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Onlinenpl.com Sub. Code: 3041 ‘H’ NEB – GRADE XII 2079 (2022) Economics (New Courses) Solution Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full mark. Time: 3 hrs. Full Marks: 75 Attempt all the question SET: I समहू ‘क’Group ‘A’ Very short answers questions. 11 x 1= 11 1. What is opportunity cost? (अवसर लागत भनेको के हो?) Ans: Opportunity cost is defined as the best alternative foregone between two goods or services. एक ववशेष गवतवववि ववकल्प को अवसर लागत मल्ूय वा लाभ मा एक उच्च प्रवतफल प्रस्ताव को एक वैकवल्पक गवतवववि मा संलग्न को सापक्षे , गवतवववि मा सलं ग्न द्वारा खचचहुनेमल्ूय वा लाभ को हावनहो। 2. If the total revenue of a firm in Rs. 6,000 and total cost is Rs. 4,800, then find the total profit by using formula. (यवि कुनैएउटा फमचको कुल आय रु ६००० र कुल लागत रु ४८०० भए सप्रूोया गरी कुल नाफा पत्ता लगउनुहोस्।) Ans: Given, Total Revenue (TR): Rs. 6,000 Total Cost (TC): Rs. 4,800 Total Profit (TP): ? We know that, Total profit (TP)= Total Revenue (TR) - Total Cost (TC) Total profit (TP)= Rs. 6,000 - Rs. 4,800 Total profit (TP) = Rs. 1,200 :: Therefore, the total profit is Rs. 1,200 3. What is monetary policy? (मौविक नीवत भनेको के हो?) Ans: Monetary policy is formulated by the central bank of the country to control and regulated the money supply. Since 'Nepal Rastra Bank' is the central bank of Nepal. मौविक नीवत भनेको मिुा आपवूतचसमायोजन गरेर विगो आवथचक ववृि हावसल गनचराष्ट्रको के न्द्िीय बैंकमा उपलब्ि कायचहरूको सेट हो। 4. Write any two examples of indirect tax. (अप्रत्यक्ष करका कुनैिईुवटा उिाहरण लेख्नहुोस्।? Ans: Two examples of indirect tax are mentioned below. a. Customs duties b. Sales taxes are two examples of indirect tax. 5. Mention any two important of human resources for the economic development. (आवथचक ववकासका लावग मानव संसािनको कुनैिईु महत्त्व उल्लेख गनचहोस्।) Ans:
Two important of human resources for the economic development are mentioned below. a. The use of efficient and specialized labour in production increase productivity and production which directly reduce economic backwardness and increases economic development. उत्पािनमा िक्ष र ववशेष श्रमको प्रयोगलेउत्पािकत्व र उत्पािनमा ववृि गर्चजसलेप्रत्यक्ष रूपमा आवथचक पर्ौटेपनलाई घटाउँर् र आवथचक ववकासमा ववृि गर्च। b. Development of agricultural and industrial sectors helps in the economic development. कृवषर औद्योवगक क्षेत्रको ववकासलेआवथचक ववकासमा टेवा पग्ुर् । 6. What is World Trade Organization? (ववश्व व्यापार संगठन भनेको के हो?) Ans: World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that helps to free trade between nations without any discrimination. ववश्व व्यापार संगठन एक अन्द्तरसरकारी संगठन हो जसलेअन्द्तराचवष्ट्रय व्यापारलाई वनयमन र सवुविा विन्द्र्। सरकारहरूलेसंस्थालाई अन्द्तराचवष्ट्रय व्यापार वनयन्द्त्रण गने वनयमहरू स्थापना, पररमाजचनर लागूगनचप्रयोग गर्चन्। 7. Write any two problems of Nepalese foreign trade. (नेपालको वैिवेशक व्यापारको कुनैिईु समस्याहरु लेख्नुहोस्।) Ans: Two problems of Nepalese foreign trade are mentioned below. a. High import low export उच्च आयात कम वनयाचत, b. High cost of production as well as low quality of production. उच्च उत्पािन लागत र उत्पािन को कम गणु वत्ता। 