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English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 1 English 2 nd Paper Board Question CONNECTORS HSC Examination-2023 (Dhaka Board) 01. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. Happiness is a relative term. (a)__, it depends upon some factors. (b)___, contentment is the key to happiness. (c)___, contentment varies from person to person. (d)___, a beggar may be contented with only ten taka. (e)___, a wealthy person may be dissatisfied even after getting one million taka. (f)___, it is said that contentment brings happiness. (g)___, we must learn to be contented with what we have. (h)___, this learning is the simplest way to remain happy. (i)____, we must remember that our life is short. (j)____, in this short life we can not get everything (k)___ we want. (l)___, we want everything, we will not get happiness. (m)___, we will get frustrated and we will plunge into the world of sadness. (n)___, it is always better to be contented with what we have than to live in eternal sadness. Answer: (a) As; (b) Moreover/Furthermore /Also; (c) However; (d) For example/ for instance; (e) Meanwhile/ On the other hand; (f) Consequently/As a result; (g) Therefore; (h) Actually; (i) Additionally; (j) However; (k) even if; (l) If, (m) Rather, (n) Therefore e1⁄2vbyev`: myL GKwU Av‡cwÿK kã| ZvB, GwU wKQz wRwb‡mi Dci wbf©i K‡i| ZvQvov Z...wßB my‡Li PvweKvwV| hvB‡nvK, Z...wß e ̈w3‡f‡` cwiewZ©Z nq| †hgb, GKRb wfÿzK gvÎ `k UvKvqB mš`ó n‡Z cv‡i| G `k jvL UvKv †c‡qI GKRb abx e ̈w3 Amš`ó _vK‡Z cv‡ib| dj ̄^iƒc, ejv nq †h, Z...wß myL Av‡b| ZvB Avgv‡`i hv Av‡Q ZvB wb‡q mš`ó _vK‡Z wkL‡Z n‡e| cÖK...Zc‡ÿ, GB wkÿv myLx _vKvi me‡P‡q mnR Dcvq| DcišÍ, Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h Avgv‡`i Rxeb †QvU| ZvB GB †QvÆ Rxe‡b PvB‡jI me wKQz †c‡Z cvwi bv| mewKQz PvB‡j Avgiv myL cve bv| eis, Avgiv nZvk ne Ges Avgiv `y:‡L †eu‡P _vKvi †P‡q Avgv‡`i hv Av‡Q Zv‡Z mš`ó _vKv me©`v fvj| HSC Examination-2022 (Dhaka Board) 02. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. Once there lived a grasshopper and an ant. The ant was hard-working. (a)___lazy. (b)___, he idled away his time dancing and sleeping. (c)___, he sometimes advised the ant not to work so hard. (d)___, the ant paid no heed to the grasshopper. (e)___ he continued to work hard gathering food for the coming winter. (f)___winter came, covering everything with snow. The surface of the earth went under the snow-cover. (g)___, the grasshopper could not find any food. (h)___, he had nothing in stock. (i)___, he went to the ant for help. The ant gave him some food for the day. (j)___the long winter was ahead, and the grasshopper was really worried about his survival. Answer: (a) One the other