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________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises UNIT 1: LIFE STORIES PRONUNCIATION I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. life B. kind C. nice D. think 2. A. amaze B. react C. behave D. ancient 3. A. run B. buck C. sure D. but 4. A. without B. breathless C. weather D. although 5. A. worked B. stopped C. forced D. wanted II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. story B. depress C. relieve D. result 2. A. surprise B. perhaps C. control D. usual 3. A. hopeful B. moment C. success D. topic 4. A. understand B. argument C. championship D. scientist 5. A. embarrass B. comfortable C. socialize D. sightseeing VOCABULARY I. Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. amazed anxious depressed butterflies react embarrassed grateful relieved costs life damage uncomfortable 1. How did you _______________ when you heard the surprising news? 2. He became _______________ after losing his job and struggled to find motivation. 3. I was _______________ by the beautiful sunset over the ocean. 4. The tight shoes made walking very _______________ for her. 5. She felt _______________ before her job interview. 6. The student was _______________ when he forgot his lines during the school play. 7. We're _______________ for all the help our neighbors provided after the storm. 8. Sarah was _______________ when she finally finished her difficult homework assignment. 9. Making new friends can really change your _______________ in positive ways. 10. The strong winds caused a lot of _______________ to the trees in the park. 11. The new smartphone _______________ an arm and a leg, so I'll have to save up for it. 12. I always have _______________ in my stomach before a big test. II. Write the correct form of the given words. 1. After some repairs, the old house became more _______________ for the new family. (LIVE) 2. John is very ______________ and always makes new friends at parties. (SOCIETY) 3. It was _______________ of him to forget his mother's birthday. (THOUGHT) 4. The _______________ gave an interesting lecture about ancient Rome. (HISTORY) 5. Good news can really _______________ people and brighten their day. (EXCITEMENT) 6. Many _______________ visit the Eiffel Tower when they go to Paris. (SIGHTSEEING) 7. Children often have _______________ friends when they're young. (IMAGINE) 8. Speaking in public requires a lot of _______________. (CONFIDENT) 9. Sarah was _______________ when she didn't get the job she wanted. (DISAPPOINT) 10. The experiment was conducted _______________ to ensure accurate results. (SCIENCE)
________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises III. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 1. Eating too much junk food can result __________ health problems. 2. Many people are scared __________ speaking in public. 3. I'm really looking forward __________ my summer vacation next month. 4. Her grandmother passed __________ peacefully in her sleep last night. 5. Social media has a big impact __________ how young people communicate. 6. The teacher will take __________ your phone if you use it during class. 7. She likes to look __________ of the window and watch the birds in her garden. 8. Don't forget to take photos __________ the beautiful scenery during your trip. 9. I have to stay late __________ school today to finish my science project. 10. My family is planning to move __________ a bigger house next year. IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Going on the Tour Without the Phone Imagine going on a tour without your phone. For many, this idea seems like "the end of the (1) __________." We're so used to having our devices with us all the time that leaving them behind can feel scary. But what if I told you it's actually "a piece of (2) __________"? Traveling without a phone can be an amazing experience. You'll notice things you might have missed while staring at a screen. Instead of taking photos, you'll create lasting memories in your mind. Without GPS, you might get lost, but that's part of the adventure. You'll talk to locals for directions, maybe (3) __________ new friends. Reading a paper map can be fun and help you understand the area better. You won't be distracted by calls, messages, or social media. This means more time to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of your destination. You'll feel more present and (4) __________ to the place you're visiting. Sure, it might feel (5) __________ at first. But soon, you'll realize that the world doesn't end without your phone. In fact, a phone-free tour might be the most refreshing vacation you've ever had! 1. A. country B. city C. world D. universe 2. A. bread B. cake C. cookie D. pie 3. A. lose B. find C. avoid D. make 4. A. disconnected B. separated C. connected D. removed 5. A. normal B. comfortable C. familiar D. strange V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. How Did I Get Over the Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy was one of the hardest times in my life. I felt hopeless and scared about the future. However, I knew I had to find a way to overcome it. First, I accepted what had happened and stopped blaming myself. I made a plan to start fresh. I created a budget to manage my money better. I listed all my expenses and cut down on unnecessary ones. I also found a part-time job to increase my income. This helped me save a little money each month. Next, I reached out to a financial advisor. They gave me advice on how to manage my debt and rebuild my credit. I followed their suggestions and slowly, my financial situation improved. I also focused on my mental health. I talked to friends and family about my feelings. Their support made a big difference. I practiced mindfulness and stayed positive, even when things were tough.