8. Which one of the 17 goals of sustainable development is not directly relevant to Nepal? (विगो ववकासका १७ लक्ष्यहरुमध्ये नेपालका लावग प्रत्यक्ष रुपमा सान्द्िवभचक नरहके ो लक्ष्य कुनहो?) Ans: "Life below water" is one of the 17 goals of sustainable development that is not directly relevant to Nepal. "पानी मवुनको जीवन" विगो ववकासको १७ लक्ष्यहरू मध्येएक हो जनु नेपालसँग प्रत्यक्ष रूपमा सान्द्िवभचक र्ैन। 9. Write any two uses of statistics in economics. (अथचशास्त्रमा तथ्याङ्कशास्त्रकम कुनैिईुउपयोग लेख्नुहोस?्) Ans: Two uses of statistics in economics are mentioned below, a. To study and solve the various economic problem of the nation. राष्ट्रका वववभन्द्न आवथचक समस्याको अध्ययन गरी समािान गने । b. It helps to compare economic data and present it by using different tools like pie charts, line graphs, bar graphs, etc. यसलेआवथचक डेटा तलुना गनचर वववभन्द्न उपकरणहरू जस्तैपाई चाटचहरू, रेखा ग्राफहरू, बार ग्राफहरू, आवि प्रयोग गरेर प्रस्तुत गनचमद्दत गिर्च । 10. Why census method of collecting data is more expensive than sampling method? (तथ्याङ् संकलन गने नमनुा र्नौट ववविभन्द्िा सगणना वववि वकन बढी खवचचलो मावनन्द्र् ं ?) Ans: The Census method of collecting data is more expensive than the sampling method because the census method collects data from each and every unit of the population under study, but the sampling method only collects data from the small unit of the population under study.
तथ्याङ्क सङ्कलन गनेजनगणना वववि नमनूा वववि भन्द्िा खवचचलो र् वकनभनेजनगणना ववविलेअध्ययन अन्द्तगचत जनसंख्याको प्रत्येक एकाइबाट तथ्याङ्क सङ्कलन गर्च तर नमनूा ववविलेअध्ययन अन्द्तगचत रहके ो जनसंख्याको सानो एकाइबाट मात्रैतथ्याङ्क सङ्कलन गर्च। 11. Find the value of ‘X’ if the mean of given data is 22 Income (In Rs.): 15, 20, x, 30, 35 Ans: Given, Means (X)= 22 Σfx= 100 + x Number (N) = 5 We know that, Means (X) = Σfx N Or, 22 = 100+x 5 Or, 110 = 100 +x Or, 110 – 100 = x Or, 10 = x Or x = 10 ∴ The value of x is 10 Group “B” Short Answer Question ८ x ५ = ४० 12. Explain the production possibility curve with diagram. Or, What is socialist economy? Explain its features. Ans : Socialist Economy A Socialist economic system is an economy where all production and production activities are decided by the government or state. A socialist economy is a type of economic system where all distribution and production credit go to the government or is owned and controlled by the state. The government controls all prices of goods and services. A socialist economy is also known as a command and planned economy because the government primarily focuses on the development of the country. Features of Socialist Features of the Socialist Economic System are mentioned below, i. Resources owned by the state: The major feature of socialist economics is the means of production are owned and controlled by the state or government. Under socialism state control over all entries, economy, and resources are used for the whole society. This type of economy ensures equality of opportunity for all citizens. The aim of a socialist economy is to full and efficient utilization of a country's resources. ii. Planned economic: Economic planning is the essential feature of socialist economics. So, this economy is a fully planned economy. There is a central planning authority in every country to ensure a socialist economic system. The main function of the central planning authority is to formulate the short-term, and long-term for the economy. All the economic
