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1 LÖU HOAÈNG TRÍ KEYS BAØI TAÄP TIEÁNG ANH 7 (THEO CHÖÔNG TRÌNH THÍ ÑIEÅM 2015) PEARSON Taøi lieäu phaùt mieãn phí, khoâng baùn NHAØ XUAÁT BAÛN ÑAÏI HOÏC SÖ PHAÏM TP. HOÀ CHÍ MINH 2 Unit 1 A. PHONETICS I. /6/ /3:/ again; camera; natural; signal; yesterday; final; assistant; neighbour; culture bird; word; learn; turn; girl; world; first; third; heard; birthday; sir II. 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. 1. go: cycling, skating, swimming, camping 2. do: athletics, karate, judo, aerobics, gardening, gymnastics 3. collect: bottles, dolls, coins 4. play: basketball, football, tennis, computer games, table tennis 5. take: photos, stamps 6. watch: TV, films, cartoons, music videos II. 1. doing 2. collecting 3. listen 4. to play 5. gone 6. reading III. 1. swimming 2. music 3. films 4. basketball 5. photography 6. books 7. skating 8. chess V. 1. give 2. practises 3. will see – Will you go 4. will give 5. will meet 6. Will you be 7. live – don’t see 8. will go V. 1. stamp collection 2. butterfly collection 3. growing plants VI. 1. plays 2. goes 3. goes 4. listens 5. does 6. plays 7. go 8. play 9. watch VII. 1. Does – listen to 2. Do – going 3. Do – eating 4. Do – doing VIII. 1. Mike loves playing football. 2. He loves walking in the mountains. 3. He doesn’t mind going to school. 4. He doesn’t like listening to music. 5. He hates tidying his room. 6. He doesn’t like doing (his) homework. IX. 1. do you like going 2. do you like sitting next to 3. of music do your friends like listening 4. do you enjoy doing C. SPEAKING I. A: Hi. Tell me about your collections. What are these? B: They’re my favourite T-shirts. A: Oh, they’re interesting. And what are those? B: Those are posters of my favourite singers. A: Singers? They’re very nice. Thank you. II. 1. I was eight 2. get them from discarded envelopes 3. I enjoy it because it is interesting and fun. 4. is your hobby 5. reading/ listening to music... D. READING I. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D II. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False III. 1. Because it can help to increase your strength and energy, giving you a stronger heart. 2. Because you don’t carry the weight of your body on your feet when cycling. 3. If you do too quickly, it will have bad effects.
3 4. You should cycle twice or three times a week. 5. If you find you are in pain, you will stop and take a rest. E. WRITING I. I have an unusual hobby: it is collecting buttons. When I was ten, I lost a cute button of my shirt. I had to find another button to replace. Buttons have a long history. Buttons are made of different materials. They have various sizes, shapes, designs, and colours. Button collecting is not expensive, and it is useful in many ways. I collect rare buttons from other countries. II. 1. collecting books 2. books about animals and plants 3. books about school subjects 4. bookshops 5. second-hand book stalls 6. friends or family members 7. get information and facts 8. knowledge and understanding 9. larger 10. a library TEST (UNIT 1) 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B 31. chess 32. gardening 33. basketball 34. cycling 35. dancing 36. ice skating 37. jogging 38. bird-watching 39. gymnastics 40. photography 41. find 42. follow/ have 43. being/ working 44. cycling 45. sports 46. books 47. start/ begin 48. look 49. pair 50. expensive/ costly 51. collecting 52. watching – will go 53. doing 54. plays 55. have collected 56. I buy stamps from the post office. I also ask the members of my family and my relatives. 57. Sometimes I exchange my stamps with other people. 58. I divide my stamps into different groups, such as animals, plants, birds, and so on. 59. Because I know more about people, animals, and plants. 60. I will collect more stamps. 61. D 62. C 63. A 64. A 65. D 66. True 67. True 68. False 69. True 70. False 71. A 72. C 73. B 74. D 75. B 76. When did you start your hobby? 77. We find making models very interesting because we should be creative. 78. I think in the future people will take up more outdoor activities. 79. My best friend does not like mountain climbing because he is afraid of heights. 80. My sister enjoys cooking and making new dishes on her own. Unit 2 A. PHONETICS I. /f/ / v/ knife; cough; leaf; paragraph; phonetics; rough; life; tough; laugh; enough knives; of; level; leaves; Stephen; live; very; conversation; move; lovingly II. /f/: Fred’s; flower; front; far; Faraday / v/: vase; living; very; vase; never; very; November; travelled; volleyball 4 B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. 1. stomachache 2. earache 3. sore throat 4. cold 5. toothache II. 1. toothache 2. backache 3. headache 4. stomachache 5. earache 6. flu 7. sore throat 8. cough III. 1. a lot 2. to 3. this 4. got 5. take 6. shouldn't 7. hurt 8. of IV. 1. less 2. more 3. less 4. less 5. more 6. more 7. less 8. more 9. less 10. less V. 1. and 2. and 3. so 4. and 5. and 6. so 7. and 8. but C. SPEAKING I. 1. hurts 2. my geography lessons until midnight 3. in the world 4. my stomach hurts 5. of tea and an aspirin, Tom? 6. get up 7. of bed now, Tom! II. 1. head 2. broke 3. hurt 4. toothache III. 1. A: What’s the matter? B: I have flu. A: Poor you! You should be at school. You should stay at home. 2. A: What’s the matter? B: I have an earache. A: Poor you! You should go to the doctor. You shouldn’t wait for it to be better. 3. A: What’s the matter? B: I have a stomachache. A: Poor you! You should lie down. You shouldn’t eat anything. 4. A: What’s the matter? B: I have a headache. A: Poor you! You shouldn’t read any books. You should take a painkiller. 