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COMPREHENSIVE PHASE WORKBOOK PROFESSIONAL ADJUSTMENT NOVEMBER 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Review 1. Nurse Jonna was charged with negligence. Which situation supports the charge of negligence against a professional nurse? A. Failure on the part of Nurse Jonna to establish a therapeutic relationship with the patient. B. When Nurse Jonna failed to ensure that patient only received care for which they could pay C. When Nurse Jonna failed to exercise reasonable and prudent care in treating a patient D. When she failed to allay patient’s fear about an upcoming cholecystectomy. 2. Nurse Fiona was sued for battery. What does the court consider in determining the her legal liability for standards of care? A. Professional education, experience and specific conduct B. Professional experience, but not the education and conduct C. Professional conduct, but not the experience and education D. Professional education, but not the conduct and experience 3. The BON took action against Nurse Johanna who committed a violation of a regulation. What is TRUE about this scenario? A. Rules and regulations applies only to the board. B. Rules and regulations are only suggested standards of care and do not have to be followed. C. These rules and regulation have the force of the law D. Violation of a rule and regulation is not the same as violation of the nursing practice act. 4. Linda, a professional sewer, injured at work, was seen by Nurse Sally. Deep boring wound was treated and she was instructed to get a tetanus anti toxin at the city health center. The patient failed to follow instructions developed tetanus and subsequently filed a lawsuit against the nurse. What is most likely result of the ensuring trial? The nurse is A. Liable, because there was no follow up to ensure that the patient received the injection B. Not liable for the damages because the nurse has a right to expect that instructions will be followed C. Liable, because tetanus is easily treatable after diagnosis D. Not liable, because tetanus is reportable disease and the health enter should have insisted the treatment. 5. You are currently reviewing the 1979 Belmont Report that identified basic ethical principles to guide research. These were: A. freedom, advocacy, rules B. autonomy, information, principles C. anonymity, maleficence, assent D. beneficence, justice, respect for the person 6. In 2019, Marissa is a patient with suspicious breast mass which was confirmed by biopsy to be a Stage 1 malignant tumor. An excision of the mass was done. However, after a year, there has been a recurrence of the tumor. The physician recommends chemotherapy. However, Marissa does not want to undergo chemotherapy despite explanation from the physician. Marissa’s tumor progressed to Stage IV. Currently, she is in hospice care. Which of the following ethical priniciples was honored by the physician? A. Justice B. Advocacy C. Beneficence D. Autonomy 7. Paulina had been suffering from Stage IV osteosarcoma and is currently experiencing severe pain. Metastases to the lung and liver were detected. She is aware that they are having financial problems. She decides to sign a DNR form. What ethical principle did Paulina and her family utilize as basis for their decision to sign a DNR? A. Beneficence B. Advocacy C. Autonomy D. Justice 8. Nurse Clarita helped a 35 weeks AOG pregnant woman deliver a preterm baby girl in an airplane. What ethical principles is she practicing? A. Justice B. Advocacy C. Autonomy D. Beneficence 9. Nurse Taylor was sued for negligence. Of which of the following situations would possibly cause her to be liable? A. She gave non-selective beta blocker to a patient with asthma instead of a selective beta blocker and an hour later, complained of dyspnea B. While preparing the medication, Nurse Taylor notices that instead of a selective beta blocker, she put a non-selective beta blocker into the client’s medicine cup C. As the Nurse Taylor was about to give the non-selective beta blocker, the client questioned why the medication has a different color D. Nurse administered a non-selective beta blocker of analgesic instead of 1 tablet as prescribed. Patient noticed and complained. No symptoms were noted. 10. The patient verbalized that he does not want to receive medications for his end stage renal disease due to financial constraints. However, Nurse Harry still administered the drugs under the guise of administering analgesics. Which intentional tort might the nurse have been guilty of? A. Assault B. Battery C. Invasion of privacy D. False imprisonment 11. Nurse Aya performs a careful safety assessment of the hospital room of Mr. Bernardo, a patient with cataract and balance problems to prevent harm to the patient is acting in accord with which of the following principles? A. Autonomy B. Justice C. Beneficence D. Nonmaleficence TOP RANK REVIEW ACADEMY, INC. Page 1 | 7