hand; (b) So; (c) Moreover; (d) However; (e) Instead; (f) Naturally; (g) For this reason; (h) Moreover; (i) Then; (j) Finally e1⁄2vbyev`: GK`v GKwU dwos Ges GKwU wcucov evm KiZ| wcucov wQj Kv‡Vvi cwikÖgx| Ab ̈w`‡K, dwos wQj Ajm| ZvB †m †b‡P Nywg‡q mgq bó Ki‡Zv| ZvQvov †m gv‡S gv‡S wcucov‡K GZ cwikÖg bv Kivi civgk© w`‡Zv| hvB‡nvK wcucov dwos‡qi K_vh KY©cvZ Ki‡Zv bv| cwie‡Z©, †m Avmbœ kx‡Zi Rb ̈ Lv` ̈ msMÖ‡ni Rb ̈ K‡Vvi cwikÖg Ki‡Z _v‡K| ̄^vfvweKfv‡eB, kxZ G‡mwQj, mewKQz Zzlvi w`‡q †X‡K †Mj| c„w_exi DcwifvM Zzlv‡i Av”Qvw`Z n‡q †Mj| G Kvi‡Y dwos †Kv‡bv Lvevi Lyu‡R †cj bv| ZvQvov Zvi Rgv‡bv wKQzB wQj bv| Zvici, †m mvnv‡h ̈I Rb ̈ wcucovi Kv‡Q †Mj| wcucov Zv‡K IB w`‡bi Rb ̈ wKQz Lvevi w`j| Ae‡k‡l, mvg‡b wQj `xN© kxZ, Ges †eu‡P _vKv wb‡q mwZ ̈B wPwšÍZ n‡q c‡owQj| HSC Examination-2016 (Dhaka Board) 03. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. A lion was drinking water from a brook. (a)__ a lamb was also drinking water from the downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and decided to devour it. (b)__he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. (c)___ he hit upon a plan. (d)___ the lion complained that the lamb was disturbing him by muddying water. But the lamb said that he was drinking water from downstream. (e)___the questions of muddying water on his part did not arise here. (f)___ the lamb argued that was muddying the water for him as he was drinking water upstream. (g)___ the lion retorted that the lamb spoke ill of him a years ago. (h)___the lamb said that he was not born a year ago. The lion grew into a rage. (i)___ he said that perhaps his father spoke ill of him last year. (j)___the lion had the right to take revenge and kill the lamb.
2  HSC English 2nd Paper Answer: (a) By the way; (b) So; (c) Then; (d) At first; (e) So; (f) Instead; (g) Then; (h) Again; (i) Therefore; (j) So e1⁄2vbyev`: GKwU wmsn SY©v †_‡K cvwb cvb KiwQj| NUbvP‡μ GKwU †fovi ev”Pv GKB SY©vi wbP †_‡K cvwb KiwQj| wmsn †fovi ev”PvwU‡K †`‡L Zv MÖvm Kivi wm×všÍ wb‡qwQj| myZivs wZwb wKfv‡e Zvi g›` KvRwU m¤úv`b Ki‡eb †m m¤ú‡K© fvewQ‡jb| Zvic‡i †m GKUv cwiKíbv K‡iwQj| cÖ_‡g wmsn Awf‡hvM K‡iwQj †h †fovi ev”Pv cvwb‡K Kvu`vhy3 K‡i AkvšÍ Ki‡Q| wKš` †fovi ev”PvwU e‡jwQj †h †m wbP †_‡K cvwb cvb KiwQj| myZivs Zvi cÿ †_‡K cvwb‡K Kvu`vhy3 Kivi welq ̧‡jv N‡Uwb| cwie‡Z© †fovi ev”PvwU hyw3 w`‡qwQj †h wmsnB Zvi c‡ÿ cvwb caevn KiwQj KviY wZwb DRv‡b cvwb cvb KiwQ‡jb| Zvic‡i wmsn Reve w`‡qwQj †h K‡qK eQi Av‡M †fov Zvi m¤ú‡K© Lvivc K_v e‡jwQj| Avevi †fovi ev”Pv ejwQj †h Zvi Rb¥ GK eQi Av‡M nqwb| wmsn †μv‡a †du‡c I‡V| ZvB wZwb e‡jwQ‡jb †h m¤¢eZ Zvi evev Zvi m¤ú‡K© MZ eQi Lvivc K_v e‡j‡Qb| myZivs wms‡ni cÖwZ‡kva †bIqvi Ges †fovwU‡K †g‡i †djvi AwaKvi wQj| HSC Examination-2023 (Chittagong Board) 04. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. Early rising is one of the best habits (a)__a man can possess. (b)__, the benefits of early rising we can take some exercises or a are many. (c)__, if we get up early, we get enough time to work. (d)___, we can enjoy the fresh air of the morning which refreshes our body and mind. (e)__ we can take some exercises or a walk. (f)__, in the morning nature smiles with colourful flowers and chirping of birds. (g)__early rising takes us to close contact with wonderful world of nature. (h)__, if we do not get up early in the morning, we will suffer a lot. (i)__we do not have enough time to do our work. (j)__we cannot finish our work in time. (k)__, late rising from bed tells upon our health. (l)__, we can never enjoy the freshness of nature. (m)__,early rising keeps us safe and sound both physically mentally. (n)__, we should make a habit of early rising. Answer: (a) that; (b) Indeed; (c) Firstly; (d) Secondly; (e) Furthermore; (f) Moreover; (g) Hence; (h) However; (i) As a result ; (j) Consequently; (k) Additionally; (l) Therefore; (m) Ultimately; (n) Thus e1⁄2vbyev`: †fv‡i DVv nj †miv Af ̈m ̧‡jvi g‡a ̈ GKwU hvi AwaKvix GKRb gvbyl n‡Z cv‡i| cÖK...Zc‡ÿ, ZvovZvwo DVvi myweav A‡bK| cÖ_gZ, Avgiv hw` ZvovZvwo Nyg †_‡K DwV Z‡e KvR Kivi Rb ̈ h‡_ó mgq cvB| wØZxqZ, Avgiv mKv‡ji ZvRv evZvm Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvwi hv kixi I gb‡K m‡ZR K‡i| DcišÍ, Avgiv wKQz e ̈vqvg Ki‡Z cvwi ev nvuU‡Z cvwi| ZvQvov mKvj‡ejv iwOb dzj Avi cvwLi wKwPwgwP‡i cÖK...wZ nv‡m| ZvB, †fv‡i DVv Avgv‡`i cÖK...wZi we ̄§qKi RM‡Zi Nwbô †hvMv‡hv‡Mi w`‡K wb‡q hvq| Z‡e †fv‡i bv DV‡j Avgv‡`i A‡bK Kó Ki‡Z n‡e| d‡j Avgv‡`i KvR Kivi chv©ß mgq _v‡K bv| dj ̄^iƒc, Avgiv mgqg‡Zv KvR †kl Ki‡Z cvwi bv| DcišÍ †`wi‡Z DVv Avgv‡`i ̄^v‡ ̄’ ̈I Rb ̈ ÿwZKi| ZvB Avgiv KLbB cÖK...wZi m‡ZRZv Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvwi bv| cwi‡k‡l, ZvovZvwo DVv Avgv‡`i kvixwiK I gvbwmKfv‡e wbivcËv Ges my ̄’ iv‡L| myZivs, Avgv‡`i ZvovZvwo DVvi Af ̈vm Kiv DwPZ| HSC Examination-2022 (Chattogram Board) 5. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. We want success (a) ___ prosperity in life. (b)___we do not do what are needed in achieving these. we have to be (c)___ to we want to make our life glorious, we must follow some rules, (d)___, we have to be industrious. (e)___without hard work, success in life is impossible. (f)___ we should sincere in our activities. Some people think that good luck is at the root of all achievements in life. (g)___ to thm nothing is further from truth than it. (h) ___every success in life depends totally on our activites. (i) ___we spend time in idleness, we must suffer. (j)___we should be honest in life because this virtue helps us greatly to gain our goal. Answer: (a) and; (b) But/However; (c) If; (d) For example/For instance; (e) In fact; (f) So; (g) In Contrary/on the other hand; (h) But; (i) If; (j) So/Hence e1⁄2vbyev`: Avgiv Rxe‡b mvdj ̈ Ges mg„w× PvB| wKš` G ̧‡jv AR©‡b hv cÖ‡qvRb Avgiv Zv Kwi bv| Avgiv hw` Rxeb‡K gwngvwš^Z Ki‡Z PvB Z‡e Avgv‡`i wKQz wbqg †g‡b Pj‡Z n‡e| D`vniY ̄^iƒc, Avgv‡`i cwikÖgx n‡Z n‡e| Avm‡j cwikÖg Qvov Rxe‡b mdjZv cvIqv Am¤¢e| ZvB Avgv‡`i Kg©Kv‡Û AvšÍwiK n‡Z n‡e| wKQz †jvK g‡b K‡i †h Rxe‡bi mg ̄Í AR©‡bi g~‡j i‡q‡Q †mŠfvM ̈| Gi wecix‡Z m‡Z ̈i †P‡q †ewk wKQz †bB| wKš` Rxe‡bi cÖwZwU mvdj ̈ m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c wbf©i K‡i Avgv‡`i Kvh©Kjv‡ci Dci| Avgiv hw` AjmZvq mgq KvUvB, Z‡e Aek ̈B Kó †c‡Z n‡e| ZvB Rxe‡b mr nIqv DwPZ KviY GB ̧YwU Avgv‡`i jÿ ̈ AR©‡b A‡bK mvnvh ̈ K‡i| HSC Examination-2019 (Chattogram Board) 06. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. We must aware of the changers of smoking. It is harmful to us in various ways. It causes various disease (a)___ blood pressure, heart attack, bronchitis, cancer, etc. (b)___ it pollutes air.
English 2nd Paper  Final Revision Batch 3 (c)___ smoking causes harm to (d)___the smokers (e)___ the non-smokers who remain by them. (f)___ we should give up smoking. (g)___ it is (h)___great an addiction to get rid of. (i)___ nothing is impossible for us. (j)___. we are determined to give up it, we can certainly do it. Answer: (a) susch as/like; (b) At the same time; (c) Besides/Moreover; (d) both/ not only; (e) and/but also; (f) So; (g) However/such/so; (h) but; (i) But; (j) If e1⁄2vbyev`: a~gcvbKvix‡`i e ̈vcv‡i Aek ̈B Avgv‡`i m‡PZb n‡Z n‡e| GwU wewfbœ Dcv‡q Avgv‡`i Rb ̈ ÿwZKviK| GwU i3Pvc, nvU© A ̈vUvK, ea1⁄4vBwUm, K ̈vÝvi BZ ̈vw`i g‡Zv wewfbœ †iv‡Mi KviY nq Ges GKB mv‡_ GwU evqy‡K `~wlZ K‡i| a~gcvb QvovI hviv Aa~gcvqx ZvivI Df‡qB ÿwZMÖ ̄’ nq| myZivs Avgv‡`i a~gcvb †Q‡o †`Iqv DwPZ| GwU †_‡K cwiÎvY cvIqv gvivZ¥K GKwU welq| wKš` wKQzB Avgv‡`i c‡ÿ Am¤¢e bq| Avgv hw` GwU Z ̈vM Kivi Rb ̈ `„pfv‡e cÖwZÁ nB, Avgiv Aek ̈B GwU Ki‡Z cvwi| HSC Examination-2017 (Chattogram Board) 07. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. Rangpur town hall is a place of cultural activi ties. (a) __ in 1971 it became a torture cell used by the Pakistani army. (b)___the army brought here innocent Bangalees. After that they started to bri ng Bangalee women here. Among them Mansura Begum was one who was the wife of a freedom fighter. (c) __ she was young and beautiful, she drew the attention of local collaborators. (d)__they informed the Pakistani army. (e)__the Pakistani army abducted Mansura. On the day of occurrence Pakistani soldiers surrounded her house. (f)__ they searched her husband who joined the Mukti Bahini. (g) __they found her father-i n·law. They started to beat hi m