5. A: What’s the matter? B: I have a sore throat. A: Poor you! You should take some medicine. You shouldn’t eat any crisps. D. READING I. 1. I can’t wait 2. I hate to say this 3. It will cost you 4. With a bit of luck Answers: 1. David wants to see inside Buckingham Palace. 2. No, they aren’t. 3. Susan feels ill. 4. He wants them to go home with Susan. 5. Yes, they were. Because they can get their money back. II. 1. Because everyone suffers from the common cold at some time or other. 2. No, it isn’t a serious illness. 3. It can make you cough less, make you feel better, and stop your nose running for a while. 4. People also drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice. 5. Because it helps provide people with a lot of vitamin C. E. WRITING Hi Daisy, Sorry to hear that you are ill. Don’t worry. I had it last week and I’m much better now. This is the advice the doctor gave me. You should go to bed early, drink a lot of water. Besides that, you should check your temperatures, keep warm, and have a lot of rest. You shouldn’t go out. You shouldn’t open the windows or do any housework. Get better soon. Love
5 TEST (UNIT 2) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. D 21. B 22. D 23. A 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. well 32. burn 33. temperature 34. stomachache 35. pain 36. cough 37. toothache 38. sick 39. hurts 40. headache 41. enough 42. more 43. when 44. more – less 45. problems 46. d 47. e 48. b 49. i 50. a 51. c 52. j 53. g 54. f 55. h 56. C 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. B 61. A 62. C 63. D 64. D 65. A 66. T 67. F 68. T 69. T 70. NM 71. F 72. T 73. T 74. NM 75. T 76. You should not play more computer games in your free time. 77. The doctor is asking Mai some questions about her/ the health problems. 78. Vitamins play an important role in our diet. 79. We should keep our bodies warm to avoid flu or a cold. 80. Getting enough rest helps you (to) concentrate well at school. Unit 3 A. PHONETICS I. /9/ / k/ green; game; garden; get; group colour; school; kitchen; chemistry; chemical; culture; cold; classroom; sick; clothes; call; community; traffic; cancel; clean; II. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I. 1. a 2. e 3. g 4. b 5. d 6. h 7. c 8. f II. 1. clean: school yard; neighbourhood; streets; dirty tables 2. donate: old clothes; books; notebooks; blood; money 3. help: elderly people; homeless people; street children; local people; poor children 4. provide: fresh water; English lessons; food; opportunities; Internet; evening classes III. 1. letter 2. hear 3. participate 4. plans 5. collect 6. save 7. earn 8. plant 9. keep 10. do IV. 1. haven’t seen 2. called 3. has read 4. haven't begun 5. met 6. has been 7. haven’t 8. did – give up 9. has taken 10. Have you washed V. 1. moved 2. have been 3. have gone 4. spent 5. has explained 6. delivered 7. hasn't finished 8. have visited 9. heard 10. haven't started VI. 1. have written – wrote 2. did – haven’t done 3. had – have never had 4. has made – made 5. have given – gave 6. has gone – went 7. Did – win – have never won 8. Did – play – Have – played VII. 1. has won 2. has finished 3. has lost 4. have bought 5. has passed 6. have spent 7. has sent 8. has started/ started VIII. 1. Have you ever been 2. Did you go 3. went 4. got up 5. have never got up 6. got 7. Have you ever seen 8. went C. SPEAKING I. 1. Who were your students? 2. What did you teach them? 3. How about evening classes for adults? 4. How long was each class? 5. What were the evening classes like? 6 II. A: What kind of volunteer work have you done? B: We have helped people living in the country. A: What exactly are you doing? B: We are teaching the children to read and write. A: Do you enjoy the work? B: Yes, I like helping people. D. READING I. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C II. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A III. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True IV. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D E. WRITING I. 1. I have bought a laptop, but I have not used it. 2. I have written a blog, but I have not uploaded any photos to it. 3. We started the game half an hour ago, but we have not finished it. 4. My dad has been to London, but he has not seen Big Ben. 5. I have read my English book, but I have not done my English homework. 6. They have had lunch, but they have not had dinner. 7. I have downloaded some songs, but I have not listened to them. II. (Suggested answers) 1. it is very helpful. 2. they are in need/ they have a difficult life/ they live in very bad conditions. 3. ten old books and fifty thousand VND. 4. some street children to read and write in evening classes 5. I have done some volunteering work to help other people. 6. collected garbage and put more dust bins. 7. gave him/ her some old clothes, and some notebooks. 8. it is very dirty. 9. cleaning up their houses. 10. they bring happiness to other people/ others. TEST (UNIT 3) 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. benefits 32. coupons 33. helping 34. how 35. because 36. donated 37. volunteer 38. offered 39. project 40. collected/ make 41. has turned 42. has just started 43. has done 44. has lost 45. have gone 46. Have you bought 47. have had – gave 48. have watched 49. worked 50. have been 51. and 52. because 53. because 54. because 55. and 56. yet 57. already 58. just/ already 59. already 60. Yet 61. Do you still get wet after the repair? 62. Did they give you anything? 63. What do you think of them? 64. Would you like them to come back? 65. Well, they’ll come back soon, I guess. Well, I have to go. Have a good day. 66. B 67. C 68. C 69. D 70. B 71. B 72. B 73. B 74. A 75. D 76. Have you finished your homework yet? 77. This printer is under guarantee. 78. We haven’t had a vacation since last year.

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