Content text 2023 Apr-May-Operating Systems.pdf
Printed Pages -- 4 Roll No. : B022315(22) April-May 2023 (CSE Branch) B. Tech. (Third Semester) Examination, (New Scheme) OPERATING SYSTEMS Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 100 Minimum Pass Marks : 35 Unit-I RAIPUR 1. (a) What is an opcrating system, explain. LIBRARY Note : Attempt all questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory & carry equal 4 marks. Attempt any two from (b), (c) and (d) & carry equal 8 marks. State assumptions clearly (if anv). RAIPURc.G) B022315(22) (b) Briefly describe the various services ofan operating system. (c) Describe the main devclopments of operating system that occurred at cach computer gencration. 19010WHO PTO
(d) What do you mean by system call? Explain with example. 2. (a) What is difference between Independent process and dependent process? | 2| (b) Explain various states of a process with state transition diagram. (c) Explain process control block. Unit-lI (d) If the different jobs and their arrival time and burst Process No. time is given below find average waiting time using FCFS & preemptive SJF (SRTF). P P2 P3 Arrival time 2 3 Unit-III 3. (a) Define deadlock with example. (b) How will you avoid deadlock? B022315(22) Burst time 4 9 5 (c) Explain Banker's algorithm & Safety algorithm. (d) Consider following current allocation Process P, |3| P2 P, Allocation R, R, R 2 23 2 0 3 1 2 4 In the current state Max R, R, R, R, R, R, 3 68 4 3 3 (i) Is the current allocation state safe Unit-IV 3 4 4 (ii) Would the following request be granted Process P, request (1, 1, 0) Process P, request (0, 1, 0) Available 77 10 4. (a) Explain the main function of the memory management unit. BO22315(22) (b) Explain the concept of thrashing with example (c) Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the foliowing hole size in memory order 10 kB, 4 kB, 20 kB, 18 kB, 7 kB, 9 kB, 12 kB and 15 kB. Which hole in taken for successive segment requests of: PTO
() 12 kB (ü) 10 kB (i) 9 kB For first fit, best fit? |4| (d) Explain paging with example. Unit-V 5. (a) Explain thc concept of Inode. (b) Write different file atttributes and operations. (c) Explain the namei algorthm with the help ofexanpke (B) SSTI (d) Suppose that a disk drive has 181 cylinders, nunbered 0 to 180. The drive is currently serving request at cylinder 60, and the previOus request was at cylinder 50. The queue of pending request, n FIFO order is 87, 170, 40, 150, 36, 72, 66, I5 Startng from the head poston what s the average hcad movement akÍ what Is the total no. of head movement nceded to satisfy these rquest for the kolkowmg donk whadulg alg ithIN B0221522)