mercilessly. The old man got unconscious. (h)_ the barbarous soldiers did not stop beati ng hi m. Mansura rushed to her father-in law, grabbed his bleedi ng body and begged the military not to kill him. (i)__ they did not listen to her. They picked up the old man on the military truck. (j)__ , they pulled and dragged Mansura on to the truck. Answer:(a) But; (b) At that time; (c) As/Since; (d) So; (e) Then/After that; (f) Aftrwards; (g) When; (h) But; (i) but; (j) Finally/Lastly/At the end/ At last. e1⁄2vbyev`: iscyi UvDb nj mvs ̄‹...wZK wμqvAvjv‡ci RvqMv| wKš` 1971 mv‡j; GwU cvwK ̄Ívwb †mbvevwnbx Øviv e ̈eüZ GKwU wbh©vwZZ K‡ÿ cwiYZ nq| G mgq †mbvevwnbx wbixn ev1⁄2vwj‡K GLv‡b wb‡q Av‡m| Gi c‡i Zviv evOvwj gwnjv‡`i GLv‡b wb‡q Avb‡Z ïiæ K‡i| Zv‡`i g‡a ̈ gbymiv †eMg wQ‡jb GKRb whwb GKRb gyw3‡hv×vi ̄¿x wQ‡jb| wZwb hyev I my›`ix nIqv Kvi‡Y wZwb ̄’vbxq mn‡hvMx‡`i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡iwQ‡jb| ZvB Zviv cvwK ̄Ívbx †mbvevwnbx‡K welqwU Rvbvq| Gici cvwK ̄Ívbx †mbvevwnbx gbymiv‡K AcniY K‡i| IB NUbvi w`b cvwK ̄Ívwb ˆmb ̈iv Zvi evwowU wN‡i †d‡jwQj| c‡i Zviv gyw3evwnbx‡Z †hvM`vbKvix Zvi ̄^vgx‡K Zjøvwk K‡i| Zviv hLb Zvi k^ïi‡K †c‡qwQj Zviv Zv‡K wb`©qfv‡e gvi‡Z ïiæ K‡i| e„×v AÁvb n‡q †M‡jb| wKš` ee©i ˆmb ̈iv Zv‡K †giai eÜ K‡iwb| gbmyiv Zvi k^ïievwo‡Z Qz‡U G‡m Zvi i3v3 kixiwU a‡i †d‡jb Ges mvgwiK evwnbx‡K Zv‡K nZ ̈v bv Kivi Rb ̈ Aby‡iva K‡iwQj wKš` Zviv Zvi K_vq Kvb †`qwb| Zviv e„ׇK mvgwiK Uav‡K Zz‡j wb‡q hvq| Ae‡k‡l Zviv gbmyi‡K †U‡b Uav‡K K‡i K‡i wb‡q hvq| HSC Examination-2016 (Chattogram Board) 08. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. Bangladesh is many an agricultural country. (a) ___, her economy and prosperity dependon agriculture. (b) ___, our agriculture depends on the mercy of nature. (c)___, if there is sufficient rain, people can plough their lands and show seeds in time. (d)___ , they can reap a good harvest. (e)___, if it does not rain in time, the farmers cannot grow the crops easily and they do not have good harvest. (f) ___, without water our agriculture is lifeless. The rain is not always beneficial to our agriculture. (g)___, sometimes it rains so much that it causes floods. (h)____, our crop go under water and most often, they are toltally destroyed. (i) __, the farmers who constitute the most part of our professional people, loss everything. (j)____ we can safely conclude that our econcomy depends on rain. Answer: (a) So; (b) However/But; (c) Hence; (d) As a result; (e) But/ On the other hand; (f) In fact; (g) For example/For instance; (h) That’s why/ As a result; (i) Consequently; (j) Therefore e1⁄2vbyev`: evsjv‡`k g~jZ GKwU K...wlcÖavb †`k| myZivs, Zvi A_©bxwZ Ges mg„w× K„wli Dci wbf©ikxj| Avevi, Avgv‡`i K...wlKvR cÖK...wZi KiæYvi Dci wbf©i K‡i| myZivs, hw` chv©ß