12. Nurse Fely, although it is against her beliefs, respects the decision of the client to use contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy. She is practicing which of the following principles? A. Autonomy B. Truthfulness C. Confidentiality D. Justice 13. Louis is a 50 year old Australian citizen who is on vacation in Boracay. He was admitted due to sever headache. His boyfriend showed the nurse a health care proxy designating him as the surrogate decision maker for Louis. The nurse knows that: A. From Louis’ admission, the boyfriend shall be Louis’ decision-maker B. Health care proxies cannot be honored in the Philippines C. The health care proxy has to be sent to the Australian Embassy first D. Health care proxies are implemented only when the patient is incapacitated 14. Mr. Herrera was found unconscious in his car when he was rushed to the ER. Until now, he is yet to be conscious. His lawyer presented a document which specifies the desired type of medical treatment he would like to receive. This is called: A. A living will B. A holographic will C. A last will D. A good will 15. The patient’s medical record can both be an ally and an enemy. When can the medical record become the doctor’s/ nurse’s worst enemy? A. When a medical record is subpoenaed in court B. When it is missing C. When the record is voluminous D. When the medical record is inaccurate, incomplete and inadequate 16. Terry is a 70 year old with terminal illness. She has refused any lifesaving treatments or any labwork that induces pain. However, Nurse Gemma feels that the patient should not give up easily. She did a venipuncture on the patient while asleep. The nurse in this situation could be charged with: A. Battery B. Invasion of privacy C. Assault D. Lack of informed consent 17. Nurse Yeri received a subpoena ad testificandum. When she is asked to testify in court, s/he must abide by the ethical principle of: A. Privileged communication B. Informed consent C. Solidarity D. Autonomy 18. Ex-President Aquino’s chart contains confidential information about his medical condition. Which of the following situations allows the use of the chart in court proceedings? A. A written court order was issued by the judge B. The current president requests for the chart to be used C. His chart should be open to the public since he is a public figure D. His doctor has requested for the chart to be used as evidence 19. A 17 year old female was admitted to the emergency department due to multiple injuries. The nurse on duty made a quick assessment and suspected the patient is a victim of physical abuse. The nurse priority action is focused toward. A. Referring abusive family member for psychiatric treatment B. Adhering to the mandatory abuse reporting laws C. Encouraging the client to file charges against the abuser D. Removing the client from any immediate danger 20. When conflict arises regarding management of patient care, which of the following should be upheld? A. Physician’s orders B. Patient’s rights C. Preference of the family D. Institutional policy 21. Jaya S underwent an amputation in AHS Medical Center. However, the wrong leg was amputated. A lawsuit is filed for malptactice. The hospital is also included in the lawsuit. Which of the following principles pertain to this? A. Epikia B. Double Effect C. Res Ipsa Loquitor D. Respondeat Superior 22. Emilio A refuses to take his antibiotic due to a facebook video he watched saying that this can shorten his lifespan due to the “chemicals” it contains. Which of the following actions of the nurse should be the priority? A. Explains to the patient that he needs the medications for his recovery. B. Writes in the chart that the patient refuses to take his medication. C. Refer to the attending physician about his refusal. D. Ask the patient to sign the waiver of responsibility 23. At 3 am in the morning, a neighbor knocked at Nurse Jenina’s house to re-insert a nasogastric tube. However, it has been 10 years since she last inserted an NGT and is not confident to do so. She declined to do the procedure. Which ethical principle was applied by Nurse Angie in this situation? A. Beneficence B. Fidelity C. Nonmaleficence D. Autonomy 24. In which of the following nurses is the principle of Beneficence best reflected?? A. Nurse Fanny renders care based on the socioeconomic status of the patient B. Nurse Jenna provides care that maximizes health C. Nurse Mely provides care according to patient’s private room rate D. Nurse Gina lets the patient walk in corridors despite being on complete bed rest. 25. Nurse Mary is a nurse manager in the oncology unit. She emphasized that sometimes utilitarianism can be used in decision making. Which of the following reflects this theory? A. Given circumstances, most humanistic action is considered. B. Decision is based on what brings greatest happiness. C. Determine the good and the bad consequences of the action. D. An existing obligation prevails. 26. Nurse Yanna is a new public health nurse. She was advised by her nurse-director to read up on the sanitation code. Which of the following laws contain the Sanitation Code of the Philippines? A. R.A. No. 7392 B. R.A. No. 7164 C. R.A. No. 7160 D. PD 856 27. Nurse Romina tweeted that Dr. Santos is a lazy resident and relies heavily on nurses to do his job. The nurse can be legally charged with: A. Slander B. Libel C. Insubordination TOP RANK REVIEW ACADEMY, INC. Page 2 | 7
