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Publisher 's Note We feel happy to present ëThe Secret of Bhaktiyogaí by Nitya Brahmalina Late Shri Jayadayal Goyandka in the hands of our reader devoters who are already familiar with the author and his accomplishments and no more require any introduction. The present book is a compilation of his discourses published in 'The Kalyana-Kalpataru ' from time to time. It contains 24 articles on Bhaktiyoga embracing almost all topics in regard of devotion. How to practise Bhakti, how to meditate upon God, nine forms of Bhakti illustrated and explained with the example of Bharata, the glory of Satsa∆ga quoting some examples of devotees, name, form, sports and secrets of the Lord and the concept of reverence exemplifying with Råma-Kathå, are some important topics and are most valuable for those who are treading the path of devotion. It is in a way a handbook to and beacon light for the beginners and worth reading even for the accomplished devotees. We feel sorry that we could not publish it earlier. In the end we apologise for any shortcomings and request our readers to enlighten us on the point to enable us to remove the errors in future editions. Publisher
II ›r∂ Hari II C O N T E N T S 1. The Glory of Bhagavån ›r∂ K涃a ......... 5 2. How to Work for the Sake of God? ......... 17 3. Glory of the Divine Name and Its Practice ......... 22 4. Supreme Peace Through Knowledge of God ......... 31 5. The Purest Form of Devotion in the Bhågavata ......... 47 6. Glory of the Devotees ......... 65 7. The Divine Name, Form, Sports and Abode ......... 72 8. The Best Use of Time ......... 97 9. Bharata and the Nine Types of Devotion ......... 107 10. An Easy Road to Devotion ......... 139 11. Forms of Worship in the G∂tå ......... 164 12. Bhakti in the G∂tå ......... 190 13. Satsa∆ga and the Characteristics, Greatness and Glory of Devotees with Examples ......... 205 14. Let God Never be Forgotten ......... 222 15. Work for the Sake of God and the Secret of Divine Mercy ......... 235 16. Value of Contemplation on God While Dying ......... 242 17. How to Practise Exclusive Devotion? ......... 251 18. The Glory of Constant Contemplation on God ......... 260 19. Glory of God and Exalted Souls ......... 269 20. Man is Free to Elevate or Degrade Himself ......... 279 21. The Secret of the Lordís Disposition ......... 289 22. The Truth and Secret of the Lordís Essential Character, Birth, Doings, Virtues, Glory and Utterances ......... 296 23. Lessons on Reverence etc., in the Story of ›r∂ Råma ......... 305 24. Glory of Saints or Exalted Souls ......... 313 ❑ ❑
The Glory of Bhagavån ›r∂ K涃a Some friends have asked me to write on the transcendent greatness of Bhagavån ›r∂ K涃a; but, when I deliberate on the subject, I begin to feel my own limitation. When even the Devas (gods), §R¶is (seers) and saints failed to fathom His greatness and majesty, what wonder that an ordinary mortal like me should hesitate to sound the illimitable depth of that divine ocean? Although such is my honest and sincere belief, yet for the satisfaction of my heart and for the pleasure of friends, I am making this attempt to record my humble thoughts on the subject. Readers versed in the sacred lore will kindly overlook my deficiencies and take my words as the prattlings of an immature soul. Bhagavån ›r∂ K涃a was a direct manifestation of the Supreme Brahma (Divinity); in other words, the Supreme Brahma Itself appeared on this earth in the form of ›r∂ K涃a. All our ancient scriptures are full of descriptions of His divine qualities and glory, of the wonderful, instructive and enchanting stories of His L∂lås (Divine activities). It is well-known that the Mahåbhårata, the Jaimin∂yå‹vamedha and Puråƒas such as ›r∂mad Bhågavata and others are interspersed with descriptions of the supernatural Love, glory and majesty of the Lord. To appear at the time of birth in the transcendent form with four hands and then immediately to assume the form of a human child; to show mother Ya‹odå a glimpse of the whole cosmos within the cavity of His mouth; to call into existence new cowherd boys and calves; to appear before Akrμura in the same Form simultaneously within the waters of the Yamunå and as

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