decisions, regarding production, consumption, distribution, and utilizing the resources for the future need are controlled by the government. iii. Economic equality: Economic equality is the most important feature of a socialist economy. In the country, all citizens are equal in terms of income, and welfare. In socialist economics, there is no private property, private enterprises, and business, so there is no economic inequality in the economy of the country, and the government provides equal rights in every sector to the citizen. The Socialist economy believes in social justice, not in perfect equality. iv. Social welfare: Social welfare is the most important feature of socialist economics. In Socialist economy system demand, and supply is not important, but price policy is guided by social welfare motive. v. Absence of private ownership: As you know, in a socialist economy, all production and production activities are controlled and decided by the government and state. So, there is no chance to established private organizations, private companies, etc. All production of means and resources is conducted by the government or state. While the main aim of a capitalist economy is price motive but in a socialist economy, price motive is not important. समाजवादी अर्थतन्त्र समाजवािी आवथचक प्रणाली एक अथचतन्द्त्र हो जहाँ सरकार वा राज्यले सबै उत्पािन र उत्पािन गवतववविहरू वनणचय गिचर्। समाजवािी अथचव्यवस्था एक प्रकारको आवथचक प्रणाली हो जहाँ सबै ववतरण र उत्पािन ऋण सरकारमा जान्द्र् वा राज्यको स्वावमत्व र वनयन्द्त्रण हुन्द्र्। सरकारलेसबैवस्तुर सेवाको मल्ूय वनयन्द्त्रण गर्च। समाजवािी अथचतन्द्त्रलाई योजनाबि अथचतन्द्त्र पवन भवनन्द्र् वकनभने सरकारलेमख्ुयतया िशे को ववकासमा ध्यान केवन्द्ित गर्च। समाजवादी अर्थतन्त्रका ववशेषताहरू क. राज्यको स्वावमत्वमा रहेका स्रोतहरू: समाजवािी अथचशास्त्रको प्रमखु ववशेषता भनेको उत्पािनका सािनहरू राज्य वा सरकारको स्वावमत्व र वनयन्द्त्रण हो। समाजवाि अन्द्तगचत सबैप्रववविहरूमा राज्यको वनयन्द्त्रण हुन्द्र्, अथचव्यवस्था, र स्रोतहरू सम्पणूच समाजको लावग प्रयोग गररन्द्र्। यस प्रकारको अथचतन्द्त्रलेसबैनागररकका लावग अवसरको समानता सवुनवित गिर्च । समाजवािी अथचतन्द्त्रको उद्देश्य िशे को स्रोत सािनको पणूचर प्रभावकारी उपयोग गनुचहो। ख. योजनाबद्ध आवर्थक: आवथचक योजना समाजवािी अथचशास्त्रको अवनवायचववशेषता हो। त्यसलै ेयो अथचतन्द्त्र पणूचयोजनाबि अथचतन्द्त्र हो । समाजवािी आवथकच प्रणाली सवुनवित गनच प्रत्येक िशे मा केन्द्िीय योजना प्राविकरण हुन्द्र्। केन्द्िीय योजना प्राविकरणको मख्ुय काम अथचतन्द्त्रका लावग अल्पकालीन र िीघचकालीन योजना तजचमुा गनुचहो। उत्पािन, उपभोग, ववतरण र भववष्ट्यको आवश्यकताको लावग स्रोतको उपयोग सम्बन्द्िी सबैआवथचक वनणचयहरू सरकारको वनयन्द्त्रणमा र्न्। ग. आवर्थक समानता: आवथचक समानता समाजवािी अथचतन्द्त्रको सबैभन्द्िा महत्त्वपणूचववशेषता हो। िशे मा आम्िानी र कल्याणका वहसाबलेसबैनागररक समान र्न्। समाजवािी अथचशास्त्रमा वनजी सम्पवत्त, वनजी उद्यम र व्यवसाय हुिँनै, त्यसैले िेशको अथचतन्द्त्रमा आवथचक असमानता हिुँनै र सरकारलेनागररकलाई हरेक क्षत्रेमा समान अविकार विन्द्र् । समाजवािी अथचतन्द्त्र पणूच समानतामा होइन, सामावजक न्द्यायमा ववश्वास गर्च । घ. समाज कल्याण: समाजवािी अथचशास्त्रको सबैभन्द्िा महत्त्वपणूचववशेषता समाज कल्याण हो। समाजवािी अथचतन्द्त्रमा माग र आपवूतचमहत्त्वपणूचहुिँनै तर मल्ूय नीवत सामावजक कल्याणकोउद्देश्यलेवनिवेशत हुन्द्र्।

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