learner is supposed to run. It is a track that leads learner to destination. In other words, curriculum possesses systematic procedure which the learner follows for attaining the particular goal or target in a particular time. So, etymologically, the word curriculum refers a way or path which leads the learner to achieve goal or target. 2. Narrow meaning of curriculum: In narrow sense, curriculum is regarded as a list or syllabus of textbook. For long time, the content that was taught in a classroom was considered as a curriculum. In this sense, curriculum is nothing except a list of teaching subjects. It could not include the interest, skill, psychology, human relation etc. inside its meaning. It is nothing more than an orderly arrangement of what is to be taught. It is regarded as use the series of consciously directed training experiences that the schools use for completing and perfecting the students at a certain course actually which cannot reflect the nature of curriculum in real sense. 3. Wide meaning of curriculum: Curriculum is a whole plan that includes the total procedures related to the education. It is the accumulated whole of the educational experiences of learners. The curriculum exists only in the experience of the learners. It exists neither in textbooks nor in the course of study. In addition to the subject matter which is to be taught, it also includes the whole aspects like human relation, sensitivity, psychology, emotion, interest, skill, capacity, pattern of learner, educational procedures, teaching materials, objectives, achievement, evaluation, teaching methods, teaching environment, teachers or instructors etc. That is why curriculum covers the whole territory or area which is related with the educational process. Some definition of curriculum: 1) Curriculum should be conceived as an epitome of rounded whole of the knowledge and experience of the human race. Froebel 2) Curriculum includes all those activities which are utilized by school to attain its aims of education. James Monroe 3) Curriculum is a plan for learning. Hilda Taba 4) Curriculum is a series of interrelated learning outcomes. Kurr 5) The curriculum includes all the learner's experiences, in or outside school that are included in a programme which has been devised to help him developmentally, emotionally, spiritually and morally. Crow and Crow 6) All the experiences that learner has under the guidance of the school. Kearney N.C 7) Curriculum is defined as all of the planned experiences provided by the school to assist pupil in attining the designated outcome to best of their abilities. Nagely & Evans 8) Curriculum includes the goal, objective, content, process, reason and meaning of evaluation of all the learning experience planned for pupils both in and out of the school and community thorough class room instruction and related program. Saylor 9) Curriculum is a test in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould his material (pupil) according to his ideal (objective) in his studio (school). Cunningham 10) Curriculum is all the experience of pupil which is planned and directed by the school and teacher to attain the objective of education. UNESCO 1.1 Curriculum as a subject It is the most traditional image of curriculum which it as the combination of subject matter to form the body of content to be taught. It claims that subject matter is the accumulation of human experiences which is verified by the test of the time. These are the precious treasures of human civilization. It should be preserved and transformed to future generation in safe manner. The followers of curriculum as a subject matter claim that subject matter is an organized body of knowledge which follows
BICT Blogs www.bictblogs.blogspot.com Prepared by : Chandra Mishra(Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus, Subject Instructor) 2 | P a g e a systematic theoretical structure. In this theoretical sequence, every sort of knowledge develops on the basis of some specific foundation of knowledge after its development it becomes the foundation for the search of other knowledge. Curriculum is a design plan for learning that requires the purposeful and proactive organization, sequencing and management of the interaction among teacher and the content knowledge we want students to acquire. Curriculum as subject matter is highly influenced by the philosophies such as idealism and Perennialism. The curriculum of idealism is prepared for attainment of moral values of truth, goodness and beauty, which essential for self realization. Perennialism believes that the knowledge is some everywhere. It emphasis on inclusion of great hundred books of western civilization in curriculum. Characteristics of curriculum as subject matter:- • This curriculum includes different subject as its components such as language, math's, science etc. • There is more emphasis teaching learning of subject matter. • Subject matter are selected and organized before teaching situation. • Teaching learning is completely controlled by the teacher or someone representing authority, external to learning situation. • More emphasis upon teaching facts, imparting information, acquiring knowledge for its own sake or possible future use. • It gives emphasis on teaching specific habits and skills as the separated and isolated aspects of learning. • Main aim of teaching and learning is aiding each child to build cognitive money. • It believes that education is schooling and formal education. • Giving more importance on improving methods of teaching subject matter of specific subjects rather relating it to need of learners. Beauchamp, “Curriculum should a written document and a most commonly feature is an outline of subject matter to be taught.” Curriculum as a syllabus Syllabus is as term of academic course that generally includes the main topics to be covered, the required reading, the optional