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Diane Larsen-Freeman SECOND EDITION
1/1//1 Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching DIANE LARSEN-FREEMAN Second Edition OXFORD UNIV ERSI TY I'RESS
OXFORDI'R"ss Gr.a' 511""', Oxford OU GoP Oxford Un;wNiry Pr. " i. a depa rtment orlb. UnlV<'rsity of Oxlor d. It timhe.. til<'Vow.nity", ol>jeetiveof " . nollonce in ""searc h, ' Oxford University p",ss 2000 The moral right' ofth••uthor haw b.en . ss.rte00 z<>08 2007 , 006 2O(l5 20 0 4 '" No unau thorized p hotocopying t\ll righ ts n" .rwd. No pan of'hi' publicatio n ma y be "'prodnced, storod In • J'('tr.'eval tram mitled. in .ny Conn or by any tne, n" wltbn lll the pnor perm,,,wn IIIwnling o[Oxford University Pre" or., pern'illod by law, or under te",,, ,greed witb the rep,,?8 r.pb'cs nghts org'm"llon. Enqllirie. (."ncerning reproouetion ou t"de tbe "",P<' oftbe .b<>ve .hould be , ent to the HT Rigbll Depall",ent. Ox/urd lInlvermy Pre... at the "ddre" above YOII must not dn"l.te this book in 'my othor hinding or covor and yen tn,,,t Intpo.ethl"Jme cond ition on onyacquin'r Any web. lte, '0 in thi, pllblk"r!on Or<' in ,h. pnhlic dom.ln and their addre"e. ,'1'(' provided by Oxford Universi ty Pr<-" [or intbnn.tion on ly, Oxford Un'VI'rsny Pr<-" d"cl'lm, .ny re,pon'ibility for the ,.""tent IS" N019 4:l55748 Printed in Chi"" Series Editors' Preface It is always a feeling of great pride for general editors of a pedagogical series when the resounding success of one of its books leads to the demand for publ ication of a second, expanded edition. We arc therefore extremely pleased that Diane Larsen-Freeman has undertaken to con- tribute to the field of language -teaching professionals a newly revised, updated, and enlarged version of her original and immensely valua ble Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching . The ways in which the second edition differs from the first- from the addition of new methods, throu gh more att ention to the learnin g process, to a little self-indulgence in methodological choice-arc amply documented in Diane's own mes- sage 'To the Teacher Educator', and these arc departures that are both appr opriate an d illuminating. What has not changed, however- and modesty wo uld prevent her from saying so-are the intangible qualities that made the first edition so special: enlightenment withou t condescen- sion, comprehensiveness wit hout tedium, engagement without oversim- plification. Still evident as before is Diane's gift for being ab le gently to lea d one to examine one's own professional behavior for possible incon- gruities betwee n one's view of language and the way one teaches it. And still there, even intensified, is evidence of her serious and deeply persona l thought devoted to comp lex pedagogical issues and her incomparable ability to make these matters come alive with great clarity for the widest professional readership. It is no mean accomp lishment. Russell N. Campbell William E. Rutherford

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