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Week: Period: Date of teaching: LESSON PLAN (Based on Official Letter No. 2345/BGDDT-GDTH dated June 07, 2021 of the MOET) UNIT 20: OUR SUMMER HOLIDAYS Lesson 1 - Period 1 I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Knowledge and skills - use the phrases Huong River, Phong Nha Cave, Phu Quoc Island and Dam Sen Aquarium and the sentence patterns Where are you going to visit? and I’m going to visit ___. to ask and answer questions about the places someone has planned to visit; - listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation to the topic “Our summer holidays”. 2. Competences - Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about their plans for this summer. - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks. - Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and speaking tasks. 3. Attributes - Show their interest in making plans for the summer vacation. II. MATERIALS - Pupil’s book: Page 64 - Audio Tracks 92, 93 - Teacher’s guide: Pages 282, 283, 284 - Website hoclieu.vn - Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 20) - Computer, projector, … III. PROCEDURES 1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To revise some places in the previous lesson. b. Content - Guessing game. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly say the places they leant in the previous lesson. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Guessing pictures. - Click on the coloured shapes one by one to reveal the picture of a place. The pupil raising his/her hand first has a chance to guess the place. - Show the whole picture if the pupil guesses correctly. - Tell pupils that now they will - Listen to the teacher’s instructions. - Look and guess the place. 1. Hoi An Old Town 2. Ba Na Hill 3. Huong Pagoda 4. Hoan Kiem Lake
learn more places. - Have pupils look at the pictures and repeat after the teacher. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ answers. - Assessment tools: Observation; answer key. 2. ACTIVITY 1: EXPLORATION (5 minutes) a. Objectives - To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focused on asking and answering questions about places someone has planned to visit. b. Content - Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts on asking and answering questions about places someone has planned to visit. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. (Track 92) Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b, and identify the characters, the thought bubble and other details. Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen to the entire conversation several times. Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b. Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording. Check their pronunciation, and give corrections and feedback where necessary. Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the question Where are you going to visit this summer? and the answer I’m going to visit My Khe Beach in Da Nang City. Explain that they are the question and the answer about the place someone has planned to visit. - Pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters in the pictures. - Pupils look at Picture a and listen to the recording. Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence, and repeat individually and in chorus. - Pupils listen to the recording again and repeat individually and/ or in chorus sentence by sentence. - Pairs of pupils come to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording. - Pupils pay attention to the question and the answer. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. – Context a: Ben: Summer’s almost here! Link: Yes! Our summer holidays start next week. – Context b: Ben: Where are you going to visit this summer? Link: I’m going to visit My Khe Beach in Da Nang City. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ answers and pronunciation - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 3. ACTIVITY 2: KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION (10 minutes) a. Objectives
- To correctly use the phrases Huong River, Phong Nha Cave, Phu Quoc Island, and Dam Sen Aquarium and the sentence patterns Where are you going to visit this summer? – I’m going to visit _____. to ask and answer questions about places someone has planned to visit. b. Content Activity 2. Listen, point and say. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly use the given phrases and sentence patterns Where are you going to visit summer? and I’m going to visit _______. to ask and answer questions about places someone has planned to visit. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 2. Listen, point and say. (Track 93) Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the phrase Huong River. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Have the class repeat the phrases a few times. Step 2: Point at the question pattern Where are you going to visit this summer? Read it aloud and have pupils repeat it several times. Repeat the procedure with the answer pattern I’m going to visit ___. Step 3: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording Where are you going to visit this summer? – I’m going to visit Huong River. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Step 4: Divide the class into two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Picture a until they feel confident. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Step 5: Put pupils in pairs and have pairs practise asking and answering questions using the pictures. Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class. Give corrections and feedback where necessary. - Pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the word. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures. Pupils repeat the words a few times. - Pupils listen and repeat after the teacher. - Pupils look at Picture a and listen and repeat after the recording. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with the other three pictures. - Pupils work in pairs to practise asking and answering the question, using speech bubbles and Pictures a, b, c and d. - Pairs of pupils point at the pictures and say the Questions & Answers in front of the class. – Picture cues: a. Huong River in Hue City b. Phong Nha Cave in Quang Binh Province c. Phu Quoc Island in Ho Chi Minh City d. Dam Sen Aquarium in Ho Chi Minh City – Speech bubbles:284 Where are you going to visit this summer? I’m going to visit _____. Audio script: a. Huong River b. Phong Nha Cave c. Phu Quoc Island d. Dam Sen Aquarium a. Girl: Where are you going to visit? Boy: I’m going to visit Huong River. b. Boy: Where are you going to visit? Girl: I’m going to visit Phong Nha Cave. c. Girl: Where are you going to visit? Boy: I’m going to visit Phu Quoc Island. d. Boy: Where are you going to visit? Girl: I’m going to visit Dam Sen Aquarium. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupils’ talks and interaction - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)
a. Objectives - To correctly use the phrases for places in Act 2 and sentence patterns Where are you going to visit this summer? and I’m going to visit ___. to ask and answer questions about places someone has planned to visit in a freer context. b. Content - Activity 3. Let’s talk. c. Expected outcomes - Pupils can correctly use the phrases for places to visit and sentence patterns Where are you going to visit summer? and I’m going to visit _____. to ask and answer questions about places someone has planned to visit in a freer context. d. Organisation TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT Activity 3. Let’s talk. Step 1: Direct pupils’ attention to the pictures of different places. Ask them to say what places they can see. Step 2: Read the question in the speech bubble aloud and ask pupils to repeat it. Ask pupils to look at the second bubble and guess what the answer should be. Step 3: Have some pairs roleplay by asking and answering questions about places to visit in the picture. Go around the classroom to observe and provide help. Step 4: Invite some pairs to roleplay by asking and answering questions about places they want to visit in front of the class. Give corrections and feedback where necessary. Then, encourage pupils to talk about places that they know. - Pupils look at the pictures and say the places - Pupils listen and repeat after the teacher. - Pupils guess the answer at the second bubble. - Pupils role-play to practise asking the questions and giving their answers in pairs, using the picture cue. - Pairs of pupils practise asking and answering questions in front of the class. – Picture cue: different places to visit – Speech bubbles: Where are you going to visit summer? _____. e. Assessment - Performance products: Pupil’s interaction and performance - Assessment tools: Observation; Questions & Answers 5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes) * Preparation for the project: Tell pupils about the project at page 69. Ask them to prepare for it at home by making posters about their summer holiday poster. Remind them to bring the posters to class to present them at Project time. * Option 1: Game: “Lucky monsters” - Divide the class into 2 teams (team boys and team girls) - Each team takes turns to choose the monster, look at the pictures, and answer the questions. - Check the pupils’ answers as a whole class. - If they give the correct answers, they can get the points. - The team with the most points is the winner. * Option 2: Game: “Pass the teddy bears” - Give two different colored teddy bears to two pupils, a black teddy bear (ask the question) and a white teddy bear (answer the question). - Ask pupils to listen to music and pass the teddy bears. - Stop music suddenly. Have the pupil with a black teddy bear make a question. Have the pupil with a white teddy bear answer the question.

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