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FACT/DEFINITION TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Uricotelic mode of passing out nitrogenous wastes is found in (a) reptiles and bird (b) birds and annelids (c) amphibians and reptiles (d) insects and amphibians 2. Ammonia is the main nitrogenous excretory material in (a) amphibians (b) turtles (c) tadpoles (d) reptiles 3. Mechanism of uric acid excretion in a nephron is (a) osmosis (b) diffusion (c) ultrafiltration (d) secretion 4. Why bony fishes, aquatic amphibian and aquatic insects are called ammonotelic animals? (a) They excrete ammonia as their excretory product. (b) They excrete ammonia as a least toxic nitrogenous waste product. (c) They excrete uric acid in the form of pellet and paste with a minimum loss of water. (d) These animals have nephridia as their excretory organ which helps to remove nitrogenous waste and maintain a fluid and ionic balance. 5. Excretion of nitrogenous waste product in semi-solid form occur in (a) amniotes (b) desert animals (c) ureotelic animals (d) uricotelic animals 6. The projections of renal pelvis are called (a) hiluses (b) calyces (c) medullary pyramids (d) renal columns 7. The number of nephrons in a kidney is equal to (a) the number of Bowman’s capsules. (b) sum of Bowman’s capsules and glomeruli. (c) double the number of Bowman’s capsules. (d) sum of Bowman’s capsules and Malpighian corpuscles. 8. Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule constitute (a) nephrotome (b) renal corpuscle (c) renal capsule (d) malpighian tubule 9. In which part of the excretory system of mammals you can first use the term urine for fluid it contains? (a) Bowman’s capsule (b) Loop of Henle (c) Collecting tubule (d) Ureter 10. Columns of Bertini in the kidneys of mammals are formed as extensions of (a) Cortex into medulla (b) Cortex into pelvis (c) Medulla into pelvis (d) Pelvis into ureter 11. Blood vessel leading to glomerulus is called (a) renal artery (b) renal vein (c) efferent arteriole (d) afferent arteriole 12. Which one of the following is not a part of a renal pyramid? (a) Loops of Henle (b) Peritubular capillaries (c) Convoluted tubules (d) Collecting ducts 13. The efferent arteriole emerging from the glomerulus forms a fine capillary network around the renal tubule called the ______________. (a) vasa recta (b) loop of Henle (c) collecting duct (d) peritubular capillaries 14. Juxta-glomerular apparatus is formed by cellular modification in the (a) afferent arteriole and DCT (b) efferent arteriole and PCT (c) afferent arteriole and PCT (d) efferent arteriole and DCTChapter 19 @s^m`ojmtKmj_p^on\i_ Oc`dm@gdhdi\odji
Excretory Products and Their Elimination 163 15. Which of the following accessory excretory structure eliminates NaCl, lactic acid and urea? (a) Kidney (b) Liver (c) Sebaceous gland (d) Sweat gland 16. Which of the following components of blood does not enter into the nephron? (a) Urea (b) Water (c) Glucose (d) Plasma protein 17. Kidney helps in the conservation of useful materials and excretion of wastes and therefore they receive 20% of the heart’s output of blood (as much as the heart and brain combined). On a percentage basis which substance is most completely reabsorbed by the kidneys? (a) Water (b) Glucose (c) Urea (d) Sodium 18. The site and principal mechanism for the passage of glucose into the bloodstream in the human kidney is the (a) collecting duct, by active secretion. (b) distal convoluted tubule, by passive diffusion. (c) glomerulus, by selective reabsorption. (d) proximal convoluted tubule, by selective reabsorption. 19. The part of the nephron impermeable to water is (a) proximal tubule (b) distal tubule (c) ascending limb of Henle’s loop (d) collecting duct 20. Reabsorption of chloride ions from glomerular filtrate in kidney tubule occurs by (a) active transport (b) diffusion (c) osmosis (d) brownian movement 21. Colloidal osmotic pressure in blood plasma is mainly due to (a) albumin (b) globulin (c) fibrinogen (d) sodium chloride 22. The ascending loop of Henle is permeable for (a) ammonia (b) glucose (c) sodium (d) water 23. Loop of Henle takes part in absorption of (a) potassium (b) glucose (c) water (d) urea 24. In comparison to blood plasma, percentage of glucose in glomerular filtrate is (a) higher (b) equal (c) lower (d) nil 25. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in a healthy individual is approximately (a) 100 ml/minute, i.e., 180 liters per day. (b) 125 ml/minute, i.e., 180 litres per day. (c) 120 ml/minute, i.e., 100 litres per day. (d) 130 ml/minute, i.e., 120 litres per day. 26. The maximum reabsorption of useful substances back into the blood from filtrate in a nephron occurs in (a) PCT (b) Loop of Henle (c) DCT (d) collecting duct 27. A fall in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) activates (a) adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. (b) adrenal medulla to release adrenaline. (c) juxta - glomerular cells to release renin. (d) posterior pituitary to release vasopressin. 28. The part of the nephron that helps in active reabsorption of sodium is (a) bowman’s capsule (b) distal convoluted tubules (c) ascending limb of Henle’s loop (d) proximal convoluted tubules 29. Which region of the kidney nephron is the main site of amino acid reabsorption? (a) Glomerulus (b) Bowman’s capsule (c) Proximal convoluted tubule (d) Distal convoluted tubule 30. Which of the following hormone is secreted from kidney ? (a) ANF (b) Erythropoietin (c) Rennin (d) Aldosterone 31. Which of the following is directly responsible for increasing glomerular blood pressure and hence GFR? (a) Aldosterone (b) ANF (c) Angiotensin II (d) Renin 32. In the renal tubules the permeability of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct to water is controlled by (a) aldosterone (b) vasopressin (c) growth hormone (d) renin 33. The function of renin is (a) degradation of angiotensinogen (b) stimulation of corpus luteum (c) to reduce blood pressure (d) vasodilatation 34. Volume of urine is regulated by (a) aldosterone (b) aldosterone and ADH (c) aldosterone, ADH and testosterone (d) ADH alone EduHulk 315
164 Biology 35. The hormone that promotes reabsorption of water from glomerular filtrate is (a) oxytocin (b) vasopressin (c) calcitonin (d) relaxin 36. Juxta-glomerular cells of renal cortex synthesizes an enzyme called (a) ADH (b) oxytocin (c) renin (d) urochrome 37. Which one is an important constituent of renin angiotensinogen-aldosterone system? (a) JGA cell (b) Macular cell (c) Erythropoetin (d) Plasma cell 38. The voluntary response to the distension of urinary bladder is (a) polyurea (b) micturition (c) mellitus (d) menstruation STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS 39. Which of the following statement is correct? (a) Vasa recta is not present in cortical nephrons. (b) Maximum number of nephrons in kidney are juxta- medullary type. (c) DCT of many nephrons open into collecting tubule. (d) All of the above 40. Which of the following statement is not correct with respect to human kidney? (a) The peripheral region is called cortex and central medulla. (b) Malpighian capsules are present in the cortex region. (c) Blood enters glomerulus through efferent arterioles. (d) The concave part of kidney is called hilus. 41. If Henle’s loop were absent from mammalian nephron which of the following event is to be expected ? (a) There will be no urine formation. (b) There will be hardly any change in the quality and quantity of urine formed. (c) The urine will be more concentrated. (d) The urine will be more dilute. 42. Almost all the aquatic animals excrete ammonia as the nitrogenous waste product. Which of the following statement is not in agreement with this situation? (a) Ammonia is easily soluble in water. (b) Ammonia is released from the body in a gaseous state. (c) Ammonia is highly toxic and needs to be eliminated as and when formed. (d) Ammonia gets converted into a less toxic form called urea. 43. Which one of the following statements in regard to the excretion by the human kidneys is correct? (a) Ascending limb of Loop of Henle is impermeable to electrolytes. (b) Descending limb of Loop of Henle is impermeable to water. (c) Distal convoluted tubule is incapable of reabsorbing HCO3 – . (d) Nearly 99 per cent of the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed by the renal tubules. 44. Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to kidney’s function and regulation? (a) During summer when body loses lots of water by evaporation, the release of ADH is suppressed. (b) When someone drinks lot of water, ADH release is suppressed. (c) Exposure to cold temperature stimulates ADH release. (d) An increase in glomerular blood flow stimulates formation of Angiotensin II. 45. Which of the following statement is correct regarding urine formation? (a) Filtration and reabsorption takes place before secretion. (b) Filtration and secretion takes place before reabsorption. (c) Secretion takes place before reabsorption and filtration. (d) Reabsorption takes place before filtration and secretion. 