________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises Lastly, I educated myself about personal finance. I read books and took online courses. This knowledge gave me confidence and helped me make better decisions. Today, I am financially stable and wiser. Getting over bankruptcy was not easy, but with determination and support, I did it. 1. The word "hopeless" in paragraph 1 is opposite in meaning to __________. A. happy B. hopeful C. excited D. scared 2. The word "unnecessary" in paragraph 2 is opposite in meaning to __________. A. expensive B. essential C. small D. big 3. The word "improved" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________. A. stayed the same B. got worse C. got better D. declined 4. The word "support" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________. A. assistance B. ignorance C. advice D. solitude 5. The word "determination" in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to __________. A. doubt B. willpower C. laziness D. uncertainty V. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Steve Jobs' Life and Achievements Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February, 1955 in San Francisco, USA. His biological parents were not married and gave him up for adoption. He was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. In 1971, Jobs met Steve Wozniak, who was five years older than him, but they bonded over their love of electronics. After high school, Jobs attended Reed College in Oregon, but found the classes boring and dropped out after six months. When Jobs was 21, he and Wozniak started Apple Computers in Jobs' family garage with money they got by selling Jobs' van and Wozniak's scientific calculator. By making computers smaller, cheaper, and accessible to everyday users, their company became a huge success and sales quickly increased. Although Jobs left Apple in 1985, he returned to his post in 1997 when the company needed new ideas. He helped invent new products such as the iMac, the iBook for students, the iPod music player, and iTunes music software. In 2007, he introduced the touch-screen iPhone which changed the way phones were used. Apple products were not only designed to be cutting-edge technology, but also to be stylish and easy to use. In addition, Jobs contributed to computer animation. In 1986, he bought a small company, which later became Pixar Animation Studios. It produced the first full-length computer-animated film Toy Story, followed by other blockbusters. In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer. He fought the disease for several years, and stopped working in August, 2011. Two months later, he passed away. He had four children, three with his wife of 20 years and one from a previous relationship. On an Apple web page, a statement reads, 'Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. 1. The word "adopted" in paragraph 1 is opposite in meaning to __________. A. rejected B. biological C. fostered D. accepted 2. The word "dropped out" in paragraph 1 is opposite in meaning to __________. A. continued B. enrolled C. graduated D. excelled 3. The word "cutting-edge" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________. A. outdated B. innovative C. traditional D. ordinary 4. The word "passed away" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to __________. A. recovered B. retired C. died D. disappeared
________________________________________________________________________________________________ I learn smart world 12 - Exercises 5. The word "genius" in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to __________. A. amateur B. prodigy C. expert D. enthusiast GRAMMAR I. Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. Mr. Harry (serve) _______________ in the army from 1980 to 1985. 2. The students (study) _______________ English at this time last night. 3. What ________________you (begin) _______________to do three years ago? 4. What (happen) _______________ to you yesterday? 5. What _______________you (do) _______________ at 7:00 p.m. yesterday? 6. They were having tea when the doorbell (ring) _______________. 7. When I came into the office, my boss (wait) _______________ for me. 8. My father was smoking his pipe while my mother (read) _______________ a magazine. 9. When I (see) ________________ Brian, he (drive) _______________ a taxi. 10. He (arrive) ________________ while we (have) _______________ dinner. 11. While they (play) _______________ chess, we (do) _______________ the shopping. 12. We (not see) ________________ him since he (get) ________________ married. 13. - Do you like swimming, Tom? – I (do) ________________ when I was a child but not now. 14. She (learn) ________________ English when she (be) ________________ six years old. 15. They (play) _________________ football when the lights in the stadium (go) _______________ out. 16. While George and John (clean) _______________ their room, she (do) _______________ the ironing. 17. I (not know) _______________ how to dance when I (be) _______________ six years old. 18. While my mum (not be) _______________at home, I (do) _______________ my homework. 19. When I (be) ________________ a little boy, I used to climb trees and go swimming in the river with my friends. 20. When I (get) _______________ home, everyone was watching TV. 21. While she (talk) _______________ on the phone, the children (start) ________________ fighting and broke a window. 22. When I (be) _______________ at school, we all (study) ________________ Latin. 23. This morning while I was waiting for the bus, the rain (stop) ________________. 24. When ________________ Jane (say) ________________she was sorry? 25. She _______________ (read) her book while they _______________ (play) outside. 26. _______________ you _______________ (notice) anything strange while you _______________ (live) at their house? 27. They _______________ (hang) out all day yesterday. 28. We _______________ (walk) home when we _______________ (see) a kitten in a parking lot. 29. She _______________ (ride) her bike home when someone _______________ (call) her name. 30. We _______________ (run) home yesterday at 3:30 in the afternoon. II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Tony acts as though he _______________ (be) my father. 2. He spends money as if he _______________ (be) the richest man alive. (But he isn’t.) 3. She looks as though she _______________ (have) the answer. (Perhaps she does.) 4. It seemed as though they _______________ (not like) my presentation, and I felt like it _______________ the end of the world. 5. John acts as if he _______________ (know) everyone. (But he doesn’t.) 6. Sarah behaves as if she’s _______________ (discover) a hidden treasure. 7. Mark speaks as though he _______________ (be) an expert on the subject. (But he isn’t.) 8. Anna listens as if she _______________ (understand) every word. (Maybe she does.)

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