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364 LEET-Question Bank e.g.-The ants fought the warps. tense is used for an action that began before a certain point in the 2. Intransitive Verb: An intransitive verb is a verb that denotes an action which does not pass over to an object or which expresses a state or being. past e.g. At the time he had been writing a novel for two months. e.g.-Some ants fight very fiercely. FUTURE TENSE PRESENT TENSE a The simple future tense is used to talk about things which is going to be happened in the nearest future. The uses of the present and past tenses: e.g. I shall be twenty next saturday The simple present tense is used Future continuous tense: Future continuous tense is used to talk about actions which shall be in progress at a time in the future. i) To express a habitual action e.g. He drinks tea every morning. (i) To express general truths e.g. I suppose it will be raining when we start. e.g. The sun rises in the east. Future perfect tense: The future perfect tense is used to Present continuous talk about actions that will be completed by a certain future time. tense: The present continuous tense is used e.g. I shall have written my exercise by them. (a) For an action going at the time of speaking Future perfect continuous: Future perfect continuous tense e.g. She is used for actions which will be in progress over a period of is singing (now). (b) For a time that will end in the future. temporary action which may or may not be actually happening at the time of speaking. e.g. I am reading this book. e.g. I will have been teaching for twenty years. Present perfect tense: THE GERUND The present perfect tense is used Definition: The words which are used as the subject of a verb, and hence does the work of a noun is calleda gerund. (a) To indicate completed activites in the immediate past (with just) or e.g. He has just gone out A gerund is that from of the verb which ends in - ing and has the force of a noun and a verb. (b) To express past actions whose time is not given and not definite E.g-Playing cards is not allowed here e.g. Have you read 'Gulliver's Travels'? I like Mr. Hari reading poetry has been to Japan He is fond of hoarding money Present perfect continuous tense: As both the gerund and infinitive have the force of a noun and a verb, they have the same uses. Thus, in many sentences either of them may be used without any special diference in meaning, as The present perfect continuous is used for an action which began at some time in the past and is still continuing e.g. He has been sleaping for five hours. E.g. Teach me to swim PASTTENSE Teach me swimming To see is to believe The simple past tense is used for an action completed in the past. Seeing is believing e.g. The streamer sailed yesterday To give is better than to receive Past continuous tense: The past continuous tense is used Giving is better than receiving to denote an action going on at some time in the past. e.g. it was geting darker. THE PREPOSITION Past perfect tense: The past perfect tense describes an action completed before a certain moment in the past. Definition: A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else. e.g.I had seen him last five years ago. Past perfect continuous tense: The past perfect continuous E.g.-There is a cow in the field www.way2poly.in
English 365 He is fond of tea Dawn appear, sunrise, begin Gay - happyl, jolly The cat jumped off the chair Deadly- fatal, Iethal Generous-noble, liberal The words Gratification -satisfaction, in, of, off are used as prepositions Deceit fraud, cheating enjoyment Kinds of prepositions: There are three kinds of prepositions: Defend -protect, support Grief- sorrow, distress Deliberate-knowingly done, intentional Grumble utter, emit, let out Objectionable - offensive, undesirable ) Simple prepositions: At, by, in, for, from, off, on, out, through, till, to, up, with. (ii) Compound prepositions: About, above, across, along, amidst, among, amongst, around, before, behind etc. Hamper - block, obstruct Hasty-speedy, rapid Obscene-indecent, filthy Havoc -ruin, destruction Outrage- insult Pious- holy Pragmatic- empirical Heterogenous- different, diverse (i) Phrase prepositions: According to, in accordance with, in place of, along with, in addition to etc. Hoax - dupe, befool Horrible-dreadful, frightful Providential - fortunate, lucky Humorous - amusing, comical Quandary - dilemmap, plight THE CONJUNCTION Idolise adore, worship Queer- strange, odd Ilustrious- distinguished, eminent Quirk- twist Definition: A conjunction is a word which merelyjoins together sentences and sometimes words. Impassioned -fervent, fanatical Radiant -brilliant, bright Implicit- implied, inferred Raffle-gift, present, give E.g.