D. Invasion of privacy 28. Dr. Cristobal prescribes 5 mg of Amlodipine and but Nurse Hannah accidentally administers 10 mg. There were no adverse side effects. When analyzing the potential for civil liability, the nurse knows that which of the following statements is correct? A. The presence of duty is missing. B. The nurse is liable for negligence C. The nurse is not liable for negligence D. The nurse and the physician are both liable 29. Dr. Nuqui instructed the members of the healthcare team to withhold the information about the patient’s diagnosis due to the patient’s medically fragile condition. The nurse follows the physician’s orders. The action of the team employed all of the following ethical principles, A. Non-maleficence B. Veracity C. Beneficence D. Paternalism 30. Nurse Jamila is a new nurse and is worried about lawsuits. She consults Atty Reyes on how she can prevent it. Which of the following actions will shield her from possible lawsuits? I. Knowledge and implementation of standards/protocol of care II. Documentation of actions accurately and concisely III. Document outcomes of care IV. Following all doctors orders that are legal and in writing A. 1, 2, 4 B. 2 & 3 C. 1, 2 & 3 D. 2, 3 & 4 31. During their orientation, Nurse Sadie learned about hospital protocols regarding an advance directive. A patient asks her what can an advance directive do for him. She replies that its purpose is to: A. Give every person the right to die with dignity. B. Encourage a person to determine how he or she will die. C. Allow a patient to exercise the right of autonomy. D. Provide a means to prevent medical maltreatment 32. Nurse Helen discussed to her student nurses a principle that pertains to the person’s responsibility to care for the body and her life? A. Stewardship B. Totality C. Double-effect D. Epikia 33. Nurse Yannie shall be working abroad in a children’s hospital. She already signed a contract which stipulated the working condition including compensation. If she decides to come back to the Philippines without finishing the contract, she might be charged of: A. Bioethical principle of double effect B. Lack of interest C. Breach of contract D. Insubordination by the employers 34. Mr. L, 75 years old, was charged of attempted murder. What type of circumstance applies? A. Mitigating B. Justifying C. Aggravating D. Exempting 35. An example of a crime that uses a superior force: A. Murder B. Infanticide C. Homicide D. Suicide 36. When the nurse put hot water bag to the patient and it caused a burn injury, this is under the principle of: A. Respondeat superior B. Force majuere C. Res ipsa loquitor D. Suprema lex 37. One of the doctrines used in law is that whatever is revealed in the court, must never be talked about in the public or outside the court. This pertains to: A. Motto propio B. Sine-qua-non C. Vox Populi D. Subjudice 38. A plaintiff is another term for complainant. Respondent means? A. Witness B. Defendant C. Judge D. Sheriff 39. Mrs. Espanto verbalized to the nurse that she wants to have an abortion. The nurse knows that abortion is a crime against the principle of what? A. Respect to person B. Inviolability of life C. Justice D. Malfeasance 40. Under the modernization of PRC, the commission is composed of: A. 1 full-time chairperson, 2 full-time commissioners B. 1 part time chairperson & 2 part time commissioners C. 1 full time chairperson and 2 part-time commissioners D. 1 part-time chairperson,1 full-time and 1 part-time commissioners 41. The term of office of PRC chairperson and members: A. 3 years with reappointment B. 5 years with reappointment C. 7 years with reappointment D. 7 years without reappointment 42. If ever the patient is admitted, you explain to the patient everything including the precautionary measures. In this manner, you are exercising the _ A. Double effect B. Nonmaleficence C. Beneficence D. Due care 43. Basic right of couple to decide freely and responsible spacing and timing of their children is embodied in _____ A. safe motherhood B. prevention of abortion C. male responsibilities D. reproductive right 44. What contract exists when the nurse accepts the patient and agrees to provide / render services and vice versa? A. Expressed B. implied C. formal D. written 45. A nurse is involved in family planning, especially in pre-marriage counseling and therefore must posses what skills? A. Communication and technical B. technical and analytical C. technical and human relation D. communication and analytical 46. One of the wishes of the terminally ill client is to be married to his long time live-in partner. A TOP RANK REVIEW ACADEMY, INC. Page 3 | 7