46. Which of the following statement is incorrect? (a) Counter-current flow of blood in vasa recta helps to retain the reabsorbed sodium in the renal medulla. (b) Glomerular filterate is protein free plasma. (c) Vasa recta carry glomerular filterate from distal convoluted tubule to the collecting duct. (d) Glomerular filterate in Bowman’s capsule is isotonic to the plasma. 47. Which of the following statements are correct? (i) Glucose has high threshold value. (ii) Urine is concentrated in Henle’s loop. (iii) Haemodialyser removes urea, uric acid, glucose and proteins. (iv) In glomerulus, urea, uric acid, water, glucose and plasma proteins are filtered out. (a) (i), (iii) and (iv) (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (c) (i) and (ii) (d) (i) and (iii) EduHulk
Excretory Products and Their Elimination 165 48. Which of the following statements is/are true? (i) Urine is hypertonic in distal convoluted tubule. (ii) When the urine passes into the collecting tubule, it becomes hypotonic. (iii) Urine is isotonic in proximal convoluted tubule. (iv) Urine becomes more and more hypotonic as it passes through the Henle’s loop. (a) (i) and (iv) only (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) only (c) (ii) and (iii) only (d) (iii) only ASSERTION/REASON TYPE QUESTIONS In the following questions, a statement of Assertion is followed by a statement of Reason. (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion. (c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false. (d) If both Assertion and Reason are false. 49. Assertion : Aquatic animals like whales and seals are said to be ureotelic animals. Reason : It is because of the fact that their main nitrogeneous waste product is urea. 50. Assertion : Kidney maintains the osmotic concentration of the blood. Reason : Kidney eliminates either hypotonic or hypertonic urine according to the need of the body. 51. Assertion : In the descending limb of loop of Henle, the urine is hypertonic, whereas in ascending limb of loop of Henle, the urine is hypotonic. Reason : Descending limb is impermeable to sodium, while ascending limb is impermeable to water. 52. Assertion : Secreting hypotonic urine is effective in reducing urinary loss of water. Reason : Hypotonic urine is more concentrated and higher in osmotic pressure than the blood. 53. Assertion : Aldosterone is a steroid hormone and is important in the control of sodium and potassium ion concentration in mammals. Reason : It upgrades sodium ion concentration in the ECF by promoting reabsorption ofsodium ions from renal tubules and excretion of potassium ions in urine. 54. Assertion : Main constituent of human urine is ammonia. Reason : If human urine is allowed to stand for some time, it smells strongly of ammonia. MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS 55. Match the excretory functions given in column-I with the parts of the excretory system in column-II. Choose the correct combination from the given options. Column-I Column-II (Function) (Parts of excretory systems) A. Ultra filtration I. Henle’s loop B. Concentration II. Ureter of urine C. Transport of III. Urinary bladder urine D. Storage of urine IV. Malpighian corpuscle V. Proximal convoluted tubule (a) A – IV; B – I; C – II; D – III (b) A – IV; B – III; C – II; D – I (c) A – V; B – IV; C – I; D – III (d) A – V; B – IV; C – I; D – II 56. Match the disorders given in column-I with their feature given in column-II and choose the correct option. Column-I Column-II (Disorders) (Feature) A. Uremia I. Excess of protein in urine B. Hematuria II. Presence of high ketone bodies in urine C. Ketonuria III. Presence of blood cells in urine D. Glycosuria IV. Presence of glucose in urine E. Proteinuria V. Excess of urea in blood (a) A - V; B -III; C - II; D - IV; E - I (b) A - IV; B - V; C - III; D - II; E - I (c) A - V; B -III; C - IV; D - II; E - I (d) A - III; B -V; C - II; D - I; E - IV 57. Which of the following parts of the nephron given in column I is correctly matched with their functions given in column II? Column-I Column-II (Parts of the nephron) (Functions) A. Proximal convoluted I. Sodium is reabsorbed tubules actively in this region. B. Distal convoluted II. Sodium and water are tubules reabsorbed under the influence of hormone in this region. C. Descending limb III. Primary site of glucose and amino acid reabsorption. D. Ascending limb IV. Major substance reabsorbed here is water by osmosis. EduHulk 315

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