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Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 9 10 11 12 Success is not easy but certainly not for the lazy! 1/11 KHÓA HỌC 2023 – 2024 - MÔN: TIẾNG ANH – KHỐI 12 BÀI HỌC Họ và tên: _________________________________________ Lớp: ________________ - Trường: ____________________ A. Cụm động từ với “COME” Phrasal Verb Meaning Example come across find by chance (tình cờ thấy, tình cờ gặp) Julie came across some photographs of her grandparents in the attic. come around change one's opinion (thay đổi quan điểm) I think the supplier will come around to our way of seeing things. come by manage to get (có được) How did you come by such a beautiful location to build your house? come down with become ill with (ngã bệnh) The architect planned to attend the inauguration but he came down with the flu yesterday. come out become known, be published (rõ ràng, được xuất bản) The truth will come out sooner or later. It's just a matter of time. come up with produce a plan or an idea (nay ra ý tưởng) Sacha came up with a great idea for the party. come up appear, occur (xuất hiện) Sorry I'm late. Something came up at the last minute come in for/come under fire be criticized (bị chỉ trích) Fast food has come in for further criticism in a report published today. B. Cụm động từ với “GET” Phrasal Verb Meaning Example get along with have a good a relationship with (có mối quan hệ tốt) I don't get along with one of my coworkers - he's just so annoying. get away escape (chạy trốn thoát) The dog got away from me at the park. get by manage to live on a tight budget (xoay xở sông) We're having a hard time getting by ever since my husband lost his job. get sb down make sb depressed (khiến ai buồn) Cold, dark winters always get me down. get into become interested/involved in something (đam mê, thích thú) My parents have been getting into gardening recently. get off leave a bus, train... (xuống tàu, xe...) We got off the bus at the last stop. get over recover from It took her a long time to get over her dog's death. get rid of eliminate or throw something away (vứt, loại bỏ) I want to get rid of all these boxes. They've been lying around for ages! C. Cụm động từ với “GO” Phrasal Verb Meaning Example go along with accept, support an idea (chấp nhận, ủng hộ) Alex tends to go along with anything his wife says. go away leave a place (rời đi) We decided to go away for a few days.
Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 9 10 11 12 Success is not easy but certainly not for the lazy! 2/11 go by pass (trôi qua) Time goes by so quickly! go down with become ill with a disease (đổ bệnh) Many people in the world went down with coronavirus. go for try to achieve or attain (cố gắng đạt được) Jack trained hard and decided to go for the gold medal. go off explode (nổ tung) A bomb went off in a crowded restaurant. ring/make a loud noise (đổ chuông) The alarm clock was set to go off at 6 am. no longer good to eat or drink (ôi thiu) The milk has gone off. Don't drink it. go over review (xem xét lại) Please go over your answers before handing in your paper. go through experience, be officially accepted (trải qua, được chính thức công nhận) Pete went through a lot of pain after the accident. go up increase (tăng) The price of petrol is expected to go up. D. Cụm động từ với “KEEP” Phrasal Verb Meaning Example keep down restrain or control (kiểm soát, kìm nén) We must keep the noise down, or the neighbours will complain. keep on continue (tiếp tục) Mum, Jimmy keeps on poking me! keep out of stay away from (tránh ra khỏi) I am keeping out of trouble. keep around keep something near one (giữ gì đó gần bên cạnh) It's worth keeping a dictionary around in case you come across an unfamiliar word. keep at continue with something difficult (tiếp tục với thứ gì đó khó khăn, dễ nản) The secret of dieting is to keep at it. keep away from avoid (tránh) He tried to keep away from danger. keep back main a safe distance (duy trì khoảng cách an toàn) Police were warning people to keep back. keep off not talk about (không đề cập tới gì đó) John kept one the subject off his divorce. keep up with move at the same rate (bắt kịp ai) She walks so fast that I can never keep up with her. E. Cụm động từ với “LOOK” Phrasal Verb Meaning Example look after to take care of (chăm sóc) It's hard work looking after three children all day. look ahead to think about or plan the future (lên kế hoạch cho tương lai) Looking ahead, I think the company needs to develop some new services. look back (on) to think of or remember what has happened (hồi tưởng lại) George looked back on his career in government with a great deal of satisfaction look down on to think that you are better than someone (khinh thường) She thinks they look down on her because she doesn't have a job.
Team Anh Hồ Thành - chuyên luyện thi tiếng anh lớp 9 10 11 12 Success is not easy but certainly not for the lazy! 3/11 look for search for, investigate (tìm kiếm, nghiên cứu) He was looking for work as a builder. look forward to be excited about something that is going to happen (mong chờ, mong đợi) I'm looking forward to seeing you next Thursday. look into investigate (điều tra) We're looking into buying a new computer. look out to be careful (cẩn trọng) Look out! There's a car coming! look through to read something, usually quickly (xem qua) I've looked through some catalogues. look up search for information (tìm kiếm thông tin) If you do not know the meaning of this word, just look it up. look up to to respect or admire (tôn trọng) He'd always looked up to his uncle. F. Cụm động từ với “MAKE” Phrasal Verb Meaning Example make do with use something less satisfactory as an alternative. (miễn cưỡng tận dụng) There were no chairs to sit on so we had to make do with a pile of boxes. make for move in the direction of; head for (hướng về) Let's make for the exit before the crowd starts to leave. make fun of laugh at; make jokes about (cười nhạo) The old lady dresses so strangely that the children make fun of her. make of have an opinion about something (có suy nghĩ, quan điểm) What do you make of his latest suggestion? make off with steal and hurry away (ăn cắp rồi tẩu thoát) A young man made off with my briefcase while I was checking the timetable. make out be able to hear or read something (hiểu) I need glasses! I can't make out what's written on the board. make up invent a story (bịa chuyện) Some employees make up excuses when they arrive late for work. Cynthia spends ages making herself up. In your opinion what qualities make up his character? put on powder, lipstick, etc (trang điểm) form, institute (tạo nên) make up with end a quarrel and become friends again (làm hòa) Come on you two! It's time to shake hands and make up with each other. make up for compensate for something (đền bù) If I work longer the next few days I can make up for the time I was absent. CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ ĐÃ XUẤT HIỆN TRONG ĐỀ THI THAM KHẢO & CHÍNH THỨC STT CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGHĨA 1. stand for viết tắt của 2. take over tiếp quản, đảm nhận 3. catch on trở nên nổi tiếng 4. hold on chờ đợi 5. take on bắt đầu tỏ ra, tuyển dụng 6. get over vượt qua cái gì 7. go through xem xét kỹ

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