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Content text Band A Vol 4 Listening Test (Traditional).pdf

華語文聽力測驗 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Listening 入門基礎級模擬試題 Band A 作答注意事项 Directions: 一、這個題本一共有 50 題,考試時間約 50 分鐘。 You have 50 minutes to work on this test. There are a total of 50 test items. 二、所有的答案必須寫在答案卡上,寫在題本上的答案將不算成績。 You must indicate your answers ON THE ANSWER SHEET. Answers written on the question booklet will not be graded. 三、請選出一個正確答案,而且只有一個正確答案。 Please select only ONE answer from the choice of the possible answers. 四、考試開始以後,不可以離開考試的教室。如果有任何問題,請 舉手,監試人員會過去幫助你。 Once the test begins, you may not leave the test room. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. The test proctor will help you. 五、考試結束時,請將題本和答案卡放在桌上。等監試人員收卷、 清點完以後,才可以離開。 When the test is over, please put your question booklet and answer sheet on the desk. Please do not leave until the test proctor has collected all of the test materials.

第一部分 Part One 說明:在這個部分,每題有一張圖片,你會先聽到一個問題,接著再聽到 (A)(B)(C)三個選項,請根據圖片提示從(A)(B)(C)中選出正確的答 案。每題念兩次,第一次念完以後先停五秒,再念第二次。第二次 念完以後停五秒,就繼續下一題。 Directions: In this part of the test, each test item comes with a picture. You will hear a question and three possible answers (A), (B), and (C) read aloud. Please use the picture to choose the most appropriate answer to each statement. Each test item will be read twice, and there will be a 5-second pause after the question is read for the first time. After the second reading, you will have five seconds to mark your answer before a new test item begins. 例題如下 Example: 你會看到一張圖片 You will see one picture: 接著,你會聽到一個問題和三個選項。 Then, you will hear one question and three possible answers. 第一題:眼鏡在哪裡? (A) 在盒子裡面。 (B) 在盒子下面。 (C) 在盒子上面。 這一題的答案是(A),請把答案塗在答案卡上。 The correct answer to this test item is (A). Please fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. 1.  說明結束,第一部分考試開始,請翻頁。 This is the end of the test instructions. Now, please turn to Part One of the test.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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