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User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation...... 9.BIOMOLECULES Single Correct Answer Type 1. The metabolic flow is called a) Dynamic state of body constituents b) Flow of traffic junctions c) Turn over flow d) Adiabatic flow of reactions 2. Name the structural formulae of the given structures correctly a) A-Adenine; B-Uracil b) A-Guanine; B-Thymine c) A-Adenine; B-Guanine d) A-Cytosine; B-Thymine 3. Holoenzyme is a/an a) Non-protein and apoenzyme b) Protein and apoenzyme c) Enzyme protein and coenzyme d) Enzyme, non-protein and coenzyme 4. Chemical compounds which are found in the acid insoluble fraction are called a) Biomolecules b) Macromolecules c) Micromolecules d) Both (a) and (b) 5. Cellulose is made up of a) Branched chain of glucose molecule linked by α − 1, 4 glycosidic bond in straight chain and β − 1, 6 glycosidic bond at the site of branching b) Branched chain of glucose molecule linked by α − 1, 6 glycosidic bond in straight chain and β- 1, 4 glycosidic bond at the site of branching c) Unbranched chain of glucose molecule linked by β-1, 4 glycosidic bond d) Unbranched chain of glucose molecule linked by α-1, 6 glycosidic bond 6. Identify the structural formulae and select the correct option a) A-Adenine, B-Adenosine, C-Adenylic acid b) A-Guanine, B-Adenosine, C-Adenylic acid c) A-Adenosine, B-Adenylic acid, C-Adenine d) A-Uracil, B-Adenosine, C-Adenylic acid 7. The most abundant chemical in living organisms is a) Protein b) Water c) Lipids d) Nucleic acids 8. Fluidity of bio-membranes can be shown by a) Electron microscope b) Tissue culture
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation...... c) Phase-contrast microscope d) Fluorescence microscope 9. In which one of the following sets of three items each belong to the category mentioned against them? a) Lysine, glycine, thiamine – Amino acids b) Myosin, oxytocin and gastric – Hormones c) Rennin, helicase and hyaluronidase – Enzymes d) Optic nerve, oculomotor, vagus – Sensory nerves 10. Which of the following statements are correct? a) Living steady state has a self regulatory mechanism called homeostasis b) Energy flow and energy transformation of living system follows law of thermodynamics c) Metabolism is the release and gain of energy d) All of the above 11. Which one of the following structural formulae of two organic compounds is correctly identified along with its related function? a) A- Triglyceride major-Source of energy b) B- Uracil -A component of DNA c) A-Lecithin -A component of cell membrane d) B-Adenine -A nucleotide that makes up nucleic acids 12. All the carbon compounds obtained from living tissues are named as a) Biomolecules b) Inorganic compounds c) Organic compounds d) Only DNA 13. Which one of the following amino acids was not found to be synthesized in Miller’s experiement? a) Glycine b) Aspartic acid c) Glutamic acid d) Alanine 14. Malonate inhibits succinate dehydrogenase, is an example of a) Allosteric inhibition b) Negative feedback c) Competitive inhibition d) Non-competitive inhibition 15. Sugar and amino acids are a) Primary metabolites b) Secondary metabolites c) Feedback d) Inoculum 16. Select the wrong statement a) Proteins are heteropolymers made of amino acids b) Ribozymes are nucleic acids with catalytic power c) Nucleic acids serve as genetic material d) Collagen is the most abundant protein in the whole of the biosphere and Rubisco is the most
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation...... abundant proteins in animal world 17. The tightly bound non-proteinaceous organic compound in enzyme, is a) Coenzyme b) Prosthetic group c) Cofactor d) Apoenzyme 18. Which one is diaminodicarboxylic amino acid? a) Cystine b) Lysine c) Cysteine d) Aspartic acid 19. Those nucleic acids which behave like enzymes are known as a) Ribozymes b) Pepzymes c) Both (a) and (b) d) Ribose 20. The aggregation of the various kinds of biomolecules in a cell is referred to as the a) Acid soluble pool b) Acid insoluble pool c) Cellular pool d) None of the above 21. Which of the following is the example of structural protein? a) Myosin b) Collagen c) Keratin d) All of these 22. The ‘lock’ and ‘key’ theory of enzyme structure and function was proposed by a) Morgan b) Robertson c) Brown d) Fischer 23. ...... is a heteropolymer a) Starch b) Glycogen c) Chitin d) Cellulose 24. In a protein molecule, the amino acid units are linked together by ......... bonds formed between the amino acid units and the carboxyl group of successive amino acids a) Peptide b) Hydrogen c) Covalent d) Ionic 25. Which one is the sweetest sugar? a) Glucose b) Fructose c) Sucrose d) Maltose 26. Acidic amino acids carry two −COOH and one −NHA groups per molecule. Keeping this in mind, select the correct pair of acidic amino acid a) Lysine and arginine b) Aspartic acid and glutamic acid c) Glycine and alanine d) Both (a) and (b) 27. Which of the following statements regarding enzyme inhibition is correct? a) Non-competitive inhibition of an enzyme can be overcome by adding large amount of substrate b) Competitive inhibition is seen when a substrate competes with an enzyme for binding to an inhibition protein c) Competitive inhibition is seen when the substrate and the inhibitor compete d) Non-competitive inhibitors often bind to the enzyme irreversibly 28. In animal tissues, the categories of compounds present are called a) Molecules b) Primary metabolites c) Secondary metabolites d) Biomolecules 29. The DNA in which the base sequence of one strand is opposite to that of other strand when read from opposite direction is called a) Satellite DNA b) Palindromic DNA
User Restrictions: Not authorized to transfer to any third party, Not authorized to go for any resale of this document without permission. Document is protected from being unauthorized use, for any help please contact Mr. SEKHAR , +919206306398. We are not responsible for lose of data while deprotecting the document without any permission from author. Use only for question paper preparation, worksheet preparation...... c) Repetitious DNA d) Non-coding DNA 30. What is the approximate percentage of proteins in the cell contents? a) 12% b) 10% c) 15% d) 20% 31. Name the disaccharide which is the major sugar of insect haemolymph a) Trehalose b) Chitin c) Cellulose d) All of these 32. Which of the following statements about enzymes are correct? I. Enzymes do not alter the overall change in free energy for a reaction II. Enzymes are highly specific for reactions III. The energy input needed to start a chemical reaction is called activation energy IV. Enzymes are proteins whose three dimensional shape is key to their functions a) I and V b) I, II and V c) II and V d) All of these 33. Arachidonic acid is a) Non-essential fatty acid b) Essential fatty acid c) Polyunsaturated fatty acid d) Both (b) and (c) 34. Which of the following is not a cell inclusion? a) Protein b) Carbohydrate c) Pigment d) Vacuole 35. Insulin is a polymer of a) Fructose b) Glucose c) Sucrose d) Xylose 36. Select the correct constituents of protein a) Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen b) Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur c) Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur d) Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen 37. An α-helix is the example of ...... protein structure a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary 38. Chitin is a a) Polysaccharide b) Nitrogenous polysaccharide c) Lipoprotein d) protein 39. Which of the following statements are correct? I. Relative abundance of carbon and hydrogen with respect to other elements is higher in any living organisms II. Living organisms have more nitrogen and oxygen per unit mass than inanimate objects (J. K., earth crust) III. All the elements present in a sample of earth’s crust are also present in a sample of living tissue IV. Living organisms have more Ca, Mg,Na in them than inanimate object a) All of these b) All except IV c) Only IV d) None of these 40. Phospholipids are a) Conjugated lipids b) Derived lipids c) Simple lipids d) None of these 41. Given below is the chemical formula of

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