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© www.bankofbiology.com All rights reserved. 33 FROGS 1. Name the most common species of frog in India. Answer: Rana tigrina 2. Frogs are not seen during peak summer and winter. Why? Answer: During this period, they take shelter in deep burrows to protect them from extreme heat and cold. This is called summer sleep (aestivation) and winter sleep (hibernation). 3. Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place. Summer sleep: Aestivation Winter sleep: ............. Answer: Hibernation 4. Select the wrong statement regarding frogs (Rana tigrina). a) Body is divisible into head, neck and trunk but tail is absent. b) Skin is moist, smooth and slippery due to mucus. c) They can change colour to hide them from their enemies (camouflage). d) They never drink water but absorb through the skin. Answer: a) Body is divisible into head, neck and trunk but tail is absent. 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable terms: a) ................... protects the eyes of frog while they are in water. b) On either side of frog’s eyes have a membranous ................ that represents the ear. Answer: a) Nictitating membrane b) Tympanum 6. Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place. Forelimbs of frog: 4 digits Hind limbs of frog: ....... Answer: 5 digits 7. Frogs exhibit sexual dimorphism. Justify this statement giving two examples. Answer: In male frogs, there is a sound producing vocal sac and a copulatory (nuptial) pad on the first digit of fore limbs. These structures are absent in female frogs. 8. Observe the diagram showing internal organs of frog and complete digestive system. Label A to F. Answer: A = Liver B= Rectum C= Cloaca D= Ureter E= Lung F= Gall bladder 9. In frogs, the alimentary canal is short. Give reason. Answer: Frogs are carnivores and hence the length of intestine is reduced. 10. a) Draw a flowchart showing the correct sequence of various parts of frog’s alimentary canal. b) Name the location of finger-like villi and microvilli and mention their function. Answer: a) Mouth → buccal cavity → pharynx → oesophagus → stomach → intestine → rectum → cloaca. b) Intestine. They absorb digested food. 11. Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place. Pancreas: Pancreatic juice Liver: ............. Answer: Bile juice 12. Fill in the blanks with suitable terms: a) Liver secretes bile that is stored in ............ b) ............... and HCl secreted from gastric wall digest the food. c) Partially digested food in stomach is called ......... d) Duodenum receives bile and pancreatic juices through a .................. Answer: a) Gall bladder b) Gastric juice c) Chyme d) Common bile duct 13. Mention the functions of following digestive juices in frog.
© www.bankofbiology.com All rights reserved. 34 a) Bile b) Pancreatic juice Answer: a) Bile emulsifies fat. b) Pancreatic juice digests carbohydrates and proteins. 14. Odd one out. Justify your answer. Common bile duct, conus arteriosus, oesophagus, microvilli Answer: Conus arteriosus. Because it is a part of frog’s circulatory system. Others belong to digestive system. 15. Frogs exhibit cutaneous respiration in aquatic environment. a) What is meant by cutaneous respiration? b) How does it work? c) Name the respiratory organs used by frogs in terrestrial environment. Answer: a) Cutaneous respiration is the respiration through skin. b) Skin acts as aquatic respiratory organ. Dissolved oxygen in the water is exchanged through the skin by diffusion. c) Buccal cavity, skin and lungs. 16. In frog, during aestivation and hibernation, respiration takes place through .......... Answer: Skin 17. Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place. Skin: Cutaneous respiration Lungs: ............. Answer: Pulmonary respiration 18. Some statements regarding circulatory system of frog are given below. State true or false and correct the false statements. a) Frog’s heart is three-chambered with two ventricles and one atrium. b) A triangular structure called sinus venosus joins the right atrium. c) The ventricle opens into a saclike conus arteriosus on the ventral side of the heart. d) Frog’s blood contains non-nucleated RBCs which contain haemoglobin. Answer: a) False. Frog’s heart is three-chambered with two atria and one ventricle. b) True. c) True. d) False. Frog’s blood contains nucleated RBCs which contain haemoglobin. 19. In a class room discussion, Anila said that the circulatory systems of frog and human show fundamental similarity. a) Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer with at least 3 points. b) Name any two features of frog’s circulatory system that are not seen in human circulatory system. Answer: a) Yes. I agree because circulatory systems of frog and human have the following structures: • Blood vascular system (heart, blood vessels & blood) and lymphatic system (lymph, lymph channels & lymph nodes). • Arterial system to pump blood from heart to all body parts. • Venous system to carry blood from various body parts to the heart. b) Frog’s heart is three-chambered. Frog’s heart has the structures sinus venosus and conus arteriosus. Frogs have nucleated RBCs. 20. Note the relationship between first two words and fill up the fourth place. Hepatic portal system: Between liver and intestine ..................: Between kidney and lower body Answer: Renal portal system 21. Given below are various parts of the Frog’s excretory system. Prepare a flowchart that shows the correct sequence of urine conduction. Urinary bladder Cloacal aperture Ureters Kidneys Cloaca Answer: Kidneys → Ureters → Urinary bladder → Cloaca → Cloacal aperture. 22. State true or false. If false, make it correct. a) Each kidney of frog is formed of uriniferous tubules (nephrons). b) Frog is a uricotelic animal. c) In female frogs, ureters act as urinogenital duct which opens into cloaca. d) Urinary bladder of frog is present ventral to the rectum and opens in the cloaca. Answer: a) True b) False. Frog is a ureotelic animal. c) False. In male frogs, ureters act as urinogenital duct which opens into cloaca. d) True. 23. Odd one out. Justify your answer.