reading and sometimes a schedule of which topics will be covered in what sequence. Curriculum as term is often confused with syllabus. A syllabus is typically a list of content areas which are to be assessed. Sometimes the list is extended to include a number of objectives and learning activities. However, in the literature syllabus is clearly intended to be a subsection of curriculum and as such is subsumed within the broader concept. By comparison, curriculum includes not only content and a detailed statement of curriculum intent (aims, goals and objectives): but also the other curriculum elements include detailed learning activities and evaluation procedure. Similarly, the term "instruction" refers to the set of activities employed by teachers to enhance student learning. Clearly this term is also subsumed within the boarder context of curriculum. Curriculum as a course of study The content of particular courses in the program often is regarded as the curriculum. It is a traditional concept of curriculum. It is led by subject specialists or teacher or teacher is supreme. In this concept, teacher should be active and students must be passive or teacher centered method is used. In summarize the concept of curriculum as a course of study is the collection of whole knowledge and skill which the student should be learned. Curse of study is based on learning achievement determined by curriculum. Course of study is a plan that determines what is to be taught in a certain grade. It does not refer the teaching methodology. It is only a list of content. It gives s basis for teaching to meet the learning achievement expected by the curriculum by dividing the subject matter into different period. Curriculum and course of study are interrelated or supplementary. Curriculum is not completed without course of study. But course of study itself is not curriculum. It is a part among various parts of curriculum. Difference between curriculum and course of study Issues curriculum course of study 1.In terms of goal Its aim is related to child development and behavior formation. It tries to fulfill the need of It is more theoretical. It refers the medium of teaching. It is out to out based on
BICT Blogs www.bictblogs.blogspot.com Prepared by : Chandra Mishra(Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus, Subject Instructor) 3 | P a g e contemporary society. curriculum into subject matter. 2.In terms of leadership It is led by teachers, supervisors, subject specialists, guardians, psychologists etc. It is led by subject specialists or teachers. 3.In terms of teaching methods It refers activity- oriented methods. It focuses on practical and developmental methods rather than only classroom teaching. However it does not refer the methods thought its methods are based on classroom teaching. 4.In terms of subject matter Curriculum refers the activity-orientated subject matter. It determines the nature of activities in terms of subject matter which based on experience. It refers the subject matter to be taught in classroom. 5.In terms of evaluation Evaluation is integral part of curriculum. It refers the methods of evaluation to measure whether the goal or target is achieved or not. Examinations (periodically and dally) observation, conversation, questioning etc. are some examples of evaluation. Since course of study is a part of curriculum, it applies the examination of particular subject matter to evaluate whether the goal determined by the particular curriculum is achieved or not. 1.3 Curriculum as experience Curriculum as experience came to existence as the criticism of content centered and compartmentalized approach of subject centered curriculum and lack of consideration to the need and interest of the learners by it. This type of curriculum believes that what is taught is not the actual curriculum, what is learnt is the actual curriculum. It does not believe on intended curriculum. Instead, it believes on the actualized curriculum. It sees curriculum as the set of learner’s encounter during teaching learning. Curriculum as an experience is a child centered curriculum, which came into night by the philosophies such as pragmatism, humanism etc. Pragmatism claims that people learn to be adjusted with their social environment and to solve the problems of their life. They have nature instincts to learn. They learn those learning experiences which are according to their need, interest and utility. They learn through direct experiences. Curriculum as experiences is also called as activity curriculum. It is highly appreciated as a child centered and democratic curriculum. It is based on principle of “learning by doing.” Students prepare their own knowledge directly by direct experiences and problem solving. It is related to immediate needs of learners and knowledge learnt in classroom is directly application to their lives. This curriculum considered to be all of the experiences that learners have under the auspices of the school. Characteristics of curriculum as experiences: • It is centered principally towards the need, interest and utility of the learners. • It gives emphasis an promoting the all round growth of the learners instead of their cognitive growth only. • Subject matter selected and organized cooperatively by the teacher and learners. • It converts subject matters in the form of variety of learning experiences and provides the learners a chance of to be benefited by these learning experience. • It gives more emphasis on meaningful experiences, which will function immediately in improving living of them. • This curriculum is controlled and directed cooperatively by pupils, teachers, parents, supervisors, principals and others in the learning situation. • Students learn actively by their direct experiences and by problem solving. • There is more emphasis on buildings habits and skills as integral parts of large experiences.
