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UNIT 9 – SOCIAL ISSUES TEST 4 A-LISTENING Task 1: Listen carefully to the recording and fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS: Peer pressure can be a significant source of ANXIETY, especially during adolescence. It can manifest in various forms, such as BODY SHAMING, which can make individuals feel ashamed of their appearance. This can lead to a lack of motivation and a negative self-image. Sometimes, it can be challenging to ADMIT that one is being influenced by peer pressure, but it is essential to recognize when it is happening. The desire to fit in and be accepted by peers can be overwhelming, and it can be challenging to resist the pressure to conform. However, giving in to peer pressure can have negative consequences, such as engaging in risky behaviors or compromising one's values. It is crucial to develop independence to STAND UP TO peer pressure and make decisions that align with one's beliefs and values. This can be achieved by surrounding oneself with positive influences and seeking support from trusted adults or friends. Ultimately, it is essential to remember that everyone is unique, and it is okay to be different and not conform to societal standards. By embracing individuality and building SELF-CONFIDENCE, one can overcome peer pressure and live a fulfilling life. DỊCH Áp lực từ bạn bè có thể là một nguồn gốc quan trọng của LO ÂU, đặc biệt là trong giai đoạn tuổi dậy thì. Nó có thể biểu hiện dưới nhiều hình thức khác nhau, như BODY SHAMING, khiến cá nhân cảm thấy xấu hổ về diện mạo của mình. Điều này có thể dẫn đến thiếu động lực và hình ảnh tiêu cực về bản thân. Đôi khi, việc NHẬN THỨC rằng mình đang bị áp lực từ bạn bè ảnh hường đến có thể khó khăn, nhưng điều quan trọng là nhận ra khi điều đó xảy ra. Mong muốn hòa nhập và được chấp nhận bởi bạn bè có thể làm cho ta cảm thấy áp lực quá mức và khó lòng chống lại sự áp lực để tuân theo. Tuy nhiên, chấp nhận áp lực từ bạn bè có thể có những hậu quả tiêu cực, chẳng hạn như tham gia vào những hành vi nguy hiểm hoặc vi phạm giá trị cá nhân. Việc phát triển sự độc lập để ĐỨNG LÊN TRƯỚC áp lực từ bạn bè và đưa ra quyết định phù hợp với niềm tin và giá trị cá nhân rất quan trọng. Điều này có thể được đạt được bằng cách xung quanh mình với những ảnh hưởng tích cực và tìm sự hỗ trợ từ những người lớn đáng tin cậy hoặc bạn bè. Cuối cùng, điều quan trọng là nhớ rằng mỗi người là độc nhất vô nhị và không bắt buộc phải tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn xã hội. Bằng cách chấp nhận tính cá nhân và xây dựng TỰ TIN BẢN THÂN, mọi người có thể vượt qua áp lực từ bạn bè và sống một cuộc sống trọn vẹn. Task 2: Listen carefully to the recording and choose the most correct answer for each question below: Cris: Hey, how was your weekend? Lucy: It was okay, I guess. I went to that party with some people from work, but I felt like the odd one out (1) the whole time. Cris: Oh no, why's that?
Lucy: I don't know, everyone was talking about things I didn't understand or care about (2). And they all seemed to know each other so well, and I was just kind of standing there awkwardly. Cris: I'm sorry, that must have been tough. Have you ever felt like that before? Lucy: Yeah, it happens a lot actually. I've always felt like I don't quite fit in with most groups.(3) Cris: I know what you mean. I used to feel that way too (4), but I've learned to embrace my uniqueness and find people who appreciate me for who I am. Lucy: That's easier said than done, though. It's hard not to feel self-conscious when you're the odd one out. Cris: I get that but remember that it's better to be yourself and have a few good friends who truly understand (5) you than to try to fit in with a crowd that doesn't. Question 1: What did Lucy feel like at the party? A. Confident B. Excited C. Left out D. Popular Question 2: Why did Lucy feel like the odd one out? A. Everyone was talking about things she didn't understand. B. Everyone was talking about things she wasn’t interested in. C. Everyone was talking too loud for her to hear the music. D. Everyone was talking rudely and noisily. Question 3: How does Lucy usually feel in social situations? A. Unconfident B. Dependent C. Like to fit in D. Don't quite belong Question 4: How does Cris relate to Lucy's experience? A. He has never felt that way. B. He used to feel that way. C. He still feels that way sometimes. D. He doesn’t understand Lucy. Question 5: What advice does Cris give to Lucy? A. Try to fit in with the crowd. B. Be yourself and find people who appreciate you. C. Read more book to understand friends D. Take a deep breath and start conversation. Question 6: What is the main topic of the conversation? A. Being alone in a relationship B. Struggling with starting conversation. C. Feeling like the odd one out D. Being the odd one out in a family. DỊCH Cris: Chào, cuối tuần của bạn thế nào? Lucy: Cũng được, tôi đoán vậy. Tôi đã đi dự bữa tiệc với một số người từ công ty, nhưng cả thời gian tôi cảm thấy mình lạc lối. Cris: Ôi không, tại sao vậy? Lucy: Tôi không biết, mọi người đang nói về những điều tôi không hiểu hoặc quan tâm. Và họ dường như biết nhau rất rõ, còn tôi chỉ đứng đó một cách lúng túng. Cris: Tôi rất tiếc khi nghe, chắc hẳn nó rất khó khăn. Bạn có từng cảm thấy như vậy trước đây chưa? Lucy: Ừ, thực tế thì nó xảy ra nhiều lần. Tôi luôn cảm thấy mình không thật sự hòa hợp với hầu hết các nhóm.
