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1 SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HÀ NỘI ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi gồm 12 trang) KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 THPT NĂM HỌC 2023-2024 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (Chuyên) Ngày thi: 12/06/2023 Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút LISTENING: You will hear each part TWICE. (2.0 pts) Part 1. Questions 1-10 Questions 1-5: Listen to the first part of the conversation and circle the correct answer for Questions 1-5. 1. What point does Robert make about the 2013 study in Britain? A. It focused more on packaging than wasted food. B. It proved that households produced more waste than restaurants. C. It included liquid waste as well as solid waste. 2. The speakers agree that food waste reports should emphasise the connection between carbon dioxide emissions and ________. A. food production B. transport of food to landfill sites C. distribution of food products 3. Television programmes now tend to focus on _________. A. the nutritional value of food products B. the origin of food products C. the chemicals found in food products 4. For Anna, the most significant point about food waste is ________. A. the moral aspect B. the environmental impact C. the economic effect 5. Anna and Robert decide to begin their presentation by ________. A. handing out a questionnaire B. providing statistical evidence
2 C. showing images of wasted food Questions 6-10: What advantage do the speakers identify for each of the following projects? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, in the spaces given after Questions 6-10. Advantages A. It should save time. B. It will create new jobs. C. It will benefit local communities. D. It will make money. E. It will encourage personal responsibility F. It will be easy to advertise. G. It will involve very little cost. Projects 6. edible patch. ________ 7. ripeness sensor. ________ 8. waste tracking technology ________ 9. smartphone application. ________ 10. food waste composting. ________ Part 2. Questions 11-20 You will hear five short extracts in which people describe cultural activities. While you listen, you must complete both tasks. Task one. Choose from the list (A-H) the activity each speaker is describing. A watching a DVD at home (11) Speaker 1: _________ B going to the opera (12) Speaker 2: _________ C going to the theatre (13) Speaker 3: _________ D listening to a concert on the radio (14) Speaker 4: _________ E viewing an exhibition of posters (15) Speaker 5: _________ F going to the cinema G visiting a museum of ancient artefacts H viewing a collection of photographs Task two. Choose from the list (A-H) how each speaker says they felt during the activity. A disappointed (16) Speaker 1: ________ B puzzled (17) Speaker 2: ________ C bored (18) Speaker 3: ________ D fascinated (19) Speaker 4: ________
3 E scared (20) Speaker 5: ________ F amused G depressed H angry PHONETICS (0.5 pts) Part 1. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions. 21. A. fizzy B. Switzerland C. pizza D. pretzel 22. A. hazard B. bombard C. custard D. mustard Part 2. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 23. A. disguise B. canal C. obscure D. process 24. A. ultraviolet B. paradoxical C. correlative D. influential 25. A. legitimate B. extravagant C. apprehend D. autonomous VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (2.5 pts) Part 1. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences 26. - Tim: "You're so lucky to be going abroad for a whole semester!" . - Janet:" ______, I'll miss my friends and family." A. That is B. On account of that C. All the same D. But despite 27. This year it was _______ that many of our flowering plants died. A. so a dry summer B. so dry a summer C. a so dry a summer D. such dry a summer 28. I've heard that argument before and quite frankly it just doesn't _______. A. face the music B. hit the roof C. carry weight D. hold water 29. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe, but ________ that, margarine will do. A. except B. failing C. for all of D. given 30. It seems a lot of us are putting ourselves ________ the mercy of material comfort. A. at B. in C. on D. under
4 31. In spite of working their fingers to _______, the all the staff were made redundant. A. nail B. edge C. flesh D. bone 32. I thought she was being serious, but she was only having me ________. A. up B. on C. over D. round 33. When his parents are away, his oldest brother _________. A. knocks it off B. calls the shots C. draws the line D. is in the same boat 34. The new secretary seems a bit lazy; she doesn’t really _________ her weight. A. push B. give C. act D. pull 35. “What do you think of these books?” – “________, the two novels are similar.” A. To their respects B. At many respecting C. In many respects D. The many respects Part 2. Think of ONE word which can be used appropriately in all THREE sentences. Write your answer in the numbered space. 36. __________ - Your work has not been up to standard in the last three months, but we are prepared to let you make a ________ start. - Write the report today while the events are still ________ in your mind. - You will find that Professor Stanton has an entirely ________ approach to this problem. 37. __________ - I do not ________ with young people staying up till all hours. - Ben’s parents ________ shares in several major multinational companies. - Computers can _________ huge amounts of information. 38. __________ - It's not worth arguing with Jane, as I learned to my ________ - If we build an airport on this land, the ________ to the environment will be enormous. - When Andrew's boss found out that he had lied on his CV, it ________ him his job. 39. __________ - If the examiner asks you something, don't spend too long thinking about what to say - just give a ________ answer to the question using everyday language. - Ginny was delighted to get ________ A's from the judges, the highest possible marks anyone could get in the competition.

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