BICT Blogs www.bictblogs.blogspot.com Prepared by : Chandra Mishra(Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus, Subject Instructor) 4 | P a g e • It gives more emphasis on understanding, improving through use of the process of learning. • The main aim of education in this curriculum is ading each child to build a socially creative individuality. • Education is considered as a continuous, intelligent process of growth in this curriculum. 1.4 Curriculum as objectives Curriculum consists of structured series of intended learning outcomes. Curriculum refers to desired consequences of instruction. BF skinner views curriculum as being formulated according to behavioristics objectives. The curriculum in the series experiences which children and youth must have by way of obtaining activity based system. Every activity has its own goal or target which aims at a accomplishing certain purpose. Objectives are the first and foremost elements which every curriculum embodies. Curriculum is a complete planning for conducting teaching learning process; it determines the subject matter, teaching method and evaluation procedures to achieve the certain achievement in every class. Every curriculum tries to assimilate some behavioral change in learners. The curriculum determines the knowledge, skill, capacity and concept which are expected to be developed in learners. Every curriculum has some objective which aims at fulfilling the need of concerned sectors. It tries to meet the necessities, needs and aspirations of society, interests of an individual etc. After analyzing all of those, it determines to develop certain skill, knowledge and concept to the learners of certain age, grade and level. Such expected change in certain group is the objective of curriculum. Objectives are varied in terms of the grade and level. Therefore the objectives of curriculum can be determined by analyzing the age variation, interest, capacity, skill and knowledge of the learners. In fact, curriculum embodies two kinds of objectivities- general objectives and specific objectives. Curriculum as a plan for learning • Plan of what to teach? • How to teach? • How to evaluate? Oliva (1982) Stated that “Curriculum is a plan or programme for all experiences which the learner encounters under direction of the school.” Carter V Good (1959) defined “Curriculum as general overall plan of the content or specific materials of instructions that the school should offer the students by way of qualifying him for gradation on certification for entrances into professional or vocational field.” Curriculum is a whole plan that includes the total procedures related to the education. Print, Saylor define curriculum "curriculum as plan of learning." According to Hilda Taba "curriculum is plan for learning". Curriculum includes objectives, subject matter, teaching learning process and evaluation. It shows the way for how the educational objectives are achieved is out based on effective teaching method. Curriculum is not the haphazard (random) mass of different activities that are guided by school or the teacher but it is a planned activity. These activities which assist to achieve the objectives and which are set prior to instruction are the learning activities. As for examples what are the subject areas to be included? How they are presented to the students? How far certain activities are worthwhile to achieve the goal? etc. are already planned in curriculum. Boarding meaning of curriculum Curriculum is such strong work plan which provides the leadership to all education activities. The detail plan which prepared to achieve organized and planned activities is called broader meaning of curriculum. A curriculum is an educational framework outlining skill and content mailstops that need to be attained for each of the respective subject grades.

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