Cris: Tôi hiểu ý bạn. Tôi cũng từng có cảm giác như vậy, nhưng tôi đã học cách chấp nhận sự độc nhất của mình và tìm những người đánh giá tôi vì chính tôi. Lucy: Nhưng nói thì luôn dễ hơn làm. Khi bạn là người lạc lối trong 1 đám đông, nó rất khó để không tự ti. Cris: Tôi hiểu nhưng hãy nhớ rằng tốt hơn là là chính mình và có một vài người bạn tốt thực sự hiểu bạn, hơn là cố gắng hòa nhập với một nhóm mà không phải ai cũng như vậy. B-SPEAKING: Speaking Topic 1: Talk about a time you had peer pressure: You should say: - When was that? - Why did you feel that way? - How did you escape that feeling? SAMPLE: When I was in 9th grade, I had a group of friends who were all into smoking. They would often smoke during lunch breaks and after school, and they would pressure me to join them. I felt anxious and ashamed to admit that I didn't want to smoke, as I didn't want to be seen as boring or uncool. However, I knew that smoking was bad for my health, and I didn't want to start. I eventually found the self-confidence to say no to them and distance myself from the group. It was hard at first, but I felt relieved and proud of myself for standing up for what I believed in. Speaking Topic 2: Talk about a time you were the odd one out: You should say: - When was that? - When did it happen? - What was your feeling? SAMPLE: Last year, I joined a new club at school, and I was excited to meet new people and make friends. However, when I attended the first meeting, I realized that everyone in the club was really into fashion and beauty, and they all dressed in the latest trends. I, on the other hand, have never been interested in fashion, and I usually dress in comfortable clothes. I felt like the odd one out and was worried that I wouldn't fit in. Everyone seemed to know each other already, and I felt left out of their conversations. I ended up leaving the club after a few meetings, as I didn't feel like I belonged there. It was a disappointing experience, but it taught me that it's okay to be different and not everyone will share the same interests as me. C-WRITING: Write a proposal for the campaign against body shaming (150-180 words) to your teacher: Your proposal needs to follow the instructions mentioned in your textbook:
SAMPLE: Title: Embrace Your Body: A Campaign Against Body Shaming. To: Teacher Minh. Date: 15 th March 2024 Prepared by: Binh. Introduction: Body shaming is a harmful and pervasive issue in our society, affecting individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It can have devastating effects on a person's self-esteem, mental health, and overall well- being. As students, we have a responsibility to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, free from judgment and discrimination. That is why I propose a campaign against body shaming, titled "Embrace Your Body." Details about the campaign: The campaign will consist of various activities and events aimed at raising awareness about body shaming and promoting body positivity. These may include workshops on self-love and self-acceptance, guest speakers who have experienced body shaming, and social media challenges encouraging students to share their stories and support one another. We can also create posters and flyers to display around the school, featuring positive messages about body diversity and acceptance. Goal and benefits of the campaign: The goal of the campaign is to promote a culture of acceptance and respect for all bodies, regardless of shape, size, or appearance. By raising awareness about body shaming and encouraging students to embrace their bodies, we can help to reduce the negative impact of this issue on mental health and self-esteem. Additionally, the campaign can foster a sense of community and support among students, helping to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. Conclusion:

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