-Bala and Vithal are good bowlers Impure dirty, unchaste Ramshackle - dilapidated, rickety Rash incautious, hasty The man is poor but honest Incapable- incompetent, unable Incense ensafe, anger Reasonable - cheap, fair Here, and, but are conjunctions Industrious -diligent, hard-working Relinquish- abondon Some conjunctions are used in pairs, as Inevitable-unavoidable, certain Repudiate - disclaim Either or - Either take it or leave it Instigate - arouse, misguide Salacious- obscene, foui Interesting-alluring, fascinating Secret- confidential, unrevealed Neither - nor - It is neither useful nor ornamental Jargon - lingo, shoptalk Sedition - incitement, insurgence Jolly-Delight, happy Justify defend, exonerate Stag-spy, monitor, supervise Tidy neat SYNONYMS Juxtaposition - closeness, nearness Keen -penetrating, piercing Trifling-trivial, frivolous Tyranny-despotism, autocrary Unblemished - spotless, clean Words similar in meaning to a given word e.g. Lacerate - tear, mayfle Abac a monogram Delinquent - culprit, criminal Lasting -permanent, continuing Undulation - vibration Aback- backwardness Detest- abhor, dislike Latent- hidden, concealed Urbane -polite, civil Abacus-a counting frame Diligence- care, industry Urgent- priority Vague obscure, bignous Lax - vague, loose Abandon- desert, forsake Divert-turnaside, deviate Lethargy- torpid, stopper Easy moderate, convenient Ebb decay, decline Abdicate give up, relinguish Liable - accountable Venue - a meeting place, location for Abnormal-unnatural, unusual an event Absolute- unrestricted, unconditioned Echo reverberation, imitation Limpsid-clear, pure Loathe despise, abhor Verbal-words other than things Abundant-ample, plentiful, enough Ecstacy enhancement, capture Vigilant - cautious, alert Accede - enter, give in, submit Egoist-self centered, self-conceited Lucid-plain, clear Weak-feeble Ambition - aspiration, zeal Elaborate - explain, discuss Mad - crazy Wordy-verbose Amnesty - pardon, excuse, forgive Encroach- infringe, trespass Marvellous -wonderful Woddly- earthly, carnal Astonish - amaze, surprise Enmity -hostile, hate Monotonous - tiresome, unvaried Yield-surrender, submit Axiom - truth, maxim Entice allre, attract Myth- legend Zeal- eagermess, passion Benevolent - generous, charitable human Envy -jealousy, ill-will Extraneous -unrelated, Narrow- thin, slender Zest enthusiasm, gusto Zonam needy Bogus shame, counterfeit Nuisane annoyance unconnected Zymurgy-a branch of chemistry Zythum -ancient writer Nullify - abolish Fabricate construct forge Failure default, lack of success Brave courageous, daring Nuptial- marriage Brutal-savage, cruel Oath- pledge Zythum - ancient writer Calm Fair spotless, unblemished - impassive, peaceful Cancel- annul, write off Chaste pure, virgin Fatigue exhaustion, tiredness Flexible-variable, changeable Fraudulent -dishonest, deceptive ANTONYMS Claim-demand, require Acquitted - convicted Adhere disregard Abase to increase Conceal- hide, cover Confer- admit, agree Convict-culprit, criminal Furious-angry, wild Futile useless, hopeless Ability inability Abrupt gradual Gallant-brave, bold Advance - retreat Crazy mad, insane Garner collect, gather Absurd rational Affirmative - negative www.way2poly.in
366 LEET-Question Bank Accord dissent Agile inactive Exactly approximately Panic serenity/normal Accumulate - scatter Alien native Exonerate - blame Persuade dissuade Belittle praise Leap - fall Legal- illegal Eplicit implicit Perverse aggreable Pillory (condemn) - appreciate Bequeath - withhold Febled - existent Blessing- curse Lend - borrow Fickle constant Polite rude Carping acquiescent Lenient strict Limber unbending Flexible rigid Forlorn - happy Prejudicial - harmless Cause effect Proud - humble Celibacy - matrimony Magnificent poorness Fragile - robust Queer Common Cheap expensive Malevolence - kindness Frail strong Qulet- noisy Conceal reveal Meagre bountiful Frugal - lavish Rare common Condemn - acquit Mild - harsh Galare few Rear front Confine release Monogamy - polygamy Generous - selfish Refind- boorish Courageous - timid Morose cheerful Genuine fake Credible - dubious Creepy - inoffensive Religious - secular Mysterious clear Gracious- churlish Retrospective - prospective Naive Urbane Grief- Joy Robust-feeble Deletorious - beneficial Near remote Guile truth Sacred profane Dependable - unreliable Objective -subjective Guilt - innocence Depressing - uplifting Diligent- lazy Sagacious (wise) - foolish Salvage- lose Selfish generous Obstinate - enrich Hatred Love Obvious -hidden Hinder encourage Eager reluctant Elegance ugliness Enemy ally Opponent- ally Humble proud Opposite same Slander commendationSlander - commendation Overlapping - different www.way2poly.in

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