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1 SPEAKING PART 1 Topic 1: Traffic in town 1. How much traffic is there in your town? - Actually, traffic in my town is very heavy/ busy/terrible because there are too many vehicles on the streets, especially in/at the rush hour (thời gian cao điểm). 2. What are common means of transport in your town? - Honestly, the two most common means of transport in my town are motorbikes and cars. - Actually, the most popular means of transport in my city is the motorbike simply because it is convenient for everybody to travel around. 3. What are solutions to traffic jams? - In fact, there are many possible solutions to traffic jams. First, the government should widen the roads/streets. Secondly, people should use public transportation such as buses, the subway, or sky trains. Finally, people/ citizens/ residents should avoid using private vehicles in/at the rush hour. Topic 2: Public transport 1. What is your favourite means of public transportation? - Well, my favorite public transportation is bus because the fare is very cheap, about 6.000 VND for a ride. 2. What is the most popular means of transport in your city? - Actually, the most popular means of transport in my city is the motorbike simply because it is convenient for everybody to travel around. 3. What are the benefits of using public transportion? - Actually, there are many benefits of using public transportation. Firstly, using public transportation is economical/ cost-saving/ cost-effective. Bus fares are quite cheap/inexpensive. Secondly, using public transportation helps to protect the environment because it reduces greenhouse effects and air pollution. Finally, using public transportation reduces traffic jams/ traffic congestion in big cities. Topic 3: Accidents 1. Have you ever been injured in a road accident? - Yes, I have been injured in a road accident. It happened ___ years ago/ in (year). Luckily, my injuries weren’t serious, just a few scratches and bruises on my legs. - No, I have never been injured in a road accident because I’m a careful driver. I always drive at normal speed, follow traffic laws/ regulations, and observe the streets carefully when turning left or right onto another street. 2. How can people avoid traffic accidents?
2 - There are many ways to avoid traffic accident. For example, people should + V0. Ways to avoid traffic accidents: ● Be careful when driving and avoid distractions such as listening to music, talking on the phone and texting. ● Always follow traffic laws/ regulations such as stopping at a red light (dừng đèn đỏ), paying attention to traffic signs on the street, driving at a reasonable speed/ keeping to the speed limit/ avoiding speeding, wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle/ motorbike. ● Call a taxi or ask a friend to take us home when we are drunk. ● Have our car checked and maintained regularly to make sure that all mechanical problems are fixed. 3. What will you do if you see someone who gets injured on the street? I think it depends on each situation. Giải thích: (câu điều kiện loại 1). - Have/ experience/ suffer minor/ slight injuries, have some minor scratches (vết trầy xước) and cuts - Have/ experience/ suffer extensive/ serious/ fatal (head/ leg/ spinal) injuries, have a broken leg/ arm, (an injury) bleeds a lot, become unconscious. - Be trained in first aid (được tập huấn sơ cấp cứu), give first aid to a patient (sơ cứu), call an ambulance Topic 4: Bank 1. Have you ever been to a bank in your area? - Yes, I have. I usually/ often go to a bank near my house/ my office/ my company/ my workplace. It is called… It takes me … minutes to ride/drive/go there. 2. What did you do there? - Actually, I went to the bank to deposit and withdraw my money. - I went there to open a savings account/ withdraw money/ pay my bills/ do some business transactions (thực hiện giao dịch kinh doanh). 3. How does the ATM service in your area work? - In fact, the ATM service in my area works very well. I can withdraw money whenever I can. The service is fast and safe/ secure. - In fact, the ATM service in my area is bad/ terrible/ awful. I cannot withdraw money whenever I want/ The ATM often runs out of money/ The ATM often malfunctions and swallows my (bank) card. The service is slow and unsafe/ insecure. Topic 5: Mobile phone service 1. How often do you use a mobile phone? Why?
3 - Actually, I use my mobile phone every day because it’s an important part of my daily life. I use it to make phone calls, check emails, send text messages and take photos. I also use it to search information on the Internet when I study. 2. Are you satisfied with your mobile phone service? - Well, I am quite/ rather/ pretty satisfied/ pleased with my mobile phone service because it has good/strong signal/ reception. The mobile service provider also offers a wide choice of plans and special discounts. 3. What makes a good mobile phone service? - Honestly, the good reception makes a good mobile phone service. - Personally, I think, there are many factors to make a good phone service such as the quality of reception, more priorities and promotions. Topic 6: Family 1. Who are you closest to in your family? - Well, I think I’m closest to my mother of all my family members because she’s a sympathetic and understanding person. When I have problems or sad things, I can talk to my mother and know that she always has useful advice for me. 2. Who often makes decisions in your family? - Well, I live in a close-knit and open-minded family, so my parents/ my husband and I/ my wife and I often talk through things/problems together before making final decisions. I believe family members have equal rights to share/express their opinions. 3. Would you like to be the one who makes decisions in your family? - Perhaps, I would like to make decisions because it helps me become more responsible and mature. Topic 7: Music 1. Do you often listen to music? - Actually, I often listen to music everyday/ before I go to bed/ when I work/study/ when I feel stressed. - I like / love/ enjoy pop and rap 2. What is your favorite band? - Well, my favorite band is…., a famous music band in Vietnam. - There are…members in the band. They are all very talented, so they have a lot of fans. The lead singer has a nice-sounding voice. - Some of their popular/ famous songs are…
4 - I don’t often listen to boybands or girl bands, but my favorite singer is…He/ She is not only good-looking/ handsome/ beautiful but also very talented. He/ She even writes/ composes his/her own songs. Some of his/ her famous songs are… 3. What are the benefits of music? - To be honest, music makes me relaxed/ happy/ calms my nerves. In addition, listening to music helps me to reduce stress. Whenever I do my homework, I always listen to classical or ambient music which helps me to concentrate on my work/assignments. Topic 8: Music Types of music: pop, rock, rap, jazz, classical (cổ điển), Vietnamese folk music (dân ca Việt Nam), Vietnamese Bolero /bəˈlerəʊ/, hip-hop, K-pop, blues 1. Who is your favourite singer? - Well, I am a big fan of My Tam because she is talented and beautiful. 2. Can you name a song that describes yourself? - Honestly, the name of a song that describe myself is “I have a dream’ 3. What kinds of music do you like best? - Well, I like rap music/rock music / Ballad/ Bolero/ pop best because I like the lyrics and tune. To tell the truth, I am very fond of / keen on rap/rock because I think it is exciting. Topic 9: Talk about the game show 1. What game show on TV do you watch? - Actually, I usually watch Running man / Master chef/ The Masked Singer/ Lightning Quiz Vietnam/ Vietnam Idol/ Rap Viet because it is fun and entertaining. It is shown on TV/Youtube on Thursday evening at 9 p.m. 2. Do you prefer to watch alone or with someone else? - Well, I want to watch TV with my friends and family because it is more interesting. We can talk about the players and answer the questions together. 3. What are the benefits of watching game shows? Actually, watching game shows helps people relax and reduce stress after a stressful day at work/school. Some quiz shows also help the audience widen their knowledge. Topic 10: Sleeping habit 1. How many hours a day do you sleep? - Honestly, I sleep 6 hours a day because I have many things to do. For example,… 2. How important is it to have a good sleep?

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