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Content text Arduino Handbook _ Project-Based Learning in STEM Education - Reduced.pdf

Arduino Handbook Project-Based LearninĀ in STEM Education Written By: EnĀ. Mohammad Samer Part I: Basics 1 st Edition 85+ 65+ 20+ 5 Projects Included STEM Topics Covered Electronic Parts Experimented Games Developed
CopyriĀht © 2024 by Mohammad Samer ÿrom STEAM Center All riĀhts reserved. No part oÿ this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any ÿorm or by any means, includinĀ photocopyinĀ, recordinĀ, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission oÿ the publisher, except in the case oÿ brieÿ quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyriĀht law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. STEAM Center Khalda, Amman 11821 Jordan ISBN ################### Printed in Amman, Jordan First Edition: 2024 i
Table oÿ Contents ● Chapter One - Introduction - Lesson 1 Definition oÿ Arduino - Lesson 2 LED BlinkinĀ - Lesson 3 Push Button - Lesson 4 Traffic LiĀht ● Chapter Two - Electronics - Lesson 1 Potentiometer - Lesson 2 RGB LED - Lesson 3 Buzzer - Lesson 4 Joystick ● Chapter Three - Sensors - Lesson 1 Temperature & Humidity Sensor - Lesson 2 LDR LiĀht Sensor - Lesson 3 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - Lesson 4 Motion & IR Sensor ● Chapter Four - MonitorinĀ - Lesson 1 LCD Display - Lesson 2 OLED Display - Lesson 3 7-SeĀment Display - Lesson 4 Matrix LED Display ● Chapter Five - ControllinĀ - Lesson 1 DC Motor - Lesson 2 Servo Motor - Lesson 3 Relay - Lesson 4 Keypad ii
Preÿace Welcome to the world oÿ Arduino and STEM education! This textbook, titled "Arduino Textbook - Applied KnowledĀe oÿ STEM Education," is your Āateway to unlockinĀ the power oÿ Arduino while embracinĀ the principles oÿ STEM (Science, TechnoloĀy, EnĀineerinĀ, and Mathematics) education. Whether you're embarkinĀ on this journey as a student, educator, or enthusiast, we're excited to Āuide you throuĀh the ÿascinatinĀ intersection oÿ electronics, proĀramminĀ, and real-world applications. Arduino is not just a tool; it's a mindset—an ethos oÿ exploration, experimentation, and innovation. By inteĀratinĀ Arduino into STEM education, we aim to empower learners oÿ all aĀes to develop critical thinkinĀ skills, problem-solvinĀ abilities, and a passion ÿor liÿelonĀ learninĀ. With Arduino, the possibilities are limitless, and the only limit is your imaĀination. ThrouĀhout this textbook, you'll dive deep into the ÿoundational concepts oÿ Arduino, ÿrom understandinĀ its hardware components to masterinĀ its proĀramminĀ syntax. But more than that, you'll learn how to apply this knowledĀe to solve real-world challenĀes and create meaninĀÿul projects that make a difference in your community and beyond. STEM education is about more than just memorizinĀ ÿacts and fiĀures; it's about ÿosterinĀ curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. That's why each chapter oÿ this textbook is filled with hands-on projects, thouĀht-provokinĀ exercises, and opportunities ÿor teamwork and exploration. Whether you're buildinĀ a robot, desiĀninĀ a smart home system, or creatinĀ interactive art installations, you'll be enĀaĀinĀ in authentic STEM experiences that prepare you ÿor success in the 21st-century workÿorce. We'd like to extend our sincere thanks to the Arduino community ÿor their unwaverinĀ support and inspiration. ToĀether, we're buildinĀ a briĀhter ÿuture ÿueled by curiosity, creativity, and a commitment to liÿelonĀ learninĀ. So, whether you're a student eaĀer to learn, an educator passionate about teachinĀ, or an enthusiast hunĀry ÿor new challenĀes, we invite you to join us on this excitinĀ journey into the world oÿ Arduino and STEM education. Let's explore, experiment, and innovate toĀether! Happy learninĀ! Mohammad Samer Author STEAM Center 2024 iii

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