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W10 - LINEAR THINKING IN TASK 1 (COMBO 2+3) LINEAR THINKING TO PLAN YOUR REPORT PURPOSE >>> COMBO 1: 1T1C (Trend + Compare) >>> COMBO 2: 2C (Compare 1 + Compare 2) >>> COMBO 3: Mixed (Chart 1 + Chart 2) - TREND - COMPARE REVIEW - COMBO 1 (1T1C) PURPOSE TREND COMPARE (A, B, C, E, D) OVERVIEW TREND COMPARE =>>> General trend =>>> 1st BODY BODY 1: COMPARE (first year) BODY 2: TREND (remaining years) - Start with 1st => follow order - Compare (subtraction/ division/ structure) - Grouping (similar/ insignificant) - end point - change trend /// rank 1st - grouping (similar trend // similar extent) COMBO 3: MIXED >>> treat CHARTS SEPARATELY
CHART 1 Chart 1 Chart 2 Purpose COMPARE (6 areas of employment) TREND (2003-2004) Overview =>>> 1st - F/B =>>> general trend Industrial, transport increase while the other three major areas decrease Body COMPARE - Start with 1st => follow order - Compare (subtraction/ division/ structure) - Grouping (similar/ insignificant) [1] F/B - 1st (39%) => almost double Consultancy (20%) [2] Marketing + others: significantly lower → which share the same percentage of 14% [3] Meanwhile, transport and industrial → bottom the list of major fields, with their respective figures being 9% and 4% TREND - end point - change trend /// rank 1st - grouping (similar trend // extent) [1] Industrial + Transport increase sharply by 8% [2] In contrast, Consultancy + Marketing slightly decrease by 0.5% and 2.5% in the given order [3] Finance and Banking witnessed a similar downward trend, but to a larger extent// but more pronounced, declining by 17% => while other minor areas - remained stable
CHART 2 Chart 1 Chart 2 Purpose TREND (before - after) TREND (before - after) COMPARE (5 levels of satisfaction) Overview general trend =>>> increase TREND: - Very satisfied + satisfied: increase - dissatisfied + very dissatisfied: decrease COMPARE - Before: 1st dissatisfied - After: 1st satisfied >>> positive experience increase Body TABLE (trend) [1] Before: museum welcomed - 74k [2] After refurbishment: the number of visitors increase sharply → 92k COMPARE (before) =>>> 2 SENTENCES [1] Before refurbishment: A half (50%) of respondents - negative feedback, with 40% feeling dissatisfied [2] Negative feedback - slightly higher than positive feedback by 5% TREND (after) =>>> 2 SENTENCES [3] After refurbishment: Negative feedback decrease sharply to 10% =>> as opposed to positive feedback - increase sharply to 75% [4] Meanwhile, no response - stable at a small percentage of 5%

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