e„wócvZ nq, †jv‡Kiv Zv‡`i Rwg Pvl Ki‡Z Ges mgqg‡Zv exRecb Ki‡Z cv‡i| dj ̄^iƒc, Zviv GKwU fvj dmj †c‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e, hw` mgqg‡Zv e„wó bv nq Z‡e K...l‡Kiv mn‡R dmj Zzj‡Z cv‡i bv Ges Zv‡`i fvj dmjI nq bv| mZ ̈ †h, cvwb Qvov Avgv‡`i K...wl cÖvYnxb| e„wócvZ mgqg‡Zv Avgv‡`i K„wl‡Z DcKvix nq bv| D`nviY ̄^iƒc, KL‡bv KL‡bv GZ †ewk e„wócvZ nq †h GwU eb ̈vi KviY nq| G Kvi‡YB, Avgv‡`i dmj ̧wj cvwbi wb‡P P‡j hvq Ges cÖvqkB †m ̧‡jv m¤ú~Y© aŸsm n‡q hvq| dj ̄^iƒc, †hLv‡b Avgv‡`i mvgywóK RbM‡Yi †ewkifvMB K...lK Zviv mewKQznvwo‡q †d‡j| myZivs Avgiv cwi‡k‡l Dcmsnvi Uvb‡Z cvwi †h Avgv‡`i A_©bxwZ e„wói Dci wbf©i K‡i|
4  HSC English 2nd Paper HSC Examination-2023 (Rajshahi Board) 09. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. The greatness of a book depends (a) ___ on the acceptability among the readers. (b) ___we read a book (c) ___once, we can discover many things in it. (d) ___basing on one reading, we cannot judge the standard of a book. (e) ___a book is praised (f) ___ we have no doubt about the greatness of the book. (g) __ the first reading, we may not understand a book. But if it is read more than once, we will see (h) ___ it was read (i) ___ praised. So, the great books are those (j) ___have passed the test of time. (k) the appeal of a great book doesn't decrease. (l) ___the greatness of the book is newly felt (m) ___ time passes. (n) ___ a great book is widely read and reread by people all over the world. Answer: (a) only/mainly/actually/generally; (a) If/When; (c) just /only/for; (d) But /if/When; (e) If /When; (f) highly; (g) Only through/During; (h) why; (i) and; (j) which; (k) In fact; ( l) Rather; (m) when; (n) Therefore/So e1⁄2vbyev`: GKwU eB‡qi gnZ¡ wbf©i K‡i cvVK MÖnY‡hvM ̈Zvi Ici| Avgiv hw` GKwU eB gvÎ GKevi cwo, Zvn‡j Avgiv Zv‡Z A‡bK wKQz Avwe®‹vi Ki‡Z cvwi| wKš` GKevi covi Dci wfwË K‡i Avgiv GKwU eB‡qi gvb wePvi Ki‡Z cvwi bv| hLb †Kv‡bv eB‡qi D”P cÖksmv Kiv nq, ZLb eBwUi gvnvZœ ̈ m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i †Kv‡bv m‡›`n _v‡K bv| cÖ_gevi covi mgq Avgiv GKwU eB eyS‡Z cvwi bv| wKš` hw` GwU GKvwaKevi cov nq Z‡e Avgiv †`L‡Z cve †Kb GwU cov n‡qwQj Ges cÖksmv Kiv n‡qwQj| myZivs, gnvb MÖš’ nj †mBme MÖš’ †h ̧‡jv mg‡qi cixÿvq DËxY© n‡q‡Q| Avm‡j gnvb eB‡qi Av‡e`b K‡g bv| eis Mwo‡q †M‡j eBwUi gvnvZœ ̈ bZzbfv‡e Abyf~Z nq| ZvB GKwU gnvb eB mviv we‡k^i gvbyl e ̈vcKfv‡e c‡o Ges cybivq cvV K‡i| HSC Examination-2022 (Rajshahi Board) 10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. Air is an important element of our environment. (a)__clean air is essential for our life. (b)___, air is polluted in many ways. (c)__,one thing that pollutes air is smoke is produced is produced from different sources. (d)___, we make fire to cook food and it creates smoke .