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Các dạng câu hỏi trong part 2 TOEIC và Cách trả lời. Câu hỏi WH-Question: • WHERE • Giới từ (in/ on/ at/ to/ from/ ...) + nơi chốn hoặc Danh từ chỉ một nơi chốn cụ thể In/ at/ on To/from Next to/ near/ over/ across/ around in the front (back) row in the parking lot in the supply cabinet in Paris at the corner of the street at the customer service desk at the front desk at the end of this road on the web site to the airport to Miami to the address below from ms. Kazmi from Madrid next to the movie theater near fourth avenue over at that window/ over there directly across from the old one across the street around the corner • Hướng dẫn đường đi: Go to + place hoặc go + place Ex: Go up to the third floor/ Take the stairs to the third floor ... • Đôi khi đáp án đúng phải dựa vào nghĩa Ex: Where is the annual report? => Maria took it early this morning. • WHEN • Quãng thời gian + AGO Ex: Two days ago/ three years ago/ a couple of weeks ago • When + Mệnh đề ở quá khứ Ex: When I visited the company • When + Mệnh đề ở hiện tại Ex: When prices fall/ When my husband arrives • Những cụm từ chỉ thời gian in/on /at /by + mốc thời gian In about an hour In March In the late afternoon On Friday At 5 o’clock At 7 At 2 sharp By Thursday The day before yesterday By tomorrow Tomorrow morning Last year Right away Pretty soon Quite recently No later than Friday Not until January At the end of the month At the next marketing meeting Sometime next spring After more tests are completed Before the end of this week As soon as I sign the lease Early next month Six months from now
• WHO • Tên người (Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Dr. ) Ex: Mr. Martinez/ Ms. Cathy/ Mrs. Huber/ Dr. Peter/ Francis/ .... • Vị trí/ chức vụ trong công ty Chairperson Project manager Assistant Board members Financial consultant one of my colleagues Accountant director Support technician proprietor inspector secretary • Tên công ty/ phòng ban công ty Sales department Shipping department Marketing department Publicity department Human resources department (HR department) Accounting department Customer service department Maintenance department Research and development department Technical support department Legal department Billing department • Tên nghề nghiệp Ex: The reporter/ An architect/ I guess a student made it ... • Đại từ: Ex: I do/ I’ll take it/ Someone from personnel ... • WHY • To-V Ex: Why are you going to Paris on Friday? => To help open our new branch. • Because/ because of/ Due to/ Since/ As Why are you working so late this evening? => Because I have to finish this project. Why was the staff meeting called off? => As there was a scheduling conflict. Why did Mrs. Chang leave early? => Since she had a doctor’s appointment. • Nói nguyên nhân nhưng lược bỏ “because” Ex: Why did we change our office supplier? => (Because) Their deliveries were always late. • Thể hiện ý kiến cá nhân/ lời giải thích Ex: Why aren’t the computers working? => I think there is a problem with the main power. • WHAT/ WHICH • What/ Which + N (what time/ color/ kind of + N/ ...) What time will the movie start? => Five o’clock. What color would you like the outside to be? => Green. What is the deadline on the Blair proposal? => A month from now.
Which office is yours, Jim? => The one on the right. • Dạng đưa ra mệnh lệnh cho câu hỏi “What should I do ....?” Ex: What should I do with this package? => Give it to the manager. • Ý kiến cá nhân cho câu hỏi “What do you think of ...?/ What’s your opinion ...?” => câu trả lời thường có Adj What’s your opinion of the bank’s new lending policy? => I think it’s a little bit dangerous. What do you think of my new scarf? => It looks nice on you. • HOW • Câu hỏi How much / How many? How much is this stapler ? => Two dollars / euros / pounds/ yen/ cents How much milk do you need? => Two cartons, please. How many people have come? => About a hundred. / Several, I can’t remember. • How long/ How often? How long has the company been in business? => It was established in 1993/ Since 1993/ Over 10 years so far/ For 10 years How often do you go to the gym? => Every Friday/ Once a week/ Three times a week/ Usually just on Saturdays/ On a daily basis. • How soon/ early/ quickly/ late? How soon can you deliver the item? => Next Monday at the latest. • How + S + get/go/come + to a place? => By + phương tiện đi / Hướng dẫn đường đi. How did you come here? => By train/ taxi/ bus/ motorbike How can I go to the univeristy from here? => Take the number 11 bus. • How + S + pay ...? => In cash / By cash/ by check/ by credit card • How + be + N?/ How + S + like? => Hỏi cảm nhận, thường có Adj. How was your trip to Thailand? => I had the greatest time in my life/ I enjoyed it. How do you like the new copy machine ? => It’s much faster than the last one. Câu hỏi Yes/No • Thường bắt đầu bởi các từ hỏi: BE/DO/HAVE • Câu hỏi đuôi (dùng để xác nhận thông tin) • Câu hỏi phủ định (từ hỏi phủ định đầu câu)  Nghe Yes/ No + detail *** LƯU Ý VỚI CÂU HỎI YES/NO QUESTIONS (NEGATIVE và TAG QUESTIONS) • Do you love English? • Don't you love English? • You love English, don't you? • You don't love English, do you? => Cả 4 câu hỏi đều có chung cách trả lời - Yes, I do. (Yes, I love English) - No, I don't. (No, I don't love English)
Câu đề nghị/ yêu cầu: Thường bắt đầu bởi các từ hỏi: Can you/ Could you/ would you mind / Would you like/ How about/ why don’t /Do you want/ May I/ Can I/ Could I/ Do you want me to .../ Cách trả lời đồng ý/ Từ chối ĐỒNG Ý TỪ CHỐI You bet/ Certainly/ Absolutely/ Sure/ Definitely/ Why not?. Not at all. If you’re not too busy. If it’s not too much trouble. If you don’t mind. Be my guest/ Go ahead/ By all means. No problem. Suit yourself/ Help yourself. What an excellent idea! That’s a good idea! Yes, please! Yes, that would be great! I’d love to/ I’d be happy to/ I’m glad to. That sounds good to me. I’d appreciate that. OK, I’ll be sure to do that. Thanks, I’d like that. I’m sorry, (but)... I’ve never consider that. I’d rather not. I can manage, thanks./ I can handle it, thanks. Sorry, I have an appointment, then. I’m almost done, thanks. Thanks, but I have other plans. Let me think about it. I’m afraid I can’t./ I’m afraid not. I wish I could, but I’m very busy. Câu hỏi lựa chọn: a or b Chọn A hoặc B “Cái nào cũng được” Cả A và B/ Không chọn cái nào I prefer green I’ll go with the red one The earlier the better Let’s do the letter first I don’t mind driving Now would be fine Monday is best for me. The soup sounds good. Whatever you prefer. Whichever costs less. Anywhere is fine Either is fine./ Either one is fine with me. I don’t care It doesn’t matter (to me) It doesn’t make any difference. I’ll leave it to you./ It’s up to you. I don’t have a preference. Both of them would be fine I like both./ I like all of them. I don’t like either (of them) None of them./ I prefer neither. Neither, thanks I like neither of them. Câu Statement: Đáp án có thể • Có thể là một câu hỏi lại (I have a job interview on Monday morning => How was it?) • Có thể là một thái độ hưởng ứng ( I have won a prize => Wow, that’s great)

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