© www.bankofbiology.com All rights reserved. 35 Pituitary, Thyroid, Diencephalon, Thymus, Pineal body. Answer: Diencephalon. It is a part of nervous system of frog. Others belong to endocrine glands. 24. Complete the chart using appropriate terms. Answer: A= Spinal cord B= Hind-brain C= Olfactory lobes D= Diencephalon E= Optic lobes F= Medulla oblongata 25. a) Complete the table showing division of Nervous system: (A) Peripheral nervous system (C) Brain Spinal cord (B) Spinal nerves Sympathetic (D) b) How many cranial nerves are arising from frog’s brain? c) Fill in the blank: Medulla oblongata passes out through the ............ and continues into spinal cord, which is enclosed in the vertebral column Answer: a) (A) Central nervous system (B) Cranial nerves (C) Autonomic nervous system (D) Parasympathetic b) 10 pairs c) Foramen magnum 26. What are the sense organs of frog? Answer: (i) Sensory papillae: For touch. (ii) Taste buds: For taste. (iii) Nasal epithelium: For smell. (iv) Simple eyes: For vision. (v) Tympanum with internal ears. 27. Match the following: Frog’s anatomical structures Found in a) Optic lobes (1) Digestive system b) Bidder’s canal (2) Nervous system c) Duodenum (3) Circulatory system d) Renal portal system (4) Male reproductive system (5) Female reproductive system Answer: Frog’s anatomical structures Found in a) Optic lobes Nervous system b) Bidder’s canal Male reproductive system c) Duodenum Digestive system d) Renal portal system Circulatory system 28. Given below are some anatomical structures present in frog. Cloaca, Ovary, Conus arteriosus, Ureters, Bidder’s canal, Testes, Hepatic portal system, Parathyroid, Sinus venosus, Lymph, Bilobed tongue Categorize them as follows: a) The structures present in frogs and human body. b) The structures present in frogs but not in human body. Answer: a) Ovary, Ureters, Testes, Hepatic portal system, Parathyroid. b) Cloaca, Conus arteriosus, Bidder’s canal, Sinus venosus, Bilobed tongue. 29. Observe the diagram of reproductive system of male frog. a) Label A to D. b) Reproductive system of male frog has functional connection with its excretory system. Do you agree? Justify. Answer: a) A= Vasa efferentia B= Testis C= Urinogenital duct FROG: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Brain Forebrain C Cerebral hemispheres D Mid-brain E B Cerebellum F A
© www.bankofbiology.com All rights reserved. 36 D= Cloaca b) Yes. Vasa efferentia arising from testes enter the kidneys and open into Bidder’s canal. It communicates with urinogenital duct that comes out of the kidneys and opens into cloaca. 30. In male frogs, testes are adhered to the upper part of kidneys by a double fold of peritoneum called ...................... Answer: Mesorchium 31. In animals such as frogs, the cloaca is an important structure for three physiological systems. Do you agree? Justify. Answer: Yes. I agree. Cloaca is a part of digestive system, excretory system and reproductive system because this chamber is used to pass faecal matter, urine and gametes (sperms or eggs) to the exterior. 32. Observe the diagram of reproductive system of female frog. a) Label A to E. b) Which organ of the reproductive system is common in male and female? Answer: a) A= Oviduct B= Ovary C= Ova D= Cloaca E= Cloacal aperture b) Cloaca. 33. Arrange the following words into two groups and give an appropriate heading to each group. Testes, oviduct, cloaca, Bidder’s canal, ovaries, Urinogenital duct, vasa efferentia, ova Answer: Frog: Male reproductive system Frog: Female reproductive system Testes Cloaca Bidder’s canal Urinogenital duct Vasa efferentia Oviduct Ovaries Cloaca Ova 34. Fill in the blanks: a) A mature female frog can lay .......... ova at a time. b) Development involves a larval stage called ......... c) Tadpole undergoes .......... to form the adult. Answer: a) 2500 to 3000 b) Tadpole c) Metamorphosis 35. Frogs have several economic importance. Justify. Answer: a) They eat insects and protect the crop. b) Maintain ecological balance by serving as an important link of food chain and food web. c) In some countries, the muscular legs of frog are used as food. Want More...? Click Here for Plus 1 and Plus 2 Exam Special materials

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