marriage can officially take place even without a/ an _____ in case either /both parties are at point of death: A. solemnizing officer B. marriage license C. legal capacity D. consent 47. A student nurse assigned in the delivery room, committed an error in identifying the sex of the baby. The person who may be held liable is the Clinical Instructor under which doctrine? A. Res Ipsa Loquitor B. Negligence C. Force Majeure D. Respondeat Superior 48. Nurse Maya works in a government hospital. A government employee is required to render service of how many hours a week? A. 40 hours B. 50 hours C. 30 hours D. 45 hours 49. According to the Labor Code, a nurse who is working on night shift is entitled to receive: A. 10% B. 25% C. 30% D. 50% 50. Nurse Vina found out that she is 3 months pregnant. Her maternity leave benefit would be: A. 45 days for SSS members B. 60 days for GSIS members C. Both a and b D. None of the above 51. The person who actually commits the crime is called the: A. Accomplice B. Principal C. Accessory D. Witness 52. Which of the following is an example of aggravating circumstances? A. Jealous wife killed her husband caught with another woman B. Nurse failed to handle a home delivery because of traffic C. Kidnapping for ransom D. An insane man killed his brother 53. Performing an action which is necessary for the crime but providing no result is what kind of felony? A. Alternative B. Frustrated C. Consummated D. Attempted 54. A close friend of yours who is a medical representative requested you to help her in distributing free samples of milk to your clients. What will be your action? A. Distribute the milk as requested B. Abide with EO 51 C. Help her in the distribution with some concessions D. Inform her that you will do it discreetly 55. A convicted person who is sentenced a life imprisonment has committed: A. Malfeasance B. Less grave felony C. Light felony D. Grave felony 56. A nurse assigned in the Rural Health Unit goes overtime. The additional compensation per RA 7305 is: A. 100% B. 30% C. 10% D. 25% 57. According to Dangerous Drug Act, the following are considered prohibited drugs: A. Demerol, Morphine B. Coccaine, Methamphetamine C. Paracetamol, Mefenamic acid D. Ketorolac, Nubain 58. A registered nurse administers a narcotic drug upon an order of a physician who is not licensed to dispense such drug. Such liability of the nurse is called: A. Accomplice B. Negligence C. Accessory D. Co-principal of the physician 59. A nurse in the DOH whose appointment is of permanent status is entitled to a vacation leave for how many days per year? A. 10 working days B. 15 working days C. 5 working days D. 7 working days 60. The following statements are examples of aggravating circumstances of an offender, except: A. That the advantage to be taken by the offender of his public position B. That the crime be committed in consideration of a price, reward or promise C. The act he committed is with abuse of confidence D. That the offender has no intention to commit so grave a wrong 61. The following are additional compensation of a public health worker under the magna Carta, except: A. Laundry allowance B. Longevity pay C. Maternity leave with pay D. Hazard allowance 62. All but one is true regarding the principal of a crime, except: A. Actually commits the crime B. Force someone to commit a crime C. Helped the criminal escape D. Planned the crime 63. Which of the following is considered a murder? A. Killing a person for a price B. Killing one’s spouse C. Killing a person in self-defense D. Accidentally killing a bystander 64. You are a nurse in a clinic. Which of the following information are you allowed to legally and ethically disclose confidential information about a client? A. The diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder of a patient to the concerned government unit. B. HIV-status of XY, a 25/M to his family members. C. The obstetric history of a 56/F to her children D. The diagnosis of liver cirrhosis to the client’s mother. 65. While doing her rounds, a nurse overheard that her co-nurse told her patient that “the nurse does not really know anything, she’s quite new in the unit.” What kind of legal tort has been violated? A. Negligence B. Libel C. Assault D. Slander 66. You have been appointed as a member of the Board of Nursing. You are fully aware that the ff. are duties and power of the Board except: TOP RANK REVIEW ACADEMY, INC. Page 4 | 7

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