(e)___, buses and trucks plying in the roads emit smoke. (f) ___, the burning of coal in the railway engine also produces smoke. (g)___, the mills and factories also produce a huge amount of smoke. (h)___, we melt tar for road contructions which produces black smoke. (i) __, all these smokes mis with the air and pollute it. (j)___ smoke from different sources is causing serious harm to our environment. Answer: (a) In fact; (b) However; (c) Mainly/ Primarily; (d) firstly; (e)Secondly; (f) Moreover; (g) Furthermore; (h) Finally; (i) Unfortunately; (j) Thus e1⁄2vbyev`: evqy Avgv‡`i cwi‡e‡ki GKwU ̧iæZ¡c~Y© Dcv`vb| Avm‡j weï× evZvm Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Rb ̈ Acwinvh©| Z‡e evqy bvbvfv‡e `~wlZ nq| cÖavbZ, hv evqy‡K `~wlZ K‡i Zv nj †avuqv| wewfbœ Drm †_‡K †avuqv Drcbœ nq| cÖ_gZ, Avgiv Lvevi ivbœv Kivi Rb ̈ Av ̧b R¦vjvB Ges GwU †avuqv ˆZwi K‡i| wØZxqZ, mo‡K PjvPjKvix evm I UavK †avuqv wbM©Z K‡i| ZvQvov †i‡ji BwÇb Kqjv †cvov‡bvi d‡jI †avuqv ˆZwi nq| ZvQvov Kj -KviLvbv †_‡KI cÖPzi cwigv‡Y †avuqv Drcbœ nq| Ae‡k‡l, Avgiv iv ̄Ív wbg©v‡Yi Rb ̈ AvjKvZiv MjvB hv Kv‡jv †avuqv Drcbœ K‡i| `yf©vM ̈ek ̈Z, GB mg ̄͆avuqv evZv‡mi mv‡_ wg‡k Ges evZvm `~wlZ K‡i| Gfv‡e wewfbœ Drm †_‡K wbM©Z †avuqv cwi‡e‡ki gvivZ¥K ÿwZ Ki‡Q| HSC Examination-2017 (Rajshahi Board) 11. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. Man is a social being. (a) —, man cannot live alone. (b) —, man has been living together from time immemorial. Living in society is not an easy task.We have to follow certain rules and regulations of that society. (c) —, we should be cooperative. (d) —, we must help others when they need it. (e) —, we have to be careful not to hurt others by our words or activities. (f) —, we must control our emotions and behave well with others. (g) —, we should not think and live only for us. (h) —, we should always think and work for the betterment of the society. (i) —, we should remain prepared to sacrifice our lives for the greater intest of the society. (j) —, sacrificing our lives for others can make us immortal. Answer: (a) So; (b) In fact; (c) firstly; (d) That is to say/In other words; (e) Secondly; (f) Besides/So; (g) Thirdly; (h) Rather/Instead; (i) Finally; (j) In fact/Thus e1⁄2vbyev`: gvbyl mvgvwRK Rxe| myZivs, gvbyl GKv _vK‡Z cv‡i bv| Avm‡j gvbyl ̄§iYvZxZ Kvj †_‡KB GK mv‡_ evm K‡i Avm‡Q| mgv‡R emevm Kiv mnR KvR bq| Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri wKQz wbqgKvbyb AbymiY Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖ_gZ, Avgv‡`i GKZve× nIqv DwPZ| Gi A_© nj, Ab ̈‡`i hLb cÖ‡qvRb nq ZLb Avgv‡`i Aek ̈B Zv‡`i mnvqZv Ki‡Z n‡e| wØZxqZ, Avgv‡`i K_vq ev wμqvKjvc Øviv Ab ̈‡K AvNvZ bv Kivi wel‡q

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