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Content text Political science Question No 02 What is political science explain in detail Approaches to study pol science..pdf

ALVI LAW ASSOCIATS 0313-4384159 Regards: Wajeeh Ahsan Alvi (M.A, LLB, DTL) Contact No: 0313-4384159 NOTE: These notes are the intellectual property of ALVI LAW ASSOCIATES by WAJEEH AHSAN ALVI not for sale not for Re-forward if anyone found in any of above activity will responsible for the consequences. If you are going to study these Notes, I’ll recommend you to take lecture of these questions for better understanding and concept building then you will be better able to understand the question and answer accordingly. All lectures and important stuff is available on my YouTube channel. Channel name Alvi Law Associates. For free notes and lectures series WhatsApp only. Here is the playlist of all lectures of POLITICAL SCIENCE you can watch lecture of this question from here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiEZFvQ9lXk&list=PLXTP ClsX2hdBL34VyqjAniEwHfaKKM3co&pp=iAQB Question # 02: What is political science. write a detailed note on different approaches to study political science? (Traditional and modern approaches)? 1. INTRODUCTION: Political science is the study of power, governance, and the behavior of individuals and groups within a political system. It examines the structures and processes of government, international relations, and public policy. Such a knowledge that discusses the problems relating to the state is called political science.
2. MEANINGS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE: The word "political" is derived from "polis," meaning "city" or "city-state." The word "science" in Latin is derived from the word "scientia," which means "knowledge" or "understanding." Therefore, when we combine the Latin meanings of "political" and "science," we can interpret "political science" as "the knowledge or understanding of the affairs of the city or state." 3. DEFINITION OF POLITICAL SCIENCE: ❖According to Aristotle: “Political science id the knowledge of city state.” ❖According to Dictionary of modern politics: “Political science is the name of study of politics and political behavior.” 4. OBJECT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE: The object of studying political science is to analyze and understand the systems, institutions, and processes involved in governance, power, and decision-making within societies and across different political contexts. 5. IMPORTANCE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE: Political science is vital as it analyzes power dynamics, governance, and public policies, providing insights into decision-making processes. Understanding politics helps shape effective policies and promotes a well-functioning society. 6. APPROACHES TO STUDY POLITICAL SCIENCE: When political science is studied, basically it has two methods of study political science. One method is based on the past traditions and customs, where as the other method is based on the modernity of the state and scientific
method of thinking. So, we can say that there are two approaches to study political science. I. Traditional approach. II. Modern approach. 7. TRADITIONAL APPROACH: There are several traditional methods used to study political science. Here are a few of them. • Experimental Method: In this method scientists create controlled situations to see how people act politically, helping us understand behavior through systematic testing. • Observational Method: In this method researchers watch and record real political events without changing them, providing insights into natural behaviors and patterns. • Comparative Method: In comparative method the Political scientists compare different countries or regions to identify patterns, helping us understand the impact of various factors on politics. • Biological Method: This approach explores how genetics and evolution influence political behavior, revealing the biological roots of political attitudes and actions. • Psychological Method: By examining individual and group behaviors, this method uncovers why people make specific political choices by delving into cognitive processes and motivations.
• Judicial Method: Studying legal decisions and their impact on politics, researchers analyze court rulings to understand how law shapes political structures. • Historical Method: By exploring past political events, this method helps us understand how politics has evolved, providing insights into the factors shaping today's political landscapes. 8. MODERN METHODS OR APPROACHES: Here are some modern methods to study political science. • Statistical Method: Statistical methods in political science use numbers to find patterns and predict political trends. By counting and analyzing data, researchers can make informed predictions about election outcomes and understand the impact of policies. • Behavioral Method: The behavioral approach in political science studies how individuals and groups behave in politics. Examining voter choices and political participation helps understand how people influence political decisions and shape the course of government actions. • Development Method: The development method focuses on a nation's progress, exploring how political decisions impact economic growth and social well-being. Researchers analyze policies to understand their role in shaping a country's overall development. • Communication Method:

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